
Monday, April 30, 2007

Who Jesus Is To Me

Good Morning Dearest Friends,

Who is Jesus to you? Have you thought about that question?
I do not mean just what you have been taught, or
what you hear said about him. Those catch phrases
we all use. No, I am talking about in the quiet moments
of the day and you are alone with Him, who is He to you?

Is He your sufficiency?
Do you really trust Him for all situations in your life?

And God is able to make all grace and every favor and
earthly blessign come to you in abundance,
so that you may always and under all circumstances
and whatever the need, be self-sufficient -- possessing
enough to require no aid or support and furnished
in abundance for every good work and
charitable donation.
2 Corinthians 9:9

Is He your source of courage and hope each day?
Or are you trying to wing it on your own?

Wait and hope for and expect the Lord;
be brave and of good courage, and let your heart
be stout and enduring. Yes, wait and hope for
and EXPECT the Lord.
Psalm 27:14

Is Jesus your refuge? Your hiding place?
Is He where you run to FIRST to find help
for troubles, sorrow and difficult times?

The eternal God is your refuge and dwelling place,
and underneath are the everlasting arms;
He drove out the enemy from before you
and thrust them out, saying, Destroy!
Deuteronomy 33:27

(And So God can come against the enemy of
your soul in every situation)

Be strong, courageous and firm, FEAR NOT,
nor be in terror before them; for it is the Lord
Your God who goes with you, He will NOT
fail you or forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Most of all He is my Savior. Is He truly your Savior?

For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world
that He (even) gave up His only-begotten (unique)
Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts, clings to, relies on)
Him shall not perish, -- come to destruction, be lost --
but have eternal (everlasting) life.
John 3:16

My friends, make Jesus your first stop every morning,
and your last whispered prayer in the evening.
Make Him Lord of your life, for your own souls sake,
and for relief from grief, sorrow, anguish, loneliness,
worry and fear. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly
above that which we ask or think according to the power
that works in us. Who works in us? God. If we but allow
Him to.

all my love

ps.. this is one of those inspirations, as you
keep reading, you will say wow. It is packed full of
wisdom, information, and cause for praise. I know
it will bless you. Print it out and read it on those
days when life seems greater than the solutions
you can see, or hope for. God has the answers my



"A young man whose father is a carpenter grows up working in his father's shop. He has no formal education. He owns no property of any kind.

One day he puts down his tools and walks out of his father's shop. He starts preaching on street corners and in the nearby countryside. Walking from place to place preaching all the while, even though he is in no way an ordained minister, he never gets farther than an area perhaps 100 miles wide at the most.

He does this for three years. Then he is arrested, tried and convicted. There is no court of appeal so he is executed at age 33 along with two common thieves. Those in charge of his execution roll dice to see who gets his clothing -- the only possessions he has.

His family cannot afford a burial place so he is interred in a borrowed tomb.

End of story?

No, this uneducated, propertyless young man who preached on street corners for only three years who left no written word has for 2000 years had a greater effect on the entire world than all the rulers, kings and emperors, all the conquerors, the generals and admirals, all the scholars, scientists and philosophers who ever lived -- all put together.

How do we explain that?

Unless He really was what He said He was."

By Ronald Reagan


What Christ is To Us

The Shield from every dart;
The Balm for every smart;
The Sharer of each load;
Companion on the road.

The Door into the fold;
The Anchor that will hold!
The Shepherd of the sheep;
The Guardian of my sleep.

The Friend with Whom I talk;
The Way by which I walk;
The Light to show the way;
The Strength for every day.

The Source of my delight;
The Song to cheer the night;
The Thought that fills my mind;
The Best of All to find - is JESUS!




Lord God Almighty, Omnipotent King, Lion of Judah, Rock of Ages, Prince
of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Provider, Protector, Paternal
Leader, Ruling Lord and Reigning King of all the universe. He is Father,
Helper, Guardian and God. He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the
End. He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all He keeps.

The Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always
was, is, and will be: Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone.
He was bruised and brought healing. He was pierced and eased pain. He was
persecuted and brought freedom. He was dead and brought life. He is risen
and brings power. He reigns and brings Peace. The world can't understand
him, the armies can't defeat Him, the schools can't explain Him, and the
leaders can't ignore Him. Herod couldn't kill Him, the Pharisees couldn't
confuse Him, the people couldn't hold Him! Nero couldn't crush Him. Hitler
couldn't silence Him, the New Age can't replace Him and Ted Turner can't
explain Him away!

He is light, love, longevity, and Lord. He is goodness, kindness,
gentleness, and God. He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure.
His ways are right, His Word is eternal, His will is unchanging, and His
mind is on me! His is my redeemer, He is my Saviour, He is my guide, He is
my peace, He is my Joy, He is my comfort, He is my Lord and He rules my
life. I serve Him because His bond is love, His burden is light, and His
goal for me is abundant life. I follow Him because He is the wisdom of
the wise, the power of the powerful, the ancient of days, the ruler of
rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the overcomers, and the
sovereign Lord of all that was, is and is to come. And if that seems
impressive to you, try this for size. His goal is a relationship with ME!
He will never leave me, forsake me, mislead me, forget me, overlook me,
and never cancel my appointment in His appointment book!

