
Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Gift

I received the most lovely gift this year. The person giving it to me
spent a great deal of time wrapping it. Beautiful paper with
a great floral picture on it and gold trim, generously covered the
present. Ribbons brightly colored, curled and sprinkled across
the top of it. It was a beautiful sight. I left it on my table just to
look at it. I really hated to open it, it was so beautifully wrapped.

It sat there a long time, and I noticed as the days passed
the paper started to lose some of it's color as dust settled in
and the light faded it. The ribbons didn't look as perky and bright
as they used to. I realized the present had lost some of
it's luster and it didn't seem as important somehow. Soon
it became neglected and unnoticed.

Many of us do this with our spiritual lives. We start out in love
with God. We buy a Bible, we read it vigorously for a time.
We get involved in a church and enjoy the fellowship. Then after
time the cares of this life distract us. We get upset that
someone at the church didn't meet our expectations or let us down
and we carry it around as if it was a badge of honor. Soon we find
our spirit has changed, and our enthusiasm for church or
even God's word has changed, because we have changed.
Our focus is no longer on God, or improving ourselves,
or encouraging our spirit to look to God for our needs and
answers. Our focus has turned to what is wrong,
and what is heavy, and what we don't have, and what we need to do.

We are neglecting the very thing we need the most.
Daily inspiration, instruction and correction from God.
We are trying to control our lives ourselves, and we are messing
up, because we allowed the cares of this life to rob us of the
very gift we need. God's presence.

My friends, don't spend your life in despair, spend it in hope.
Don't waste your time on fear, invest it in faith.
Don't dwell on sorrows, focus on your blessings.
Don't look at what you cannot control or fix, focus on your
prayer life and let God control it. God sees tomorrow
and he knows what is ahead, and he knows what path is best.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own
Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Ask God today to show you the things in your heart and mind
that are not healthy for you, ask him to help you let go,
to forgive others, to not find fault with everyone, and to give
you a spirit of love. Ask God to help you love people where
they are at and not expect them to be a clone of what you want
but to remember God made us all different, and we must
respect that and love others UNCONDITIONALLY.
God will do the fixing, we need to do the loving!!

Seek God's will, and seek his face. Fill yourself up
with His word so you have hope. Without hope the soul despairs
and gives up. It is vital you find this daily. You find it
from time in meditation with God, by filling your spirit with
his word till you feel renewed and inspired. You find it by
praying to God, telling him everything in your heart, and leaving
it in His wise and all knowing hands. And walking away
from those burdens and savoring the precious new day.

Life is not a dress rehearsal. It only comes once. Do not
fritter it away on things that bring you down, bring other's down
or fill you with despair, anger or bitterness. Receive His
Hope, Receive His Peace, Receive His Revelation, and dwell
in His joy. These are not high and lofty and unattainable goals,
they are a mental choice.

Only one life, will soon be past,
Only what is done for Christ will last.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Whose Mind Is it Anyway?

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run
your life! Proverbs 4:23

One of the biggest challenges in the world is to keep
our thoughts under control. They are like a butterfly
flitting from one flower to another, our thoughts stream
uncontrolled through our mind, going from one subject
to another, unable to focus.

Our emotions help them along the way, giving them a nudge,
and bringing up past issues to change our perception.
Then, our mouth opens, and out comes whatever
is in the depths of our mind and heart.

There is no hiding the truth is there?

Whatever is in our heart, will come out. We may play
games, or hem and haw, and beat around the bush,
but the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart
the mouth speaks.

The Bible tells us to bring our thoughts into captivity.

Why? Because it is a spiritual war going on within our
minds daily. Fighting for control, fighting for authority,
fighting for your joy, fighting to keep you from reading
the word of God. satan the loser wants your mind.

Are you going to stand back and let him do that?
Maybe you already are.. and just don't recognize it.
Tell me, what was your focus today?

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty
in God for pulling down strongholds.
Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts
itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every
THOUGHT into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:4-5

So there is a little guy in your head arguing, and exalting
itself against God.. saying I am not going to do what you
want ... it is my life, I can think and do what I please.

And at that very moment, despair starts to wash in your
spirit.. because truthfully.. we control nothing. We need
God. And we need to clear our minds of the debris
so he may fill that place.

Dedicated space.. in our minds.. ruled by the spirit of
God.. that we may be mighty in prayer, mighty in
strength, holy in our spirit, and right before God.
Pure, undefiled by the thinking of the world.
Focused, driven, surrendered, captivated with God.
In His presence, drawn, clinging, and filling up.

All He is ... is all we will ever need.

Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run
your life! Proverbs 4:23

Who is running your life tonite?

If it is not God, the solution is prayer. We get on our
knees, confess our sins, receive his salvation and forgiveness
and renew our hearts and mind in Him.
God says we are either for him or against him.

Where do you stand?

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Father, I Adore You!

So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great
mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice
to Him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing
to Him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship.
Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this
world, but be changed within by a new way of thinking.
Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you;
you will know what is good and pleasing to Him and
what is perfect.
Romans 12:1-2

Father God you know I adore you.

Really my child? When was the last time you
sat down and spent a hour talking to me?

You sat down and watched your favorite shows
on tv for 2 hours last night, then found many
things to keep you busy around the house, but
by the time you were through you were too tired
to talk to me.

God you know you are first in my life.

Really my child? Where were you this last
week when I asked you to come read my word
so I could strengthen you for your path ahead?
You found a new book you really wanted to read
and spent that last part of each evening reading it.
Did you put me first then my child?

God I always give money to church, especially
on holidays, you know I honor you with my money.

Really my child? When you saw that homeless
woman today with her little child, did you think
about helping them in some way? Perhaps some
new clothes, a meal, or just taking time to comfort them?
You were able to go out and buy that new purse you
wanted, but didn’t have money left to help someone
in need. Did your money really go to me first?

God you know I love talking to you.

Really my child? I waited for you all evening,
and you were on the phone with your friends.
You laughed and talked and talked. And by the
time you got off, you had forgotten about me.
I want to be loved as your friends are. I want
to be your first love, and the one you run to first,
not last.

I want you to give of the first part of your life to me,
nothing must come before me. Put your all on the altar
for me, so you may please me and live a long and righteous
life dwelling in the riches and comfort of my presence.

Child what I want from you is your heart. I want you
to love me with all your heart, soul and mind. This
is something I require. I gave you my best when my
son came to earth and gave up his life for your sins
and the sins of all mankind. I gave up my only son
so that you might have eternal life.

Can you not give me your best in return? Have
you sat down lately and considered the priorities
in your life? There should be nothing less than your
best for the master.

Make every effort to give yourself to God as the kind
of person He will accept. Be a worker who is not ashamed
and who uses the true teaching in the right way.
2 Timothy 2:15

But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams. 1 Samuel 15:22

Only one life, will soon be past,
Only what is done for Christ will last.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Why Me?

You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.
You do not want a burnt offering.
The sacrifice you desire is a broken and repentant heart,
O God.
Psalm 51:16-17
Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit within me.
Psalm 51:11

This week I found a statue of a man kneeling over a chair to pray, with his
head bowed and it looked as if he was humbled and broken before the
presence of God. I remembered when I was a child and my grandparents
would get down on the floor and bow and place their arms upon the chair
before them, to pray and humble themselves before God. And I thought
when was the last time I utterly humbled myself before God.

To me this means that we bow in his presence, putting him first, humbling
ourselves, emptying ourselves of pride, and of everything that comes
between us and him, putting him first.

When was the last time you sat down and thought about what you are putting first before God? We often have idols in our lives we do not even realize. Whether possessions, a job, a career, activities or even an overly busy life. Sometimes we get so busy and self focused we do not have time for God. I would say for most of us that is most of the time.

How can God get our attention? Often through brokenness. These times cause us to discard what is unnecessary and seek what is vital. God wants us to shed anything in our life that comes between him and us. So that when we go to the throne of God we can be bold in our prayers, free from things that bind and powerful in our approach. Because HE DWELLS RICHLY IN US. Why does it take a crisis to make us focus on God?
Because we put too many things between us and him. When all is stripped away our selfishness dissolves and our heart is turned towards him. We realize our utter need for total dependence upon Him in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. Our circumstances do not control our life. God controls it, we need to seek him and his guidance ABOVE ALL.

Can you dispose of everything in your life that comes between you and God and say all that I have, all that I want to be is in you God. I am yours, choose what you would have me do this day and I will follow you?

Remember the story of the rich young man in Mark 10:17? He said Good teacher what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus told him to follow the commandments. The young man said He had all of his life. And Jesus said but there is one thing you have not done. Go and sell all you have and follow me, then you will have treasure in heaven. This was the one thing the young man was not willing to do.

