
Friday, August 31, 2007

Imagine That!

Good Morning Everyone,

In my writings, I love to write inspirational things.
Things to uplift and encourage. But I want them
to be very practical too. I do not want anyone
to think ... oh yeah, that's good for you, but you
don't know what I am going through.
It won't work for me.

You see, from that very statement they are giving up.
It is hopeless, I am doomed, the world is over.

Why do people torture themselves like that? Why give up?

I was talking with my grandson Shaun today,
who is a very bright and precocious thinker.
An analyzer by nature. He talked to me about
my husband John who has had 6 heart attacks
and how fortunate he is to be alive. This is
not a subject we have discussed before. I told
him that the first three heart attacks were
actually cardiac arrests. 3 within an hour. Each
time they had to use the paddles on his chest to
try to get his heart started. The last time, they
felt he was gone, and they brought a counselor out
to me to help me cope.

My family was there, we were not about to give up.
We started praying fervently over him, and the
minute we stopped, the doctors ran out, and said
I cannot believe it... He is back.

You see, what we didn't know at the time is 95 percent
of the people who have the first cardiac arrest die.
Here, my precious husband had 3 and lived!

That is a testimony to the power of prayer and
God's great intervention and love.

Shaun loved hearing this, and at his
age, it is a real encouragement to him, and his faith.

I told him how the last heart attack his grandpa had
it messed up the electrical current so bad in his heart
he had no regular heart beat. Shaun was very curious
about that. He said is it still that way? I said no Shaun,
your grandpa never gives up. Each day he got up
and walked, each day a bit further, and within 6 months,
even with all his heart damage his heart was regular again.

Doctors are astounded about him, they even discuss
him in seminars with our health care provider. My friends
this is a testimony to looking further than your circumstances
and never giving up. It is that you look for creative
ways to better your circumstances, your thinking,
your lifestyle, even your finances. God is able to
give you a way out. But you have to be proactive.

My friends, set goals. Short term and long term.
And don't give up. Keep seeking to better yourself,
and take a practical strong viewpoint of life. You can do it!

It is all in your perspective my friend, if you think your
life is over, that nothing ever goes right, you are setting
yourself up mentally to fail. If you think each day
has possibilities and you can make the best of your
circumstances you will!

It is a choice. I don't care what your circumstances.
I can absolutely vouch for this in my own life. We
have many obstacles to face daily. But God always
provides. The days we run out of money, somehow
it always works out. The days we have health problems
God always gives us hope and comfort, and ways
to improve ourselves.

I love you dear friends. Don't live beneath your
destiny. You only have this one life, make it count
for something everyday.


Ps.. sometimes when I send out letters like this people
get very upset with me, because they have prayed
for loved ones who were suffering and they were
never healed. They feel that I am saying they don't have
enough faith. I would never say such a thing. God is
sovereign. Sometimes he chooses to heal, sometimes
he does not. IN my husbands case, there was a reason.
So he could make his heart right with God, and correct
some things he had done in life that had been very
destructive to me. God utterly changed his heart.

So, receive this article for what it is. A desire to
get you to pray fervently, seek to rise higher in your
thinking and to dwell in faith, and God's word.
That whatever comes, you are prepared, vigilant
and strong in the Lord, and do not set yourself
up for failure.



Three-year-old Jonathon is gifted and precocious.

When his parents took him to a restaurant, he ordered a grilled cheese sandwich.

"Jonathon, I'm sorry, we don't serve grilled cheese sandwiches," the server replied.

He asked, "You have a grill, don't you?"
She answered, "Yes."

He continued, "You have cheese, don't you?"
"Yes, we do."

"You have bread, don't you?"

"Well," he said, "I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich."
Three years old.

The server returned after checking with the chef and told the boy they would fix him the sandwich. "But I forgot to ask you what you want to drink," she said.

"I'll have a milkshake, please."

"I'm sorry, Jonathon, but we don't serve milkshakes," she answered. But this time she was ready. "Now, it is true we have milk. And it is true we have ice cream. But we don't have syrup," she explained.

He said, "You have a car, don't you?"

Whatever other intellectual gifts Jonathon exhibits, the trait that may serve him best is imagination.

We're told that Albert Einstein said: "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." He also said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." And Napoleon is purported to have said, "Imagination rules the world."

I have come to realize that I am limited only by my imagination. When I believe nothing can be done, I search for a way out when I could do better searching for solutions. When I perceive my situation as impossible, I resign myself to that fate when I might be drawing upon greater resources of faith and courage. I far too often settle for less when I could be asking myself that transforming question, "What if...?"
The truth is if it can be imagined, it can come to be. The solution to your problem, the way through your dilemma or the answer to your yearning must first be conceived in your mind before it can be birthed in life. Conceive it and believe it, then you will achieve it.

It can happen for individuals and it can happen for our world. Vividly conceive it in your imagination and fervently believe it in your heart. Then you will achieve it in life.

Author Unknown

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