When I fall, He lifts me up. When I fail, He forgives me. When I am weak,
He is strong. When I am lost, He is The Way. When I am afraid, He is my
courage. When I stumble, He steadies me. When I am hurt, He heals me.
When I am broken, He mends me. When I am blind, He leads me. When I am
hungry, He feeds me. When I face trials, He is with me. When I face
persecution, He stills me. When I face problems, He comforts me. When I
face loss, He provides for me. When I face Death, He carries me Home!

He is everything for everybody, everywhere, every time, and in every way.
He is God, He is faithful, I am His, and He is mine. My Father in Heaven
can whip the father of this world, and so, if you're wondering why I feel
so secure, understand this: He said it, and that settles it. God is in
control, I am on His side, and that means all is well with my soul.

Author Unknown

Hallelujah! Shout unto the Lord..
all He is.. is all you will ever need


Friday, April 27, 2007

The Gift of Time

Good Morning Everyone,

Do you notice how much faster life is moving?
Everyone is so busy, they barely have
time for relationships, and almost no time
for themselves. Time for meditation, and prayer?
Puhlease (they say) I am busy.. what are you thinking?

Ok... busy doing what? Working?
Making money? Running the family around?
What is making us more busy than we were years
ago? Don't we have more modern conveniences
to make food faster, to drive faster, even
make phone calls quicker, and communicate
on a broader scope than ever before?

Why is it then busier? Why do we not find
time for that which is necessary for the
nurturing of our souls and the souls of
our family? Or ministering to the needs
of others? Or even allowing people to
encourage us. Do we have time for that?

Is some of our business unorganized or
unnecessary? If we could step back
and take a snapshot of our lives, would
we be happy with what we are doing with
and for our family and those we know are in

Life is not about what we can get on the way
to where we are going, life is about what we
can do for those around us to make this world
a better place. For sure, we need to earn
money, and have a home and do our best
to prosper, but if we do not take time for
ourselves and others, soon we will find ourselves
older, and looking back with regrets.

What remains when we die?
How we have treated others. That is
what we will be remembered for.

I am struck by the fact that the more we have
to make life easier, the harder it seems.
And the more money we earn the less we
seem to enjoy it.
And the more conveniences we have
the more inconvenienced we feel.

Discontent reigns within our ranks.

We are not satisfied, we feel unhappy,
more people depressed than ever before.

Perhaps, we need to take time each day
to restore ourselves, to reach out to a friend
in need, and time to pray. God teach me how
to make use of my time wisely, how to love
others, how to invest my life, my time, my
money well. So that when I come to the
end of my life, I can look on a body of work
that was gifted to the betterment of others
and not the collection of things for myself.

Only one life will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last.

For what shall it profit a man if he
gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?
Matthew 16:26

Slow down for a time everyday,
love others, enjoy the precious life you have
been given. You only have this one life.
Precious commodity. Take care of it.



Mother Duck's Miracle
By Carolyn Griffin

"Just a couple hours now," said Dad, "and we'll soon be at our campsite!"

The year was 1950, and we were on our family vacation, doing our family thing - camping. I settled down in my corner of the back seat to take a nap. The rhythm of the moving car soothed me into a deep sleep.

Wham! I woke with a start, my face on the floorboard of the back seat. Dad had braked sharply.

"What happened?" I asked. "Where are we?"

"Half an hour from our campsite," he answered, "and I don't know what the holdup is, but all the cars have stopped. I'll see what's going on."

Dad stepped out of the car. Mom, my little brother David and I waited.

"Bet there's been an accident!" David was excited.

Mom shook her head. "Probably a bear crossing the road," she said. David bounced up and down in his seat. That was even better than an accident!

Dad came running back to the car. "Come on!" he said very excitedly. "Come on, kids! You've all got to see this!"

I jumped out of the car and ran to catch up with him. "What is it, Daddy?" I asked. He grinned and reached for my hand. "Come see, Carolyn," he said.

I knew that, whatever it was, it was nice because my father was happy about it. I grabbed his hand and skipped excitedly along beside him. We walked past a dozen parked cars. Ahead, a group of people stood "ooh-ing" and "aah-ing."

Looking in the same direction as everyone else, we saw a mother duck, sleek and proud, promenading up the middle of the road, nine little ducklings waddling after her. The babies were marching single file behind their mother, totally ignoring the people and automobiles.

No one from any of the stalled cars appeared to mind waiting on a fearless mother duck and her nine ducklings parading up the highway as if it were exclusively theirs.

We all followed Mrs. Duck and family a quarter of a mile up the hill. There Mrs. Duck led her children off the road, over a small embankment and into a little creek winding its way down the mountainside.

I walked back to the car with the adults and listened to their conversation with strangers.

"Oh, you're from Milwaukee? We lived there for four years!" They were discovering people and places they had in common.

I was quiet as we continued our journey, wondering about what we had just witnessed. Later in camp, I sat on a large rock next to my father, our feet dangling in the creek.

"Daddy?" I asked. "How did Mrs. Duck know that all those busy people would stop to let her walk along the road with her babies?"

Dad picked up a smooth stone, thoughtfully rubbed it between his thumb and forefinger, then skimmed it over the water.

"Well, honey," he said, watching the little stone skim the water, "that's one of God's miracles. God used that mother duck and her babies to slow everyone down so they could enjoy life a little bit more. He arranges opportunities like this, sort of as a reminder to make people think about what's important in life."

I sat there for a moment, smiling over Dad's words. Soon, Mom joined us, stuck her tired feet into the cool water and sighed, "Oh-h, that feels good!"

David wandered up and sat beside Mom, cuddling close. We all relaxed there by the creek as the mountain breeze played a soothing symphony in the trees above, just for us.