What are holding back on today? What will you not surrender to Christ? To be a disciple you must leave all and follow Him. It may not mean giving up everything you have and walking away, but it does mean you surrender utterly to Him and his will, and whatever comes you will be obedient and humble before Him, putting him first. Who among us will give all?

Remember only one life will soon be past,
Only what is done for Christ will last.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rescue Me!

copyright July 5, 2003 by Millie

As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me.
Evening and morning and at noon, I will pray, and cry aloud,
and He shall hear my voice. He has redeemed my soul in
peace from the battle that was against me.
Psalm 55:17-18

How often in life, when times are difficult and crisis hits,
do we long for someone to come and just take over for us.
To take charge and "fix" everything. Our hearts cry out within us,
doesn't anyone care? And yet those we are closest too,
may feel they need rescuing too. The battle is on every
front, and many are facing these battles daily, even

We long for someone to rescue us from the situation,
and to bring us comfort, to be merciful to us, and to
have wisdom. We look to the right and left, but
everywhere we look, either people don't care, or
they are overwhelmed themselves, or they just don't
have the means to change things for us, no matter
how much they love us. They are just human... after all.

It is in these darkest hours we must remember, God longs
to rescue us. He has felt the urgency of our needs,
heard the words of longing we have spoken, even
in the quietness of our minds, and He has seen the tears
shed upon our pillow. He knows each sorrow, each need
intimately, he is our "personal" God. Nothing is hidden
from Him, and nothing is too hard.

God's ways are past our understanding, his care and
love is absolutely perfect and complete.
All encompassing, all powerful, all compassionate,
all merciful, full of grace and wisdom. No matter
how difficult the situation, how dark the hour, how
deep the pit, how grievous the sin, God has the answer.
He is greater still than all these.

Rely on, cling to, trust in, commit to, proclaim and
rejoice in the "hope" we have in Jesus, our source,
our guide, our Abba Father. Our Daddy, Daddy,
whose love for us, is beyond our wildest expectations.

All He is, is all you will ever need!!
Ask Him to rescue you tonite. Then allow Him to do so,
by leaving your burdens in his hands... and just trust.
Rest.. quietly in His arms. He has come to save to the
uttermost. Great is his faithfulness and mercy.
Rest there, till you feel peace. Don't give God token
attention, really spend time talking to him, and
sharing your burdens, and then ask for Guidance.
Then open His word and let it speak to your heart
and refresh you.

Rescue me Lord, for I am weak and you are strong.
Take these things from me, and work them out for your
glory, and lift me into heavenly places, and restore my
soul, and heal the inner pain in my spirit, and cleanse
me from all unrighteousness. Restore that which satan
the loser has stolen, and heal that which has been
broken. Bring into being those things which are your
will, and shine a light on my path, that I may see
clearly all you have for me, and give me the gifts
to accomplish these things. Send forth your angels to fight
the battles around me, and to protect me.
Teach me of your ways, give me a song in the night,
and rescue me from this battle raging in my life.

I will serve you faithfully every day for the rest of my life.
For you are my Abba Father, and I am your child,
surrendered to you, and poured out as a sacrifice
to your service. Save me and I shall be saved,
heal me and I shall be healed. You are my God,
and nothing that comes against me shall prosper.
This is the heritage of those who love thy name.
Amen and amen.

People who do what is right may have many problems,
but the Lord will solve them all.
Psalm 34:19

My friends, do not be surprised at the terrible trouble which
now comes to test you. Do not think that something strange is
happening to you. But be happy you are sharing in Christ's sufferings,
so that you will be happy and full of joy when Christ comes again
in glory.
1 Peter 4:12-13

So don't worry, because I am with you. Don't be afraid,
because I am your God. I will make you strong and I will help you.
I will support you with my right hand that saves you. Isaiah 41:10

The only temptation that has come to you is that which everyone has.
But you can trust God, who will not permit you to be tempted more
than you are able to bear. But when you are tempted (and tried),
he will also give you a way to escape so that you will be able to
stand it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Keep looking up until the world fades out and God's face is before you.
Let Him bring you fresh hope, inspiration and direction. Don't hesitate,
Run to Him.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Morning Thoughts

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made I
will rejoice and be glad in it.

Each morning as we wake up
our thoughts set our tone for the day. It
will determine our moods, how we
treat others, how wisely we invest our time,
and how much time we have for God.

I wonder if most realize how seriously
our thought patterns affect every action?

Many of us get up and think of our problems
first thing. We start the day off on a negative.
And as the day progresses, if we feed those
thoughts, we find despair, lack of hope
and even depression setting in like a fog.

What can we do to change that?
Change our thinking patterns.
The minute negative, unkind or worthless
thoughts enter our mind, we can take them
captive, by saying NO, I will not visit that
place. I refuse to dwell on those things.
We make a mental choice.

2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

So what can we do to fill our mind with hope?
Only the word of God will make the biggest
difference. It gives us hope, when the world
drains that away. It gives us courage when
we feel our strength being sapped by others
who drain us with their remarks to us, or
unkindness. It gives us wisdom on what
to say and not to say. But most of all it ushers
us into the presence of God. A place
where we can pour out our heart, release
our burdens, and start the day with fresh,
new, hopeful thoughts because of our choices,
because of our focus on Christ, and because
we want to make a big change in our life.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light
unto my path.
Psalm 119:105

So my friend, do you choose to walk in
darkness or light today? Do you choose
to be unhappy or happy? Do you choose
to carry your burdens around as a banner
feeling sorry for yourself, or will you release
those burdens and go out and invest that
precious day God has given you?

Precious ones, we only have so many days.
Each one is a brick in the foundation
we are laying for our life. If one day after
another we rise in defeat before the day
has even started our foundation is indeed
weak and we will crumble under the slightest
pain, wrong, hurt or trial.

Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever
things are just, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue and if there be
any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8

Only One Life Will Soon Be Past
Only What Is Done For Christ Will Last.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Violent Take It By Force

copyright Millie Plastaras 9/13/2003

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in
God for pulling down strongholds.
2 Corinthians 10:3

According to websters dictionary a stronghold is
1 : a fortified place
2 a : a place of security or survival

A stronghold can also be a place we have allowed satan
to take hold of our thinking or life. This comes from a time
when we were weak, tempted, or caved in to thoughts,
desires, or temptations.

A strong hold upon our life, is a place that
has taken root in our heart and spirit and become
a bondage within us.

We want to change that from a strong hold of satan the
loser upon our lives to a strong Hold of God upon our
spirit. A refuge, a place of comfort, away from the
enemy surrounded by God's angels, and fought by
mighty warfare.

So how do we change this?

1. Recognize the areas of your life that are not dedicated
to God. Perhaps you have become addicted to something,
or perhaps you are committing adultery. Perhaps you
have been thinking or doing things you know are not
right, but you continue. It can even be a way of
thinking, such as negativity, or gossip, or even
unforgiveness. All of these are negative, satanic strongholds.

2. Recognize that God is greater than any of these.
His might is not limited by our thinking. He is able to
pull down strongholds and defeat them forever.
Do not limit his ability by your thinking or unconfessed sin.
Recognize your need, confess it, and allow His
mighty spirit to overcome the strongholds within you.

3. Learn to fight back. We fight back several ways.
We learn to think differently -- righteously. We get into
the Word, and plant it in our heart, speak it to our problems.
We get into praise.. remembering God is worthy of praise
and inhabits the praises of His people. WE get into
fellowship, and learn to find encouragement and
wisdom from a Pastor and Teachers that God sends to us.
Speak the word, often, powerfully, it is alive and
will go forth and accomplish God's purpose. Nothing
can stop it!

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth.
It shall not return to Me void!
But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper
in the thing for which I send it.
Isaiah 55:11

I am reminded of that popular saying now..
when one doesn't want to hear what someone else is
saying. They hold up their hand and say "Talk to the hand".
Basically because they are emphasizing they won't listen.
(A common problem now)

But.. I thought about this, and thought this is what we should
be doing to satan the loser every time he comes in with
a negative thought, or temptation, or lust, we should hold
our hand up and say, NOOOOOOOOOO!

I am a child of the King of Kings. I am covered by the
blood of the Lamb. You have no place in my life.
Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world.
And the God of peace shall bruise satan under your feet
shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Romans 16:20

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that
has exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into CAPTIVITY every thought to the
obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

We have power in the name of Jesus to overcome
the powers of darkness! Take charge and fight back.
We are His warriors. Never forget that. Never cave in.
And never let defeat be spoken to you. Take every
thought into captivity in the name of Jesus and by
the blood of the Lamb.

