You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one.
You do not want a burnt offering.
The sacrifice you desire is a broken and repentant heart,
O God.
Psalm 51:16-17
Create in me a clean heart, O God.
Renew a loyal spirit within me.
Psalm 51:11
This week I found a statue of a man kneeling over a chair to pray, with his
head bowed and it looked as if he was humbled and broken before the
presence of God. I remembered when I was a child and my grandparents
would get down on the floor and bow and place their arms upon the chair
before them, to pray and humble themselves before God. And I thought
when was the last time I utterly humbled myself before God.
To me this means that we bow in his presence, putting him first, humbling
ourselves, emptying ourselves of pride, and of everything that comes
between us and him, putting him first.
When was the last time you sat down and thought about what you are putting first before God? We often have idols in our lives we do not even realize. Whether possessions, a job, a career, activities or even an overly busy life. Sometimes we get so busy and self focused we do not have time for God. I would say for most of us that is most of the time.
How can God get our attention? Often through brokenness. These times cause us to discard what is unnecessary and seek what is vital. God wants us to shed anything in our life that comes between him and us. So that when we go to the throne of God we can be bold in our prayers, free from things that bind and powerful in our approach. Because HE DWELLS RICHLY IN US. Why does it take a crisis to make us focus on God?
Because we put too many things between us and him. When all is stripped away our selfishness dissolves and our heart is turned towards him. We realize our utter need for total dependence upon Him in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. Our circumstances do not control our life. God controls it, we need to seek him and his guidance ABOVE ALL.
Can you dispose of everything in your life that comes between you and God and say all that I have, all that I want to be is in you God. I am yours, choose what you would have me do this day and I will follow you?
Remember the story of the rich young man in Mark 10:17? He said Good teacher what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus told him to follow the commandments. The young man said He had all of his life. And Jesus said but there is one thing you have not done. Go and sell all you have and follow me, then you will have treasure in heaven. This was the one thing the young man was not willing to do.
What are holding back on today? What will you not surrender to Christ? To be a disciple you must leave all and follow Him. It may not mean giving up everything you have and walking away, but it does mean you surrender utterly to Him and his will, and whatever comes you will be obedient and humble before Him, putting him first. Who among us will give all?
Remember only one life will soon be past,
Only what is done for Christ will last.
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