Yes, it truly was a miracle!

Reprinted by permission of Carolyn Griffin (c) 2001 from Chicken Soup for the Nature Lover's Soul by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Steve Zikman. In order to protect the rights of the copyright holder, no portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Standing On The Promises

Good Morning Everyone,

There are times when it seems God is silent.
Our prayers unanswered.
Our burdens crowding our mind
and our hearts torn with grief and loneliness.

It is in these times, when we must stand
on the promises of God, rather than just
living on the premises. We have to have faith.

Faith is:
believing the answer is on the way even
when we cannot see it.
It is believing God has our best interests
at heart, that He knows our yesterdays
sees our tomorrow's, and can see what
is best for us, we have to trust in that.
Faith is reaching into Gods word and
receiving it, allowing it to seep into
our spirit and clinging to it for all we are worth
so that it may encourage and strengthen us.

Faith is trusting in God's ability, not ours.
It is in knowing that there is Higher power than
ours, a Higher way than ours, a Heavenly Father,
an advocate, a precious strength and comfort.

We then, when standing on his promises,
must release these heavy burdens we were
never meant to bear. Peel our fingers off of them,
lay them sacrificially at his feet, and don't pick them
up and count them as if they were money stacked
on a table. Don't feed your burdens, because
they will become larger than you can bear.

Instead ... give them away. Even if you must
pray that 50 times a day until you get in the
habit of leaving them at his feet, and moving on,
trusting, and resting ... resting ... not picking them up.

My friends, this is spiritual discipline.

Even on the days when my heart is overwhelmed,
my body rebelling and in terrible pain, I know
who my Savior is, I know He loves me, and
I know He wants to be the Dad, and He wants
me to be the child, and go out into the day
and enjoy it and invest it in the lives of others,
not fritter it away on sorrow.

Looking back on my lifetime, the days I wasted
on sorrow, never were profitable. They robbed
me of every good thing, especially my joy.

That is what satan wants, to rob us of our joy.

He wants to rob us of our joy, and to keep
the word of God out of our minds, hearts
and lives. If He can keep us from reading
the word, he will keep us in despair
and feeling hopeless. The word is God's
reality, lack of it is mans loss of hope.

Will you let satan rob you? Recognize
when he is doing this. Rebuke him. Don't receive it.
Instead get into the word, find promises that
relate to you, and speak them out loud, pray them,
and trust them. God's word is powerful, it is alive
it will change the atmosphere in your home,
it will change the mindset you have, it will change
your spiritual life.

We have to grow. No matter how hard things are,
there is good and there are blessings in each day.

Trust me ... this is the hardest lesson. But the
sweetest and most rewarding. God loves me, wants what
is best for me, and is watching over me. I need to
receive that and take joy in it, and make the
best of my day.


Ps. I can choose to live in despair
Or I can choose to dwell in prayer.

Why worry about tomorrow
And the rising of the sun,
Or anguish over past mistakes
That cannot be undone?

Why waste life's precious moments
On things that bruise the heart
When today is ours to fashion
Into a work of art?

Today comes but once, my friend,
It never can return _
So use it wisely while you can,
There's a lesson you may learn.

Let history record the past
And tomorrow come what may.
Be content to do your best
With what you have today!

~ Clay Harrison ~


When God is Silent
Author: Unknown

"Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret -- it leads only to evil" Psalm 37:7-8, NIV.

John (not his real name) realized that his marriage wasn't all that it could be, but he and Mary were in counseling so John was confident that their marriage would survive and be stronger than ever.

Wrong. John was devastated when Mary informed him that she didn't love him and never would. Tragically time proved that she meant it.

John said that he always believed with faith in God, hope, persistence, qualified counseling help, and hard work pretty much any problem could be resolved.

Wrong again. Eventually John and Mary were divorced after which John experienced an intense "silence of God -- dark night of the soul."

So what do you do when you are committed to and trusting God and your world falls apart?

As John put it, "As hurt, baffled and confused as I was, I clung to my faith. I had nothing else to cling to. But today, several years later, I am a much different man. My shattered dreams and God's silence were God's wake-up call for me. I realized that I had many unresolved personal problems from my past that I needed to face and resolve. I also realized that the only person I could ever change was me. I'm still learning and growing but I am healthier today spiritually, emotionally and physically than I was when I was in my 30s.

Through my own personal journey I would agree with John. Who wants to change and grow when everything is going great? Certainly not me because change and growth are often very painful. Facing one's reality can also be a painful experience. But it's only as we face and accept our personal problems and character issues, that we can bring them to God and safe people for healing.

When God seems silent, if we stand still and listen with our heart, in time we will realize that God has been speaking the loudest to us. Strange? Yes, but true.

"Dear God, thank you for the times when I felt you were silent and deserted me, for I now realize that you allowed me to go through pain and disappointment to help me face my personal problems and grow. Thank you that you loved and accepted me as I was but loved me too much to leave me as I was. Gratefully in Jesus' name. Amen."

"I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." -Psalm 34:4

Standing On The Promises,

written by John Kelso Carter, 1886
Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Through eternal ages let His praises ring,
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.


Standing, standing,
Standing on the promises of God my Savior;
Standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.


Standing on the promises I now can see
Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me;
Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free,
Standing on the promises of God.


Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
Standing on the promises of God.


Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

One Day At A Time

Good Morning Everyone,

When life overwhelms us we need to take
a snapshot of it. And say I realize this
is just one day in time, and this too shall pass.