And the seventy returned again with joy, saying Lord, even
the devils are subject unto us through your name!
and Jesus said to them, I beheld satan as lightning fall from
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over ALL the power of the enemy;
and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you.
Luke 10:17-19

Claim it, believe it, receive it, cling to it, live by it
and hold up that hand and tell satan the loser you have
power over his demons and domain by the blood of the Lamb
Put on the armor of God daily, and fight back my friends.
We will not lose.. we will win.. and God is still on the throne.

And from the days of John the Baptist until now,
the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it
by force.
Matthew 11:12

As the kingdom of heaven advances, we fight the conflicts
of the powers of darkness with violent spiritual warfare..
According to Jack Hayford: The upheaval caused by
the kingdom of God is not caused by political provocation
or armed advance. It is the result of God's order
shaking relationships, households, cities and nations by
the entry of the Holy Spirit's power working in people.

Hallelujah! Power in the blood of the Lamb!
Praise God saints, and fight back!

Ephesians 6:10-18
(read these daily, practice them with all your heart,
and God will prevail)!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Turn It Into A Prayer

copyright 9/27/2003 Millie

Pray without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 4:17

A day hemmed in with prayer, is less likely to unravel!

If today you are in a financial crisis,
turn it into a prayer.

If today you are ill or in pain,
turn it into a prayer.

If today you feel alone or abandoned,
turn it into a prayer.

If today you feel overwhelmed by your problems,
turn it into a prayer.

If today you are depressed,
turn it into a prayer.

If today you feel the oppression of the enemy,
turn it into a prayer.

No matter what you are facing today,
there is no problem that God's abilities are not greater still!

Your doubting, or lack of faith does not change
how great and powerful God is. Tap into His
strength and hope, by turning to God in prayer.

Do not look to the right or left, turn into the driveway of prayer!
Focus your eyes on Jesus, till the world and it's cares fade out,
and His comfort seeps into your spirit filling you with hope
and peace.

Everything would pull on us and drain us,
use us, defeat us, worry us, until we lose hope.

Instead turn it all into a prayer.

If today you find the world's problems are larger
than your ability to cope with them,
turn it over to God in prayer.

Nothing that happens in your life today is your business.
Turn it over to God in prayer.

Casting your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7.

Hey, you are not still sitting there worrying are you?

Turn it into prayer.

Don't hesitate, don't put it off,
don't find other things to do,
don't try to control it yourself,
don't give into feelings of depression and hopelessness,
this comes from the father of liars, satan the loser.

Run to the arms of God, turn your cares into praises
and leave your cares at the throne of Jesus.

No matter what thought comes to mind,
take it captive, and give it to the Lord.
Even if you have to do it 50 times until you learn
to let go. Turn it over to God in prayer.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things
present, nor things to come.
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,
shall be able to separate us from the Love of God
which is in Christ Jesus our LORD.
Romans 8:38,39

Fear thou not, for I am with the, be not dismayed,
for I am THY God. I will strengthen thee, yea, I will uphold
thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength,
they shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall
run, and not be weary, they shall walk and not be afraid.
Isaiah 40:31

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hope For The Day

Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you in turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my salvation and my God.

—Psalm 42:11

Hope is a hard commodity to find in this world anymore.
The situations around the world, money crisis, war,
people not having enough funds to maintain their own life and
needs. Illness, loneliness, a sense of desperation about
their situations, or even depression rob us of the very
joy and hope we need each day.

I have found when I wake up each morning, that the first
things I think are going to set the tone for the day. I used
to suffer from severe depression, and it became a
pattern for me when I woke up to think about my problems,
about my hurts and those who I felt had let me down, or
my own sadness or recrimination for those I felt I had let down.
I seemed unable to forgive myself most of all. And therefore
I couldn't even love myself. Life just seemed full of despair.

Then.. over time.. I realized each day I was feeding these
thoughts, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I was entertaining
them, and they were controlling me.

I realized then it was absolutely a mental choice. I learned
I could change those thinking patterns, and seek a new
way to start the day. I found that starting the day with
praise music, with time in God's word was vital, and
made a huge difference in my strength level and my
perspective of facing the day.

Our focus is everything. What are you focusing on today?
How is that working for you? Are you feeling hope or despair?

My precious friends, there is a answer. We have a heavenly
Savior who is mindful of our needs. The word says
every hair of ours is numbered (Matthew 10:30).
The Bible says that God saw us even as we were being
knit in our mother's womb (Psalm 139:13). In Psalm 139 verse
2 it says: You know when I sit down or stand up. You know
my thoughts even when I am far away.

This means God knows about each of the details of our lives,
He was with us at birth and will be with us when we enter
eternity. He has plans for our lives . Jeremiah 29:11:
For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope".

Dear friends, you do not have to feel hopeless.. The God
of the universe has plans for you! Tap into those. Open
your Bible and spend time talking to God.. spend time
reading his word. Let him refresh your spirit and infuse hope
into you. Read all he has planned for you and his great love
for you. He is a personal God and is waiting to hear from
you right now.


Friday, July 30, 2010

The Power of Prayer

In this life we will have a untold amount of things to face.
From small decisions, to large ones that effect those
we love or us for years to come. We also will go through
trials such as illness, financial problems, rejection, losses,
and many other things which can overwhelm the soul.

The atheist would say, I can handle this myself,
I don't need a mythical God.

A Christian would run to the arms of God, pour out
their heart and receive a answer, and see changes in
their lives and others because of their faith in God.

God sees the Big picture. He knows our yesterdays,
He sees our tomorrows, He knows what is best,
and knows how to navigate through it.

Can any situation be changed by God? Absolutely!!!

Today we are going to study on Solomon and how
He built a temple so God could dwell among his people...
a gathering place for worship of God and for God to
Gather in their midst to encourage them, answer prayers
and receive their praise.

Solomon spent a great deal of time, energy, finances
but most of all prayer in seeking and making the
perfect Temple for God.

When the temple was built, he brought before the Lord
many petitions (prayers ) regarding situations that
would concern Israel in the future. These were
such things as sin, forgiveness, war, pestilence,
captivity, drought, even the weather...due to the sins
of the people.

Did God hear these petitions? How were they to know?
God did a mighty thing to show Solomon that he heard.
When the petitions ended, God sent a bolt of fire out
of heaven that consumed all of the sacrifices laying on the
altar. A accurate bolt, that just hit the very spot where
the sacrifices dedicated to God were laid. And then
the glory of God filled the temple. The people saw in action
the power of the One True God who cared about their
petitions and their future.

Does God still answer petitions and prayers like that
today? Absolutely. I have seen it many, many times,
and continue to see it in my life and the lives of others
who seek God first, and put Him first, and battle in prayer
spiritually over the needs of others, their needs, and
fight the good fight of faith.

We may not see a bolt of fire come out of heaven,
but God can set our heart on fire to accomplish great things in His name,
in His power, and for His Glory.

Our bodies are now the temple of God.. God dwells in us,
as Christians.. this is a powerful concept! We should live
like a temple of God and we should be full of prayer
like a temple of God!

My precious friend, each of you have needs and burdens. But God has
answers for you. He hears your heart, he knows your needs, He
is waiting for you to get serious with him about this.. for you to seek His face first, and to seek His will. God wants you to spend time with Him first.. not other things. He wants dedicated time where you come before His throne with thanksgiving and to worship him and to spend time talking to Him. This is our growth time, it is our time of refreshing, it is our time of allowing God to speak to us, and for us to pour our heart out to Him. My precious friend, this is vital.

If you want answers, you have to spend time seeking God. No
shortcuts, no excuses.. you have to get serious.. if you want
to see real differences in your spiritual life and prayer life.

Many of you have hobbies, or enjoy television or sports, or even your computer. Do you give a equal amount to God? Because you will need to be built up for the hard times in your life, to grow in Christ for those days ahead when life becomes overwhelming and hard. You cannot just run to God in a crisis and expect to be mature enough to know how to fight the good fight of faith.

I ask you today, to schedule specific time each day for prayer, for Bible reading and just to spend time quiet, in meditation before God. You need that time of refreshing!

I will spend more time this week writing to you about prayer. Just remember prayer is conversation with God.. it doesn't have to be formal or with special words, it just has to come from a repentant heart seeking God.

Casting all your care on Him, for he cares for you . 1 Peter 5:7

Behold I have given you authority to tread on serpents,
and scorpions and OVER THE POWER OF THE ENEMY,
and nothing shall injure you. Luke 10:19

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

“Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

Take time for God today.. see what powerful things he can do in your life!

Only one life, will soon be past,
Only what is done for Christ will last!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Secret To Happiness

Good Morning Everyone,

A recent survey was taken of a cross section of people and 70
percent of the people who were asked if they were happy
said they were not. My guess is that those who said
they were not happy, also do not feel much peace.