I have been through hard times before and
made it through, and I grew and learned from them,
survived them and overcame them, and I shall
survive and overcome this too.

One step at a time, one day at a time.

We only have to live in today.
Yesterday is gone, we must let go to enjoy today.
Tomorrow is yet unwritten, it is in God's hands,
leave it there!

But today is a gift, to invest or fritter away.
It is what is within our reach and our hands.

Take one step at a time, one hour at a time,
and make the day the best you can.

A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

And God's peace (be yours, that tranquil state of
a soul assured of its salvation through Christ,
so that fearing nothing from God and content
with its early lot of whatever sort that is, that
peace) which transcends all understanding,
shall GARRISON and mount guard over your
hearts and MINDS in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

Just Trust.


In him we live and move and have our being.
Make it full of the light of Christ and not
the darkness of fear or despair.

Just Trust.


One Day At A Time

One day at a time, with its failures and fears
With its hurts and mistakes, with its
weakness and tears,
With its portion of pain and its burden of care,
One day at a time we must meet and we must bear.

One day at a time to be patient and strong;
To be calm under trial and sweet under wrong,
Then its toiling shall pass and its sorrow shall cease;
It shall darken and die, and the night shall bring

One day at a time, but the day is so long,
And the heart is not brave, and the soul is not strong,
O Thou pitiful Christ, be Thou Near all the way,
Give courage and patience and strength for the day.

( A poem laid inside my fathers Bible
I found after his death, he Got the Bible
in the 70s, and he lived by this poem,
and the concept of
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last.
My fathers life was a testimony to persistence
in faith, and it still encourages my spirit to
remember how he lived, and how Christ lived
in Him. There is no heritage greater)


Stepping Stones
Author: Unknown

The Lord came to me like a dream one
day and asked, "why do you sorrow?"
I answered, "Lord my life is so full of
pain, I can't face one more tomorrow."

The Lord sat down beside me, and
gently took my hand. He said, "Let me
explain to you and then you'll

Each sorrow is a stepping stone
you must surmount each day,
And every stepping stone you climb
is a sorrow that's passed away.

The road of life is a mountainside,
with crevices in which to be caught,
But as you struggle on your way,
I the Rock, will lend support.

Every stepping stone you climb,
makes spirit and heart grow strong.
Exercising character and faith
this road seems painful and long.

The way is paved with stepping stones,
to uplift your heart and soul,
Though difficult they aid your way,
to a City paved with gold.

I know that you are tired,
for I too have walked this way,
My sorrows did they multiply,
but I cleared many stones away.

I left my rock to lift you up,
I left behind my story.
To give you strength to make your climb,
to that special place in glory.

And never fear, the Rock is here,
You'll never climb this mountain alone
Surmount life's sorrows, continue on,
For they are but stepping stones.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Rising Above Our Circumstances

Good Morning Everyone.

God often reminds me of a concept that is so important.
Choose your battles.

Did you recognize we fight little battles all day? Some of
them spiritual, some mental, some verbal? We do, and
by the end of the day we feel drained.

Not all of these battles are necessary for us to fight.
But we in our blindness, and carnal (fleshly, worldly)
thinking, think we need to establish verbally who is right
and who is wrong. Sometimes, we need to let go, and
let God do that.

Truthfully, each morning first thing, we MUST
lay our burdens at his feet, and go out in faith
and make the best of the precious, new day
we have been granted to invest in.

According to the article below, we are going to meet
a lot of chickens in our lifetime, learning our position
of authority in Christ we need to leave the chickens alone,
and go out and do the right thing. Pray for the chickens,
don't fight with them.

It is hard to soar with the eagles, when you are living
down among the chickens. It is a choice. Who you
surround yourself with makes a absolute difference
in how you act and who you become.

You don't always need to let people know how right you are,
or set them straight, or try to fix things. You don't need to
control situations or people. This is born out of insecurity,
and we need to leave it with God. We need to fill up with
His word, be right before him. And we need to surround ourselves with people who uplift, encourage and take
the spiritual path in life. This inspires us to higher
thinking and a better way of life.

If you get around people that pull you down, and corrupt
your behavior and thinking.. you are only defeating yourself.
You have no one to blame but yourself when you
allow negativity and people in your life who
are detrimental to your spiritual life.

It is all a choice. This is how we learn to be successful in
life, by right thinking, and making wise choices. By being
teachable. No one has fully arrived, we are all under
construction, we are all still learning. Be open to what
God has to tell you, and to Godly teachers. Don't go any
other way but His. This leads to a life with far fewer regrets.

Love you so much

I appeal to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you
in view of all the mercies of God, to make a decisive
dedication of your bodies -- presenting all your members
and faculties -- as a LIVING SACRIFICE, holy (devoted,
consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your
reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and
spiritual worship.
Do NOT be conformed to this world -- this age, fashioned
after and adapted to its external, superficial customs.
But be TRANSFORMED (changed) by the (entire)
renewal of your mind -- by its new ideals and its new
attitude -- so that you may prove (for yourselves)
what is the good and acceptable and perfect will
(in his sight for you).

Romans 12:1-2

Are you sold out to God? Are you transformed?
Are you new in Christ? You need to be.
You were bought with a price... the blood of the Lamb
who sacrificed himself as a atonement for the sins of
the world. No one paid a greater price of love for you
than this. Give Him your all.


by Ann Paden

Jack London's wonderful classic, White Fang, tells the story of an animal, half dog-half wolf as he survives his life in the wild and then learns to live among men. There is one story in particular from the novel that has left a lasting impression on my mind..