One of the reasons behind the answers was that
people were too busy either watching tv, on the internet too much,
or did not have close interpersonal relationships they found
trustworthy and enjoyable. Truth be told, most people
don't have either the time or the inclination to do what
it takes to invest in long term friendships.

People were also fearful about the world, its events
so easily seen on the news networks, which offer no
hope or solution but constant bombardment of the
problems of the world. Creating a sense of insecurity
and hopelessness in people.

All this together means people are less connected,
feeling more lonely, more unhappy, and less satisfied,
and often more fearful.

What do they do to fill those gaps? Everything you can imagine.
From planning great vacations, to doing recreational drugs,
to drinking alcohol, sex, pornography, overspending money
they do not have, shopping for things that do not satisfy more than
temporarily. Anything to try to escape the feelings they have,
and the internal issues they have, without facing what is causing them.
At the end of the day, they are no more
happy than they were the day before.

Denial never changes any situation.

People spend more time thinking about how to satisfy
themselves than they do how to love others or please God.

This is the greatest problem. Selfishness. Me, me, me.
My rights, my life, my choices. No one can stop me, I owe
no one anything, I can do as I choose and there are no
consequences. At the end of the day when everyone
has claimed their rights and everyone has done their
thing, I want to see a show of hands who feels better?

Happiness comes from several things.
It is a mental choice. It is how we choose to view the world and
face it with our emotions and mental abilities, in essence
our perspective.

Happiness comes from giving not for looking out for what you can get.
It is much more satisfying to give and watch it bless someone
than to go out grasping for possessions only to find they
don't satisfy more than a few minutes.

Happiness comes from a life that is open to friends, to time
with friends, and that is invested in not only enjoying others
but making others happy also. We all need encouraging
relationships, someone to talk to and someone to care. Our
friends also need that from us...when was the last time you
took time for someone.. just to listen and be supportive?

What does the Bible say?

I know how to live when I am poor, and I know how to live
when I have plenty. I have learned the secret of being happy at
any time in everything that happens, when I have enough to eat,
and when I go hungry, when I have more than I need and
when I do not have enough. I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:12-13

Paul had learned the secret of internal happiness. Learning
to be content with what you have.
Learning to look on the
bright side. Learning to find peace in your situation because
you trust in God, not in men, not in possessions, not in
what you can accumulate, or activities you can do, but in

Mankind cannot be happy without God. We have a place
within our hearts nothing else can satisfy. Look around you.
Look at what you see people doing to try to be happy.
Look how many people are in huge debt now because
they find the instant gratification of shopping a momentary
happiness ... until the bills start rolling in.

What are you doing today to satisfy your soul?
How are you viewing your situation? What are you going to do about
it? Has anything you have done to be happy worked well for you?

Each of us have different problems, different things to deal with,
but we all have the same choice on what to do with them.
Face them with faith and courage, or with denial and despair
or bitterness. Are we progressing or staying in the same
place, stewing over problems and never moving on with our life?

We cast our burdens on the Lord. We do what we can to make
the best of our situation and we leave the rest in His hands
and we learn to be content with what we have.

Why spend your money on something that is not real food?
Why work for something that doesn't really satisfy you?
Listen closely to me, and you will eat what is good;
your soul will enjoy the rich food that satisfies.
Isaiah 55:2

Those who want to do right more than anything else
are happy, because God will fully satisfy them.
Matthew 5:6

Even lions may get weak and hungry, but those who
look to the Lord will have every good thing.
Psalm 34:10

The greatest happiness can be found in the arms of God.
It is blanket security. Something you cannot find from
any other source. No one person can satisfy all our needs,
it is impossible, and it isn't their job. We cannot make ourselves
happy if we choose not to. Circumstances should not be
controlling our thinking and our spirit and our outlook.

If we are living a life of faith, we should be faithful to that faith.
Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me.
John 14:1

Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything
you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace which is so
great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Let the peace that Christ gives CONTROL your thinking,
because you were all called together in ONE body to
have peace. Always be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

You Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you,
because they trust IN you.
Isaiah 26:3

My friends, you have a choice today.. which sounds best?
A life of faith or a life of fear?
A life trusting God or a life trying to control it all yourself?

A man comes and goes, his ways and words recorded,
and God will reward each person according to what
they say and do.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last.

love always

ps. Share what you have with others, do not seek possessions
more than you do to love others. Seek a life that satisfies,
not one that is self seeking. But one that lives a life of faith
and love towards others. This is true religion and practical
religion, to love one another and give the best of what we
have to God and others.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Strength in Abiding

“I will not go home;
I will not let myself rest.
I will not let my eyes sleep
nor close my eyelids in slumber
until I find a place to build a house for the Lord,
a sanctuary for the Mighty One of Israel.”

Psalm 132:3-5

I was struck by these verses as I read them this week,
what dedication, what utter clarity of seeking God above
all else.

When was the last time you said you would not rest, or close
your eyes until you had sought the Lord?

Has God got a sanctuary in your life? When is the last
time you went there with him and dedicated specific
time alone with him.

The time you spend alone with God is vital. Those
moments of telling him how you feel, and what you
are going through, how much you love him, and just
talking to him are times of refreshing. Times of letting
go of our troubles and trusting God for his provision,
guidance and strength.

Our spiritual life grows or declines directly in proportion
to how much time we spend with God and in his word.

Each day as we open his word it infuses hope and
strength and wisdom in our spirit. Where else do we
get these commodities? They do not come easy
in this troubled world. Yet why is it most of us find
when we start to read the bible there are million things
to distract us? Because satan doesn't want the word of God
to get in our hearts and lives. Satan the loser doesn't want
us to quote the word of God because he knows how utterly
powerful and alive it is.

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

Isaiah 55:11 NLT

My precious friends, if you are feeling weak and worn down,
or defeated, take time for God. He has the answers,
He sees tomorrow, and He can accomplish what is needed
and no power can stop it! Read the word of God,
cling to it, receive it, apply it to your life and speak it out
loud to your situation. God will prevail and be mighty
in the lives of those who seek his name and submit to
His will and call upon Him and abide with Him.

Only one life
will soon be past
Only what is done
For Christ will last!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Soaring Eagles or Sinking Ships

copyright 5/21/2006

Have you ever been on a boat in the sea? When the waves
are calm and the sun is shining, and you hear
the soft movement of the waves, it is so relaxing,
it soothes the spirit, and causes you to feel peace.

But let the winds pick up and start to toss the
boat, it changes the picture entirely. Suddenly
you are challenged in your spirit by the rising
fear of what may happen next. Will this boat
make it, or will it sink?

Have you ever seen the flight of an eagle? They
are such a majestic bird, they fly higher than
any other bird, serene, slow and graceful
and their wing span is magnificent. They create
an awesome reminder of how wonderful it must
be to soar far above the earth and its troubles.

I think our lives are just like these pictures.
When hard times come we have several choices.
We can plan to sink or we can plan to soar.

Remember yesterday, when all your trials seemed
so overwhelming? You probably were planning to sink.
You didn't see any way out. You made it through
yesterday did you not?

How many yesterdays have you made it through?
All of them, I imagine. Yet through many of them
you doubted God, and watched the storms in
terror. Oh God, what shall I do, what shall I do,
as you push him away and try to handle it all in
your own mind.

My friends, you are going through things with the
wrong attitude and concepts. It is not about what
you can do about your situations, it is about what
He can do in them. I keep remembering what
Jesus said as He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane.

Not my will, but thine be done Oh God. He released

it all to God... God you work in this situation, and lead

me through these dark times with your hand in mine

and your light guiding my path.

Is that what you are praying? When you first get
up in the morning, before you meet the challenges
of the day, are you meeting with the Master?

If you are not, you are planning for yourself the
day, depending upon your own capabilities,
and really, not allowing God full movement and
reign in your life. He brought us through yesterday,
He will bring us through today, and He has
tomorrow planned.

You can live a life of faith or a life of Fear.

I don't care what anyone boils down to that.
You have a mental and spiritual choice each day.
Discipline your mind.. learn to think based on faith
in Christ, rather than basing your thinking on
your circumstances.

Don't defeat yourself before the day starts by
focusing on the storm. Focus on the One who
can calm the waves of the storm, and restore order
and peace to your heart, mind and spirit.

For He is Lord, and nothing can prevail against His Will.

But those who wait for the Lord -- who expect, look for
and hope in Him -- shall change and renew their
strength and power; they shall lift their wings and
mount up (close to God) as eagles (mount up to the sun);
they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not
faint nor become tired.
Isaiah 40:31

Suddenly, behold there arose a violent storm on the sea,
so that the boat being covered up by the waves,
and Jesus was sleeping. And they (his disciples)
went and awakened Him, saying, Lord rescue and
preserve us, we are perishing!
And He said to them, Why are you timid and afraid??
O you of little faith? Then He got up and rebuked the
winds and the sea, and there was a great and wonderful
calm (a perfect peaceableness)
Matthew 8:24-26

Who are you trusting in today, the One who controls
everything, or yourself, who is in control of very little.
Look to the author and finisher of your faith,
and your source of Strength, Jesus Christ.