White Fang was very fond of chickens and on one occasion raided a chicken roost and killed fifty hens. His master, Weeden Scott, whom White Fang saw as man-God and "loved with a single heart," scolded him and then took him into the
chicken yard.

When White Fang saw his favorite food walking around right in front of him he obeyed his natural impulse and lunged for a chicken. He was immediately checked by his master's voice. They stayed in the chicken yard for quite a while and
every time White Fang made a move toward a chicken his master's voice would stop him. In this way he learned what his master wanted - he had learned to ignore the chickens.

Weeden Scott's father argued that you "couldn't cure a chicken killer," but Weeden challenged him and they agreed to lock White Fang in with the chickens all afternoon.

"Locked in the yard and there deserted by the master, White Fang lay down and went to sleep. Once he got up and walked over to the trough for a drink of water. The chickens he calmly ignored. So far as he was concerned they did not
exist. At four o'clock he executed a running jump, gained the roof of the chicken house, and leaped to the ground outside, whence he sauntered gravely to the house. He had learned the law."

Out of love and a desire to obey his master's will, White Fang overcame his natural, inborn desires. He may not have understood the reason, but he chose to bend his will to his master's.

Animal stories often have a way of breaking your heart and often reveal a profound truth. The simplicity and purity of White Fang's love and devotion to his master help me realize that my life will always be full of "chickens." What I have to settle is, whom I will serve!

Have you heard the Master's voice?

Are you able to stay away from the chickens once you know that the master desires that of you?

One day we, like White Fang, will leap clear of this "chicken yard world" and its temptations into a far, far better place.

Hold steady, the time is drawing near. Until then, hear and obey the Master's voice.
contributed by Gail

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The View From Big Picture

Good Morning Everyone,

Remember when you were a child, and you found
yourself rebelling against your parents in one
way or another? You would think you were smart,
and then a reality check would set in.

Your parents would say, look at me, are you listening?
Look into my eyes. I am the parent, you are the child.

Positioning. Sets the record straight doesn't it?

We knew then we had to line up with their rules or
suffer for it. And later on in life, we came to recognize
how wise their rules were, and what we had suffered
in life when we rebelled against what we knew were
the right things to do.

One of the biggest problems in people's spiritual
lives today is their focus. It is on everything but Christ.
They don't have time for him. They don't have time
for His word, or to praise Him. They seem to only
run to him in a hurry with a quick prayer God help me,
or thank you for the food and then they are on their way.

Their spiritual discipline is lacking to the degree
that when hard times hit, and the storms of life batter
them, they are utterly unprepared to face these
difficulties with any degree of spiritual wisdom or
guidance. And they are beaten down quickly,
and discouraged, and often question God, when
in fact, they are the ones who walked away from Him.

They are neglecting the needs of their soul.

Let me tell you something my friends that I have learned
over the years. Neglecting your soul is the most harmful
thing you can do. It affects every relationship, every
decision you make. It sets up a degree of worry,
frustration, and depression that you would not feel,
if you TRULY believed God was the Father and
you were the child and lived by that faith filled
hope and decree.

I am a child of the King of Kings, I am beloved,
protected, forgiven, full of hope, full of strength in
His name, covered by the blood of the Lamb, emboldened
by the power and strength of His word, a soldier
in the army of God.

Where are your eyes this morning?
Are you happy? Do you feel peace?
Are you overwhelmed with your life?
Do you feel you are drifting without direction
and life is making little sense, and you are just
not happy with it?

Obviously something you are doing or not doing
is not nurturing your soul.
Time is an investment. Your relationship with Christ is vital.
It serves you eternally, it
sets up whether you will be happy or sad.
It sets up whether you will enjoy life and invest
it well or spend it in regrets and recriminations
and self doubt. You have to take it seriously.

You only have this one life. Don't waste it
or fill it with regrets or despair. What a waste of your
time and precious days.

My friends, get on your knees today, take time for God
and ask Him to show you how to live successfully
and wisely, beyond your own wisdom and understanding.
He will guard you, guide you, strengthen you, love you fervently, embolden you by the power of His might,
comfort you and guide you into all truth.

What more could one want?

Then why in the world are you neglecting it?



See My Eyes?
Author: Lillian Hinds

My mother was lots of fun and often teased and played with my brothers and me. And there were times when we weren't quite sure whether she was just teasing or really serious.

When she would give us "the look" and say, "See my eyes?" then we would know she was serious!

Mother played the organ at church and the three of us kids sat on the front row. Since Daddy was preaching, he could not discipline us or really pay attention to us during the service. But like most women, my mother could do several things at one time, especially when it came to her children.

She would glance at us there on the front row, and if we were not behaving in church, we would get that "See my eyes?" look and know that this matter would be taken care of when we got home. I immediately straightened up!

No matter what was going on during the service--whether I was listening or singing, shaking hands or passing the offering plate--my eyes often wandered back to my mother to see if everything was okay.

And it so happens that this is all, that God wants from us. To keep our eyes on him.

"But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute." Psalm 141:8

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2

Over my lifetime, like most everyone, I've had hard times, frustrating times, times when I had no idea what to do next. What to say, how to act, where to turn. Sometimes I didn't even know what to pray.

My mother taught me that if I kept my eyes on her, I wouldn't get in trouble in church. And she also taught me that if I kept my eyes on Jesus, he would be my refuge so that I wouldn't "grow weary or lose heart."

No matter what else is going on around you ... whether you're in the middle of a terrible storm or everything is running smoothly ... whether you are sitting or standing, singing or listening, crying or laughing ... fix your eyes on Jesus so you will not grow weary or lose heart.

Always be where you can "see His eyes."

"Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?" - Mark 8:18

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Clearing Sky

Good Morning Everyone,

As I was sitting here praising the Lord for
the new day, I looked outside at the sky.
Yesterday, it was dark and gloomy all day,
threatening rain, and cold and blustery.

Today the skies have cleared, and although
still rather cold for this area, it is beautiful
outside. I see spring approaching,
with the gathering birds and the eggs they
are now waiting to hatch. The trees blossoming
with the promise of fruit in it's season.
My flowers prospering and shining their faces
toward the sun. Oh how beautiful to behold
God's creation!

So from one day to the next, the sky may
be dark and stormy, but it will clear, and there
will be a new day. And so it is with our problems,
weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in
the morning.

There is always hope, there are always the promises
of God to rely on. God is not limited by our thinking
or perception of Him. If God be for us, who or what
can stand against us? Nothing!

All things are possible through Christ!

May the God of your hope so fill you with all
joy and peace in believing (through the experience
of your faith) that ... you may abound and be
overflowing ... with hope.
Romans 15:13

Today is a new day ... receive the joy of it,
savor it. It will not pass this way again.


Ps. As the skies clear, make it a goal to
clear your mind of negative, faithless thinking.
You cannot succeed when you defeat yourself by
your own thought patterns. Change them for your own
sake and for the glory of Christ!

We Get What We Say
Author: Olabisi Ibidapo
I believe we get what we say because God honors His word and His word says that “who so ever believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass…shall have whatsoever he saith. (Mark 11:23). In spite of the fact that I was familiar with these well-known biblical quotation it had somehow never occurred to me that the promise, in (Mark 11: 23) “he shall have whatsoever he saith, “ was a two-edged sword it could work for me or it could work against me, depending on what I said.
 I constantly used phrases like “I can’t, and I afraid,” when God’s word told me “I can “and Fear not.” My words were out of harmony with God’s word; I was disagreeing with the Lord until God reveal this unto me.
Brethren, can two works together except they agree? Ask Amos 3:3. I discovered that I could never walk with God in blessing, triumph and abundant supply as long as I disagreed with God’s word. So here was the secret; I had to agree with the Lord. I have to say what God said about my life. I needed to say what He said about my health, my finances, my strength, my anointing, and my power, about all of the blessings he had promised me in His Word.
Praise God, I and my husband Mike really tormented with the example below until God delivered us. It is true that if you believe what you are saying, what you say is what you get. If you say, ‘I can’t pay my bills,” for instance, you won’t be able to pay your bills even though God’s word says that “My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 4:19). But if you change your negative way of speaking and thinking based on God’s promise to supply, you will receive the financial miracle you need. To help you overcome any habit of negative speaking, it may help if you can start this. “My Never again List.” This really helps me.
My Never Again List:
·         Never again will I confess “I can’t. For “I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me” (Philippians 4:13)
·         Never again will I confess lack for “My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 19)
·         Never again will I confess fear for God hath not given me “the sprit of fear but of power and love and of sound mind.” (2 Tim 1: 7)
·         Never again will I confess doubt and lack of faith for God hath given to “every man the measure of faith.” (Romans 12:3)
·         Never again will I confess weakness for the Lord is the strength of my life. (Psalm 27:1) and, “The people that know their God shall be strong and exploits.” (Daniel 11: 32)
·         Never again will I confess supremacy of Satan over my life, “Greater is He that is within me that he that is in the world.” (1 john 4:4)
·         Never again will I confess defeat for God always caused me to “triumph in Christ Jesus.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)
·         Never again will I confess lack of wisdom for Christ Jesus is “made unto me wisdom from God.” (1 Corinthians 1:30).
·         Never again will I confess sickness, for “With His stripes I am healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) and Jesus Himself took my “infirmities and bare my sickness.” (Matthew 8:17)
·         Never again will I confess worries and frustrations for I am “casting all my cares upon who careth for me” (1 Peter 5:7). In Christ I am care –free.
·         Never again will I confess bondage for where the spirit of “God is there is liberty.” (2 Corinthians 3:17). My body is the temple of Holy Spirit.
·         Never Again will I confess condemnation for there is “therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8: 1). I am in Christ; therefore I am free from condemnation.
So there fore brethren God honors His word, be in harmony with God and see your self the way God sees you in His word.
God Bless you all and love to all.
EV. Olabisi Ibidapo

“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” - Proverbs 28:13

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What Is Your Daily Input?

Good Morning Everyone,

Sometimes people comment my devotions are too long.

What do you have time for that is meaningful spiritually?

How can one let God occupy their life, when the
never consult him?

How can one find strength for the day and hope
for the way, if they never read God's word?

How can one find encouragement if they never
have time for that input?

If you don't have time for devotions,
and you don't have time for prayer,
and you don't have time for God,
and the Bible is something you rarely have time for.
What is happening in your spiritual life?

You are neglecting the very thing you need more than
anything! You need that hope that God brings to each
day, you need fresh forgiveness by talking to him,
you need his strength to face the problems life brings
to us. If you are weary, and worn, and life seems impossible,
it's probably because you don't have time for anything
positive for your spirit.