He will give you the joy, and the strength to soar
like an eagle in the midst of your storms.


Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Don't Look Back

One of the things I am noticing among many Christian friends
is the self condemnation they heap upon themselves for their past,
or situations they did not handle well. They cannot seem to move
past it, forgive themselves and live a life free from the past because
of the precious mercies and forgiveness we receive through Jesus.

I also see many of you clinging to the hurts you have received
from others. You are unable to disentangle yourself and cling
to these hurts as if they were important possessions. My dear
friend, they are not important, they are spiritual bondage! You
are being tied to the past with a spiritual umbilical cord that has
kept you in slavery to your past. You are not free to move on,
or savor fully the life you have today.

Yet, if you see someone else doing this it is so easy for you
to point at them and say what are you holding on to that for?

There are several places in the Bible that truly instruct us
on this mindset.

So you shall do all the Lord your God has commanded you,
you shall not turn to the right or the left.

Deuteronomy 5:32

Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.

Proverbs 4:27

To me these verses signify staying focused on God and avoiding
evil. Slavery to the sins and hurts of the past is evil. It is robbing
you of joy and peace in Christ and productivity in your current day.

I am reminded of the story in Genesis 19, I urge you to get
out your Bible and read it today. Lot was in the
city of Sodom, and God was about to pronounce great
judgment upon this city. Angels arrived to tell Lot that
they had come to destroy the city because of the great outcry
against this city before the face of God. He was told to get
out of the city and to warn his family to leave quickly, for the
city would soon be destroyed. In Genesis 19:17 they were told:
"So it came to pass, when they had brought them outside,
that he said, Escape for your life! Do not look behind you
or stay anywhere in the plain, escape to the mountains,
lest you be destroyed."

You see this required absolute surrender and complete obedience
and trust in God, not only for safety from harm, but for God's
provision. For this to happen, Lot had to listen to God, and
he couldn't be focusing on many things that distracted him
for the purpose and journey ahead, he had to stay focused.

His wife did not obey God, she looked back and was turned into
a pillar of salt, a judgment for her utter disobedience to God in
a situation he was trying to lead her out of.

You see there are consequences in life for our disobedience.
If we look to the right or left and get distracted by the troubles
or cares of this world, we are not living fully, and successfully
in today. We are limiting ourselves, we are unable to surrender
and work for God fully, because we are not focused, and we
have withheld areas of our mind that should be free of the past
and of distractions. It is leading us down a road we should
never have walked on, into a life that is less than it should be,
and all by a mental choice on our part.

Luke 9:62
But Jesus said to Him, no one having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.

Are you fit for the kingdom of God today? Are you holding
onto grudges, blaming people from your past, and in bondage
to these things? Are you so busy you never have time for God?
Are you condemning yourself for your mistakes?

My friend, God said we can be forgiven, and we should forgive others.
Once we REALLY do this, we move on, to a new purpose, to a new

You MUST be in the word of God, and fill up on it and live by it.
You MUST be free of the past. You MUST let go of anything holding
you down and keeping you in slavery to something that is not worthy
of your time and is displeasing to God.

When a thought from the past comes up, say I am not looking back.
Give it to God. Let it go. Read his word, pray, and be faithful and
diligent to God. He needs workers and laborers for his kingdom,
and you cannot do it if you are wandering around lost, hurt,
and enslaved. Be Free, today in Jesus name. Give it all to him,
and let it go. He is waiting, even now.

Remember none of us are perfect, that is why Jesus came.
He just wants us to turn to him and be new in him and live
life to the fullest. He will equip us, but we must do our part
and not cling to the past in any way. Look not to the right or left.
Focus on God.

love always

Friday, June 04, 2010

Confidence in God's Protection

1 O God, listen to my cry!
Hear my prayer!
2 From the ends of the earth,
I cry to you for help
when my heart is overwhelmed.
Lead me to the towering rock of safety,
3 for you are my safe refuge,
a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me.
4 Let me live forever in your sanctuary,
safe beneath the shelter of your wings
Psalm 61:1-4

There are times in everyone's lives where the troubles and
hardships can pile up like a stack of hay. We feel buried in
them, and often overwhelmed. I have to say if we get
down to a practical standpoint in looking at it, what can
we solve by being overwhelmed or sad? What can we
accomplish by allowing depression and despair to set in?
Where can we run to except God?

Will running in circles of hopelessness, and no direction help?

And if we run to God, why fear? Why allow anything to
dominate our thinking except hope? This my friends
is a mental discipline we learn through faithfilled lives. It
is a determination within our spirit to trust God no matter what!

I can hear some of you now, but you don't know what I am going
through. No, I do not, but I know many people around the
world, and I get letters that tell me of what they are facing.
And I know what I have been through in my life, and looking
back I can see the provision and loving care of God, even
in the darkest of times.

I remember the time my husband had 3 cardiac arrests in a hour.
The last one he had, they were unable to stabilize him. There
was a nurse pounding on his chest, and they were bringing
out the paddles to zap him again, trying to revive his heart.
95 percent of the people who have 1 cardiac arrest die. To
have 3 within a hour and recover is a miracle.

They brought out a counselor who was standing next to me
preparing me to let go of my husband and comfort me. My family
was standing all around me, and I felt a scream rising within
my heart. I just wanted to lose it, and scream.
As clear as a bell I heard God say, "Millie, you can
scream or pray. You can believe everything you have ever
heard about me, or you can give up and let go." I made
a clear cut decision then to take God at his word. As my family
and I gathered hands, I started to pray, and I felt the power
of God come in that prayer. And I rebuked the spirit of death
and the powers of darkness coming against my family (we had
several tragedies going on at that time). I prayed against
them, and I spoke what I felt God was laying on my heart,
and such strength surged in my spirit. The minute I stopped
praying the doctor ran out and said, "He is Back! I cannot believe it,
he is back!" But I knew it was God. I knew God had given my husband
a second chance to make things right with Him. And I knew
God heard the cries of my heart.

Dearest friends, wherever you are today, whatever you are
going through, we serve a great God. He is not limited by
our interpretation of Him, or our mind set. You see God has
not changed. He still heals, he still answers prayers, He
still is above all, and over all, and all powerful. He cares
deeply about you and your life.

Above all He wants you to surrender to Him. To be born
again through the precious blood of his son. When you
repent of your sins and receive him as Savior, you can
go to him in prayer and ask what you will, and according
to his word it will be done. Sometimes it takes fasting
and prayer, sometimes we just have to rely on Him and
know he knows what is best.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."
Matthew 7:-7-8 ESV

But don't for a minute give up, or run to something that
does not satisfy or answer your cry. Run to the living God
who is waiting with open arms for your cry and your surrender.

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

My dearest friends, you can either trust or scream. You can
take God at his word and seek him and cry out to him with
all your heart, or you can give up. Which will serve you best?
Are you limiting God? That is your fault. He is not limited.
Cry out to Him, read his word, and then believe it without

Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.
Isaiah 43:2

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Facing Ourselves, Growing in Christ

Have you ever heard someone say they do not attend church
because too many hypocrites go there? Over the years
I have heard many say it. At first when I was much younger,
I thought they must have been through some terrible experience
that made them stay away from church.

But as I grew in the wisdom of God’s word and life experience
I recognized that people who say this are using it as a excuse
to keep themselves in their chosen lifestyle. They want to
do what they want to do, and it is easier to blame someone else
than take responsibility for themselves and their actions.

The truth is, we don't go to church to see if people are perfect,
we go to church to worship God, get good Bible teaching, pray as
a community and reach outwards as a community. Church is a place
for spiritual growth.. and everyone there needs it.. we all do!

We see it everywhere now. People think they are not accountable
for what they do. A lot of it has to do with secular humanism,
that we are like little gods to ourselves, we can do what we want
anytime we want. It is our life, we don’t have to live up to
anyone’s standards.

Then we hear the school of thinking that God loves everyone
and surely He would not cast away anyone. That God is within
us all, and no one will go to hell. Ultimately, they say, God
will just accept everyone.

Let me tell you what this is all about. It is about people never
opening God’s word and reading it FOR THEMSELVES.
They hear people teach it from time to time but they do not
have depth to their spiritual life. They lack discipline. They
cannot seem to get a schedule that includes time for God.