Only you have the power to change it.

What choices are you making in life today?

Take time for God!


Ps. Friends, it isn't about you reading my devotion,
it isn't about me. It is about the need of your soul
for spiritual input and nurturing. Just read something
daily, most especially God's word that leads you into
all truth, strength, hope, and teaches you how to live
life wisely, and with comfort and wisdom and guidance
through Jesus Christ, who loved you and gave Himself for you!


What Christ is To Us

The Shield from every dart;
The Balm for every smart;
The Sharer of each load;
Companion on the road.

The Door into the fold;
The Anchor that will hold!
The Shepherd of the sheep;
The Guardian of my sleep.

The Friend with Whom I talk;
The Way by which I walk;
The Light to show the way;
The Strength for every day.

The Source of my delight;
The Song to cheer the night;
The Thought that fills my mind;
The Best of All to find - is JESUS!


No one ever loved liked Jesus
When the days were dark and drear
No one is so near so dear as Jesus
Cast your every care on Him!

I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel;
My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
I have set the Lord always before me;
Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
Psalms 16:7-8


(Psalm 46:10)
God, what does it mean
to be still and know You are God?
My child, what I mean is:
Though the earth be removed,
Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with swelling,
Though the wind blow, Though the storms rage;
Though your bills are due,
Though they give you a hard time on your job,
Though your husband won't act right,
Though your wife won't act right,
Though your children are disobedient,
Though there's sickness in your body,
Though your enemies get on your NERVES;
Stop your WORRIES!
Stop your DOUBTING!
Stop your FROWNING!
Cease your fears, and dry up those tears!
For I'm right there to comfort you,
I'm right there to guide you,
I'm right there to hold you up,
I'm right there to heal you,
I'm right there to deliver you.
So cast your cares upon me for I careth for you.
My child this is what I mean by being still
and knowing I AM GOD.
Written by the I AM!
~Author Unknown~

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Let There Be Light

Good Morning Everyone.

Have you thought much lately about the
word "light"? I was thinking about it this
morning. Let me give you an example
of the concept that came to mind.

Light and Darkness have profound differences.
Most of us take these for granted. We turn
on a light switch and voila ... we have light.
Simple isn't it?

But if you have darkness and cannot find
the light, it can cause many different and
rather profound thoughts in you. The
longer you are in the dark and wakeful
the more you can multiply that thinking.
Fear, despair, worry and anxiety can become
your companions.

But if you open a door, and the light
slowly inches across the room, filling each
corner and every object is reflecting that light,
it floods the room and shatters
the darkness, it changes your perspective.
Somehow it seems safer, more familiar,
more restful.

This is what our spiritual life is like.
We can only walk in as much light as we have
opened up to. And if we are not open to it,
you can be sure, it isn't there! God doesn't push
himself upon us, we must welcome and recieve Him,
and allow him "place" in us. When He comes
to dwell all the dark places are no longer hidden,
and those things which are harmful, bad for us,
not needful he sheds light upon. He says
my child, get rid of this, let go of that, clean
up this. And then He teaches us steps to do it.

This comes through faithful reading of
God's word which sheds light on every thing
we need to know and receive spiritually.

No more hidden dark secrets. We are free
within. And this light within us, shines
outwards to others, because nothing is
any longer blocking it.

Have you thought lately about how much
light you are allowing God to spread within
your spirit and life? Are you withholding
parts of yourself because you think God doesn't
see them? Who are you kidding? Is that
working well for you? How about eternally?

These are questions that are life changing
and all of us must sincerely ask ourselves these
things, if we want victory in our daily life,
and peace within our spirit, and joy that
overcomes the sorrow that life brings.

My friend, life is short. Don't waste it
on pursuits that lead you to a path of
things that destroy. Don't waste your life on
relationships that drag you down and rob your
spiritual life. Pursue a life that is pleasing to
God, and healthy for you. Don't waste your time on
that which does not profit.

We all need vacations and times of fun,
but we also need serious times where we
self reflect, allow God to help us change ourselves
and where we are growing. We need more
light infused into our spirit to renew us,
refresh us, shed light upon things we have
not been noticing, or things we have been

These things will make your journey far
more joyful, knowing it is purposeful,
well thought out, and that you clean the
rubble as you go along. Most of all
that you have submitted to God the Father
and He is working fully in you. That my
friend is priceless!


You are the light of the world. A city set on
a hill cannot be hid.
Matthew 5:14

Are you a light to your world?

Let your light so shine before men that they may
see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy,
noble and good deeds, and recognize and honor
and praise and glorify your Father who is in
Matthew 5:14

Be A Light!

by Max Lucado

The greatest day of lists is still New Year's Day. And the number one
list is the list I call the Laws of the Lighthouse.

The Laws of the Lighthouse contain more than good ideas, personal
preferences, and honest opinions. They are God-given, time-tested
truths that define the way you should navigate your life. Observe them
and enjoy secure passage. Ignore them and crash against the ragged
rocks of reality.

The wise captain shifts the direction of his craft according to the
signal of the lighthouse. A wise person does the same.