All of these things bring us back to the main point. We are all
flawed, we all have shortcomings, we have all sinned, it is only
through the grace, mercy and forgiveness of God we can be changed.

Paul talked about how he struggled with hypocrisy in his own life.

He said in Romans 7: For I know that nothing good dwells within me,
that is, in my flesh. I can will whatever is right, but I cannot perform it,
I have the intention and urge to do what is right but no power to carry
it out. For I fail to practice the good deeds I desire to do, but
the evil deeds that I do not desire to do are what I am doing!

You see even Paul recognized daily we all struggle with the flesh. We
do that which we do not want to do, and do not do that which we should.
That is hypocrisy in a form. We are saying we are one thing and doing
another. So you see, in a way, we all battle with this. Hence, pointing
fingers at so-called hypocrites is silly. We all need forgiveness, we
are all sinners, that IS WHY JESUS CAME!

So how can we change? Lets look what else Paul had to say in Romans
7:24-25. O unhappy and pitiable and wretched man that I am! Who will release
and deliver me from the shackles of this body of death?
O thank God! He will! Through Jesus Christ, the Anointed One,
our Lord! So then indeed I of myself with the mind and heart serve
the Law of God but with the flesh the law of sin.

You see Paul recognized in and of himself he sinned. That it was
with Christ DWELLING IN HIM, he overcame sin and lived
right before God.

If we cannot take the time to pour God’s word into our heart
and spirit we will not receive the conviction in our hearts about
the accountability of our wretched sins and flaws before God.
We all need to grow in Christ. We cannot just say that is the way
I am, and there is no changing it.

If this is so, we are not taking up our cross daily and following Him.
We must start at the cross daily on our knees, confessing our sins,
pleading our case before God, talking to Him, receiving His great
comfort, and merciful forgiveness. Then as we open His precious
word and plant it in our spirits, this word takes root and brings
conviction, and truth and the cleanliness that God wants within.

It empowers us through Christ being in us, to be overcomers
and to move forward and to accomplish something. We do not
give up and say I cannot change, we do not dwell in the same
place we grow, we overcome, we become strong in the power
of the Lord and HIS might.

My friend, if you are not feeling this today… you can. It is
not just for preachers or for people you admire spiritually.
It is for us all. God loves us all, but we must come to Him
with a heart of repentance, a mind open to regeneration in
Christ, and a will to go forth in God’s name with His Word
and Will leading us into all truth so that we may make
a difference in the world and lead people to Christ.

That is what He wants most of all. If you cannot overcome
you cannot teach others to do it. Yet it is a simple process
starting at the cross daily.

Oh Lord God, teach us to let go of that which does not profit.
Teach us Lord how to walk righteously before you, and to
surrender all areas of our lives so that we may be free
from the bondage of sin and go forth in your strength,
your wisdom, with your conviction pricking our heart
that we may know that we are accountable, and that people
are depending upon us to be a witness not only in words
but in deed. That all may be brought to you, by You in Us,
speaking forth Your Word to a lost and dying world. Let
us not live unto ourselves but unto you. We surrender all
today and lay our burdens and sin at your feet, and ask
you to renew us and help us be disciplined in our Bible reading
and devotional life, so that we may be pleasing to you in
all we say and do.

In Jesus Precious Name,

Only one life, will soon be Past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Abounding IN Hope

copyright Millie 9/22/2003

Now, the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the
power of the Holy Ghost.
Romans 15:13

I wonder when was the last time we were
"abounding in hope"? It seems to me this is a pretty
rare commodity in these times. We find ourselves
daily drained by the troubles and cares of life,
by things we go through with other people,
and by the reports we receive from others and the
news. The world is full of trouble, and when we
watch this, we begin to waver in our "hope."

Frankly, we hear more negative reports than good ones,
and perhaps we are guilty of saying more negative
reports than good ones.

So what do we do, to "abound in hope"?
Hope abounds in us when faith does. They go
hand in hand. Faith believes in what we cannot see.
Faith believes that God is in control and walks in peace,
resting in that knowledge.
Hope believes God is in control and is joyful, firm
in faith, and resolute in Hope.

Faith is believing the answer is on the way
even when we cannot see it!

Hope and Faith work in our hearts to produce peace.
Hope springs eternal when we know that God loves us
and is our "Father" wanting the best for us, and seeking
to bring that about. We rest in, trust in, and rely on God..

our circumstances do not control us... we let God control them!

Truly if you don't have peace within your spirit, you
have very little hope in your spirit. These gifts are in us
but they must be stirred up.

Let us hold fast the confession of our HOPE without
And let us consider one another in order to STIR
up love and good works.
Hebrews 10:23-24

We learn to have faith that if God said it, He can surely
perform it, and if we believe that, we have hope within
our hearts, not because we are in control, or we see something
happening, but because God is in control. We have learned
our position in God. He is the Father, we are the child.

My friends, The minute you receive salvation, the Holy
spirit dwells within you. The more you open yourself
up to Him, the more He stirs up His gifts within you.
He leads us into all truth.

The people that you know.. that see the greatest
answers to prayer, and have a persistent joy in their
hearts, are the people who persist in prayer,
and persist in faith.. no matter what circumstances they may
be facing. They don't look at their circumstances
they look at the face of God. The God of a thousand

Many testimonies of wonderful Christians were of
people who "abounded in joy" in their circumstances
and kept looking forward, waiting to see what God had
for them, and How He could solve what was going on
in their lives, knowing He had the answers!

Faith looks forward in hope.

Hope comes from God, who made the heavens
and earth. It stands to reason the more time we
spend with that God, the more we would feel
His Hope abound in us.

You see.. Nothing is impossible to those who believe
and are right before God!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests
be made known unto God. And the PEACE OF God
which surpasses all understanding will guard your
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Trust to Him, Cling to Him for all you are worth,
Speak to Him often and fervently, Rely on Him for
all your Needs, Commit to Him all that you have,
and Rest in His ability.. not yours, to work out His
plans for your life.

Trust and do not doubt. Abound in Hope,
Because God is still on the throne!

And let the God of peace RULE in your hearts,
to which also you are called in one body, and be thankful!
Colossians 3:15

You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed
on You, because he trusts in You!
Isaiah 26:3

For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of POWER and LOVE and of a SOUND MIND>
2 Timothy 1:7

So my friend, rest in the precious arms of your
heavenly Father, and "abound in the hope" that He
stirs within your spirit. God is God, and He
Is the great I Am... I am whatever you need.
Trust.. and do not be afraid.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

Friday, May 07, 2010

Obedience without Hesitation

Honor your father and mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God gives to you. Exodus 20:12

This Sunday is a traditional day to celebrate our mothers.
In listening to many people over the years, I have heard
many complaints about people's moms. I am sure I was
in on that from time to time. But as I thought about it
this morning, I realized a very important concept.

God told us to honor our parents. He didn't say if we
liked them we should honor them, or if they were perfect
we should honor them, or if they did all we want, we should
honor them. He said honor them. Be obedient!

This is one of our problems as we grow in Christ. We find
areas of our life that need changing, but obedience comes hard.
God, I cannot honor them, do you know what they did? My child
I didn't ask you what they did, I told you what I want from you,
I asked you to show honor to them, out of obedience to me!
I want you to be obedient to my word.

How many of you today can honestly state that you have surrendered
every area of your life to God? Every hidden motive, every hidden
thought, every hidden anger, every moment of disobedience?
Until we can say that, we still have work to do. We are in essence
walking in rebellion. Absolute surrender is a must.

Is this a easy thing to do? NO, it is not. It is hard for us to admit
we are wrong, or we need to change, especially when someone
tells us we do. We tend to think who are you to tell me I need changing.

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Ephesians 5:21

Yet here we are being asked to submit to one another. The
very opposite of what we feel and have been taught. Submit
to one another in reverence to Christ.

Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31 b

1. We are to submit to Christ first. Ask Him his
perfect will. Ask him to show us what to change, and then
really seek to do it.

2. We are to obey Christ, honor our parents, and honor one

3. Submit to one another in Christ out of reverence for him.
If a Godly person comes and talks to you from the heart
and tells you something you know is good instruction, do not rebel.
Listen out of reverence for Christ, and recognize all of us need
to change, and grow and learn. None of us are perfect.
It isn't a put down, its leveling up!

4. Remember as a Christian whatever we do or think
should bring honor to God. That should be a daily hallmark
for us to think about in any action, deed or thought.

My dear friends, go to God in prayer today and seek His way,
and what he would have you do. Fill your heart with his word,
and let him speak to you through his word, instructing you
and helping you to grow daily in Christ. Don't be afraid
to let go of the past, of things that are wrong, and start
out on a new clean, unchartered territory in Christ. He will guide
you through it, and you will be free because of it.

Be free of the bondages and hidden things within you.
Out of reverence and obedience to Christ, seek internal healing,
and His will above all.

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
Romans 8:5-6

Receive his peace, walk in obedience. Not in your willful way.
He is waiting for you, and has plans for you.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Rescue Me

As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord shall save me.
Evening and morning and at noon, I will pray, and cry aloud,
and He shall hear my voice. He has redeemed my soul in
peace from the battle that was against me.
Psalm 55:17-18

How often in life, when times are difficult and crisis hits,
do we long for someone to come and just take over for us.
To take charge and "fix" everything. To rescue us from
the situation at hand. Our hearts cry out within us, doesn't
anyone care? And yet those we are closest too,
may feel they need rescuing too. The battle is on every
front, and many are facing these battles daily, even

We long for someone to rescue us from the situation,
and to bring us comfort, to be merciful to us, and to
have wisdom. We look to the right and left, but
everywhere we look, either people don't care, or
they are overwhelmed themselves, or they just don't
have the means to change things for us, no matter
how much they love us. They are just human... after all.

It is in these darkest hours we must remember, God longs
to rescue us. He has felt the urgency of our needs,
heard the words of longing we have spoken, even
in the quietness of our minds he has heard the cries of our hearts,
and He has seen the tears
shed upon our pillow. He knows each sorrow, each need
intimately, he is our "personal" God. Nothing is hidden
from Him, and nothing is too hard.

God's ways are past our understanding, his care and
love is absolutely perfect and complete.
All encompassing, all powerful, all compassionate,
all merciful, full of grace and wisdom. No matter
how difficult the situation, how dark the hour, how
deep the pit, how grievous the sin, God has the answer.
He is greater still than all these.

Rely on, cling to, trust in, commit to, proclaim and
rejoice in the "hope" we have in Jesus, our source,
our guide, our Abba Father. Our Daddy, Daddy,
whose love for us, is beyond our wildest expectations.

All He is, is all you will ever need!!
Ask Him to rescue you tonite. Then allow Him to do so,
by leaving your burdens in his hands... and just trust.
Rest.. quietly in His arms. He has come to save to the
uttermost. Great is his faithfulness and mercy.

Rescue me Lord, for I am weak and you are strong.
Take these things from me, and work them out for your
glory, and lift me into heavenly places, and restore my
soul, and heal the inner pain in my spirit, and cleanse
me from all unrighteousness. Restore that which satan
the loser has stolen, and heal that which has been
broken. Bring into being those things which are your
will, and shine a light on my path, that I may see
clearly all you have for me, and give me the gifts
to accomplish these things. Send forth your angels to fight
the battles around me, and to protect me.
Teach me of your ways, give me a song in the night,
and rescue me from this battle raging in my life.
I will serve you
faithfully every day for the rest of my life. For you
are my Abba Father, and I am your child,
surrendered to you, and poured out as a sacrifice
to your service. Save me and I shall be saved,
heal me and I shall be healed. You are my God,
and nothing that comes against me shall prosper.
This is the heritage of those who love thy name.
Amen and amen.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Count It All Joy

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various
trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
But let patience have it's perfect work, that you may be
perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
James 1:2-4

Definition of Joy:
Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness

I can hear some of you say.. Joy in the midst of trials? Are you kidding? How am I supposed to be joyful when someone is hurt
or dying, or when I don't have enough money to go around,
or when my life feels miserable?

Let me ask you this pointed question. Does being sad make it
any better? What does being sad and depressed do to improve
your situation? To me it only clouds your thinking with a ton
of emotions that are almost unmanageable and out of control.
It makes it harder to have a clear, concise picture of your situation
and it controls your thinking. It actually drains you and
wears you out.

God said to bring every thought captive. Tall order
but absolutely necessary to be happy.

Can we do this when our emotions are ruling our spirit?

Why should we be joyful?

Jack Hayford said about this verse:
"The proper attitude in meeting adversity is to count it all
joy, which is NOT a emotional reaction but a deliberate
intelligent appraisal of the situation from God's perspective, viewing
trials as a means of moral and spiritual growth. We do not
rejoice in the trials themselves but in their possible results."

So we meet our problems face on with prayer, a sense of joy
that God will work things out in our lives and in the mean
while we will be growing and learning. Life contains many sorrows
and tragedies. WE can let it alter us until we are bitter
and depressed and forlorn or we can rise to the occasion and
face them and deal with them with courage, and a sense of
joy seeking God's wisdom and guidance and Fatherly provision
and love through it.

I am facing some big things ahead, and have just gone through
quite a few. I have learned to face them one day at a time,
one minute at a time if necessary and then, face what I must
as it comes. Don't look at tomorrow, don't fret about yesterday,
live in today and make the best of it you can. What you cannot
do, you must leave with God. You cannot live your life
in fear and sorrow and expect joy to be there. I choose to
be happy inspite of my circumstances.

I remember once reading a remark Rev. Billy Graham said
about the difficult times in his life:
"God I can hardly wait to see what you are going to do with this".

That my friends is a anticipation of faith in God.. .trusting, not
being afraid, relying on, clinging to and finding hope in Him.

Our circumstances do not RULE us. Our emotions should NOT
be controlled by them.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ
2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV

Dear God, help me control my thoughts today. Help me to realize
there is a bigger picture than what I see. And that while I trust
in you and do the best I can, you will work all things out for your
glory. Help me realize that life will not always be easy and
many times will be hard and seem overwhelming. But this
too shall pass. And you promised you would never leave
me or forsake me. Help me to live a life of faith and trust
and not fear and despair. Remind me when I forget this Father.
Help me to please you in all I say and do.
In Jesus precious name.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Quiet Place

Have you been still lately? I mean really still?
With no television or radio playing, no one to talk to.. just
sitting still?

I know I have told you we have a large back yard, full of
nurtured plants, a vegetable garden, and many rose bushes.
It is quiet back there. The only noise a occasional barking
of a dog, or the delightful song of a bird. It is so restful.
Just the surroundings of God's beautiful creation.
A quiet place. A place to restore our souls and find rest for our spirit,
away from the cacophony of the world.

We all need that quiet place within us.. where the world
cannot intrude, where our troubles don't take precedence,
and where we allow God's spirit to whisper to ours.

A place that is a garden of refreshing.. of hope, of renewal.

If you have not found that quiet time, that quiet spot
then you are missing out on the most important time
in your spiritual life daily. Time with God.

Nothing you do, will matter more than this time.
Nothing. Everything else will pass away.

Only time with God will prosper and last.

Love others, savor them, enjoy the day,
but don't neglect the God you need above all else.

Then today you can say, I walked in the garden with
God, and He refreshed me and held me close.
I knew then, everything would be ok.


ps. I wanted you all to know that both my husband and I have been

having health problems, that is why I have not sent out my devotions

as regularly as I used to. You all are in my heart, and I long to tell

you of the goodness of God in the land of the living. And I know as

time passes and I get stronger, I will send more to you. My love to you all.

For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed,
but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall
the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that
has mercy on thee.
Isaiah 54:10

Receive that blessed peace.. in the quiet times and small
corners of each day

"God Speaking"

The man whispered, "God, speak to me" And a
meadowlark sang.
But the man did not hear.

So the man yelled "God, speak to me" And the thunder
& lightning rolled across the sky. But the man did
not listen.

The man looked around and said, "God, let me see you."
And a star shined brightly. But the man did not see.

And, the man shouted, "God, show me a miracle" And a
life was born.
But the man did not notice.

So, the man cried out in despair, "Touch me, God, and
let me know you are here"
Whereupon, God reached down and touched the man.
But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.

I found this to be a great reminder that God is always
around us in the little and simple things that we take
for granted. .even in our electronic age . . . so I would
like to add one more:

The man cried "God, I need your help" . . . and an
e-mail arrived reaching out with good news and
encouragement. But the man deleted it and continued

The good news is that you are loved. Don't miss out
on a blessing because it isn't packaged the way that
you expect.

Expect the unexpected....
It is called Faith :)

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Proof of the Resurrection

Proof of the Resurrection

copyright Millie Plastaras
3/26/05 all rights reserved.

We hear many skeptics today say the resurrection was
made up to give people hope about this life. And that
there is no proof of it. They often challenge people to prove
it to them, sit back with their arms folded and say "show me".

Through many resources to help bring that proof to you. I am using
the resources that have done a great deal of study,
not only on Biblical history, but history of non christian
authors who wrote of it.

Hope you enjoy it, and find it useful in your witness for the Lord Jesus.

Evidence for the Resurrection

According to many resources I have read, the resurrection
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is one of the most well attested
events in the ancient world.

Why is this important to us? Because the resurrection
was meant to set Jesus apart from anyone else that ever
lived. It would prove He was the son of God, able
to conquer death, and bring eternal life to the world
through His death.

For a 40 day period after he rose from the grave, he appeared
to many different people. Paul, in 56 AD wrote that over
500 people had seen the risen Jesus and that most of them
were still alive (1 Corinthians 15:6).

One of the greatest ways to disprove Jesus death would
have been for anyone to produce his body.

Let us take a look at that part of the resurrection story.
Who would have wanted to steal Jesus body, and
how would it have profited them?

WE know that Jesus could not have survived the
crucifixion. The romans were very thorough in checking
the body of those crucified to make sure they were dead
before they took them down from the cross.

Most people had their legs broken while still on the cross
so that it would hasten their death. The fact that the
soldiers did not do this, shows they felt he was already dead.
And according to Bible prophecy this has been predicted
that not one bone of his body would be broken.

IN John, it is recorded that when Jesus side was pierced,
blood and water came out of it. That would have been a
sign he was dead.

The Jews, if they had wanted to prove Jesus did not rise from
the grave, would have produced the body and paraded
it throughout the streets to prove that theory.

Grave robbers would have had no reason to take it,
only anything worthy of selling or using would have been
their interest.

The romans had no reason to steal the body, they wanted to
keep the peace in Palestine. They had accomplished
their goal of putting him in the grave, they just wanted
to keep the peace.

The disciples had no reason to steal the body of Christ.
If you think about it, later they all died for their belief
in Christ, his life, death and resurrection. Why would they
have wanted to die for a lie?

There have been many who have studied this event,
who were not Christians and wanted to destroy the ancient
story of Jesus and how he came to save the world.
They spent hours pouring over ancient documentation,
historical accounts, and through their journey, accepted
Jesus as their savior. Why? The evidence was compelled,
and verified by man.

One of those men was Frank Morrison who was a agnostic
journalist. Another was Lee Strobel. Who was according to
his investigative reporting, wanted to disprove the outrageous
theory of Christ, and the resurrection. In his desire to
disprove it, he found evidence that changed his life
and made him turn to Christ as His savior.

There were many ancient writers who spoke about
the resurrection, here is just a list of a few of them:

The apostle Paul said in 55 or 56 A.D. that there were hundreds of actual eyewitnesses of the risen Christ who were still alive and could confirm the accounts of the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6). The apostle Paul and the other disciples had to be accurate in what they reported because these living eyewitnesses would have been the first to dispute anything untrue that Paul or the disciples may have said. Another problem with this theory is that first-century historians and other writers of that time period have provided us with further information about the Resurrection, whether directly or indirectly. Here are some examples:

Flavius Josephus (Jewish historian), The Antiquities of the Jews (93 A.D.), book 18, chapter 3, paragraph 3.

Pliny the Younger (Plinius Secundus), Epistles (112 A.D.), volume 10, p.96, in a letter written to emperor Trajan concerning the Christians in Pliny's province (he was the governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor at the time).

Emperor Trajan's reply to Pliny's letter, recorded in Pliny's Epistles, volume 10, p. 97

Cornelius Tacitus (senator under the reign of Vespasian and governor of Asia from 112-113 A.D.), Annals (116 A.D.), volume 15, p.44.

Eusebius recorded in The History of the Church, volume 4, p.9, a letter from emperor Hadrian (who reigned from 117-138 A.D.) to Minucius Fundanus (governor of Asia) giving advice on handling charges against Christians.

Suetonius (Roman historian), Life of Claudius (120 A.D.), volume 25, p.4.

Suetonius, Life of Nero, p.16.

Lucian of Samosata (Greek satirist), The Death of Peregrine (170 A.D.), p.11-13.

Lucian of Samosata, Alexander the False Prophet, sections 25 and 29.

The most plausible explanation is that Christ did rise from the
grave, and all the eyewitnesses and writings about this
make it a plain case in evidence of his resurrection.
The truth is the disciples knew the difference between
a risen savior and a dead friend. They knew the
reason came, the reason He died, and the reason He
rose from the grave. And they gave their lives,
and died because of their firm, real belief in Him.

Peter said: For we did not follow cleverly devised tales
when we made known to you the power and the coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His
majesty. 2 Peter 1:16

Click here: Evidence for the Resurrection

Click here: The Evidence for the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

sources for this:
Answers to tough questions by Josh McDowell
(Wheaton, Illinois, Tyndale house publishers 1980)
Frank Morrison - Who Moved the Stone ( Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1971)
Lee Stroebel - The Case for Christ (Zondervan Publishing 1998)
Proof of the Resurrection published by Rose Publishing, 2004

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Infidels Testimony

An infidel once made the following testimony:

"Did I firmly believe as millions say they do, that the knowledge and practice of religion in this life influences destiny in another,
religion would be to me everything! I would cast aside earthly
enjoyments as dross, earthly cares as follies, and earthly thoughts and feelings as vanity. Religion should be my first waking thought and my last image before sleep sank me into unconsciousness.

I should labor in its cause alone. I would take no thought for
the morrow of eternity alone. I would esteem one soul gained
for heaven worth a life of suffering. Earthly consequence
should never stay my hand nor seal my lips. Earth, it's joys
and its grief's, would occupy no moment of my thoughts. I would
strive to look upon eternity alone, and on the immortal souls
around me, soon to be everlastingly miserable or everlastingly happy.

I would go forth to the world and preach to it in season and out
of season and my test would be, "What shall it profit a man
if he shall gain the whole world, and yet lose his own soul?"

When C. T. Studd, the great Cambridge cricketer of England, read
these words, they made such a tremendous impression upon him
that he gave up a legal career to go to the dark places of
the earth as a missionary. He says: " They decided me at once
to love only and utterly for Christ."

While reading his Bible one day Mr. Studd apparently applied
the story of the rich young ruler to himself and gave away his
entire fortune. At that time it was a half million dollars, and he
followed Christ in voluntary poverty. His last term of service
was in the hart of Africa for nearly thirty years without a furlough!

Listen to what Mr. Studd on Whosoever of you cannot renounce
all he has, he cannot be my disciple.

Don't seek a long life -- Christ had a short one.

Don't live in luxury, Christ lived and died poor.

Don't live in pleasure, Christ pleased not himself.

Don't live in fame, Christ made himself of no reputation.

Don't live at ease, Christ suffered for YOU the shame and
scourge of the cross.

Every saved person knows the truthfulness of the infidel's
comment. We know that there is heaven, and that there is a hell,
because the inspired Word of God tells us so. We know that
all of mankind is destined to spend eternity in one of two
places; those who accept Christ are saved, and those who
reject Him are lost. Therefore it is the supreme duty of
every born again believer is to work for God, and be a sermon
so as to "by all means some may be saved."

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Trouble Tree

Dear Friends,

Into each life some rain must fall. But we would never
appreciate the sunshine as much if we didn't have rain.
Rain refreshes and cleanses. So in the hard times of your life,
remember that you have a anchor for your soul Jesus Christ,
who loved you and gave himself for you. If you are a child
of God because you received the salvation of Jesus Christ and
have repented of your sins you have God's presence in your life
24/7. He wants you to call on him.. tell him your burdens and
leave them at His feet. He wants to guide you into all truth,
and show you the way to overcome and have victory in your life.
The only way you can find this is through spending time with him
in prayer and talking to him. Then read his word so it makes
clear in your mind who God is and what he wants us to do. These
are vital things to your growth as a christian.

Never let your troubles control your mind. All of us have
circumstances and trials. All of us have burdens, we, at one
time or another will have illness and eventually death. But
while we are here.. we can make a difference. We can learn
to be strong, and overcoming and conquer our fears and
our internal pain, by giving it to God and moving on. Never
again tied to the past. It is something we must do daily, and
surrender to Him. Each morning tell him "God, I need your help,
please take these troubles out of my mind. I am going to go forth
into this day, and take the day off from my troubles knowing
you are with me and will work it out. I will do my best to overcome,
and what I cannot do, I trust in you to guide me or provide. Thank
you for loving me and giving your son for me. Teach me your ways,
that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart
may please you in all ways. Amen".



I hired a carpenter to help me restore an old farmhouse, and he had just
finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour
of work, his electric saw quit, and now his ancient pickup truck refused
to start.

While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. Upon arriving, he invited
me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused
briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands.

When opening the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned
face was wreathed in smiles as he hugged his two small children and gave
his wife a kiss.

Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got
the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. OH,
that's my trouble tree? he replied. I know I can't help having troubles
on the job, but one thing's for sure, troubles don't belong in the house
with my wife and the children. So I just hang them up on the tree every
night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again. Funny
thing , he smiled, when I come out in the morning to pick'em up, there
aren't nearly as many as I remember hanging up.