Herewith, then, are the lights I look for and the signals I heed:
- Love God more than you fear hell.
- Once a week, let a child take you on a walk.
- Make major decisions in a cemetery.
- When no one is watching, live as if someone is.
- Succeed at home first.
- Don't spend tomorrow's money today.
- Pray twice as much as you fret.
- Listen twice as much as you speak.
- Only harbor a grudge when God does.
- Never outgrow your love of sunsets.
- Treat people like angels; you will meet some and help make some.
- 'Tis wiser to err on the side of generosity than on the side of
- God has forgiven you; you'd be wise to do the same.
- When you can't trace God's hand, trust his heart.
- Toot your own horn and the notes will be flat.
- Don't feel guilty for God's goodness.
- The book of life is lived in chapters, so know your page number.
- Never let the important be the victim of the trivial.
- Live your liturgy.

To sum it all up:
Approach life like a voyage on a schooner. Enjoy the view. Explore the
vessel. Make friends with the captain. Fish a little. And then get off
when you get home.
From In the Eye of the Storm

Monday, April 09, 2007

His Mercies are New Every Morning

But this I recall, therefore have I hope
and expectation.

It is of the Lord's mercies and loving-kindnesses
that we are not consumed, because His
tender mercies and compassion fail not.

They are new every morning, great and
abundant is your Stability and Faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:21-23

Good Morning Everyone,

I spent my Resurrection weekend reflecting
on what that resurrection meant to me and
to all of us a Christian. I read all the things
that he went through one by one.

Did you know that all the soldiers were told
to do, was take Jesus and crucify him. But
they decided to do one step extra. They
took him to the governor's palace, and
they gathered around him. They took off
his clothes and put a red robe on him and made
him a crown of thorns for his head. The crown
had long thorns that even when gently laid
on the head caused a ripple of pain down
through the face. They put a stick in his
right hand and bowed down before Him
mocking Him, "Hail, to the King of the Jews."
Then they spit on him. Then they took his
stick away and beat him around the head
where the thorns were. They took away
his red robe and replaced his own clothes
on Him. So after the beating, the mocking
the crown of thorns, then he was placed
upon the cross. He didn't fight them,
He didn't give up. Why? He knew
better and more glorious things were ahead.

That even if for a time there is suffering,
hope is new each day.

Weeping may endure for the night, but
joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 30:5 b

These are sad things to hear
and sometimes to endure.

The story reminds us
we are sinners, and Jesus died for those sins.
But... He CONQUERED them. He Conquered
hell, death and the grave. He Arose.

With his resurrection, we are risen from
death unto life forever free of our sins
if we confess them.

You see, these are what these verses reminded
me of this morning. His mercies are new
every morning. He is new to us every morning.
His promises are fresh and new to us
each day.

Each day is new to us. A fresh start. A new
chance. A blossom to unfold.

This morning we have a nest being built
in a plant on our back porch by a couple
of doves preparing for parenthood. What
a precious thing to behold. They
are twittering and happy together, a joyful
show to see each morning. All
around us the flowers are blooming and
our vegetables starting to grow. Everything
is renewing, and fresh.

So should we be. Each day with the sunrise
we should lay our burdens at the feet of the
cross, and remember how Christ conquered
it all by his shed blood. Then we should
receive his strength, forgiveness, mercy

Be refreshed, be renewed, receive it!
Live it, breathe it, expect it, talk it,
walk it, savor it. You are new today!

We are not alone, we are not forsaken,
we have hope, mercy and a advocate with
the Father. Jesus, precious Savior,
who loved you and gave Himself for you.

Don't fear the day! Don't let the day rule you.
Rule the day by the blessing and comfort of
the thought it is a investment you are making.
You are forgiven, new and emboldened
in the Lord's strength and the power of His

My blessing to you as you start this day.

Receive his peace and mercy today.
Someone needs you to be free so you
can minister to them. Don't get caught
up in life's cares. Get caught up in
God's purpose!


Saturday, April 07, 2007

Evidence for The Resurrection

Evidence for the Resurrection

copyright Millie Plastaras
3/26/05 all rights reserved.

We hear many skeptics today say the resurrection was
made up to give people hope about this life. And that
there is no proof of it. They often challenge people to prove
it to them, sit back with their arms folded and say "show me".

I hope, through many resources to help bring that proof to you.
I am using the resources that have done a great deal of study,
not only on Biblical history, but history of non christian
authors who wrote of it.

Hope you enjoy it, and find it useful in your witness for the Lord Jesus.

According to many resources I have read, the resurrection
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is one of the most well attested
events in the ancient world.

Why is this important to us? Because the resurrection
was meant to set Jesus apart from anyone else that ever
lived. It would prove He was the son of God, able
to conquer death, and bring eternal life to the world
through His death.

For a 40 day period after he rose from the grave, he appeared
to many different people. Paul, in 56 AD wrote that over
500 people had seen the risen Jesus and that most of them
were still alive (1 Corinthians 15:6).

One of the greatest ways to disprove Jesus death would
have been for anyone to produce his body.

Let us take a look at that part of the resurrection story.
Who would have wanted to steal Jesus body, and
how would it have profited them?

WE know that Jesus could not have survived the
crucifixion. The romans were very thorough in checking
the body of those crucified to make sure they were dead
before they took them down from the cross.

Most people had their legs broken while still on the cross
so that it would hasten their death. The fact that the
soldiers did not do this, shows they felt he was already dead.
And according to Bible prophecy this has been predicted
that not one bone of his body would be broken.

IN John, it is recorded that when Jesus side was pierced,
blood and water came out of it. That would have been a
sign he was dead.

The Jews, if they had wanted to prove Jesus did not rise from
the grave, would have produced the body and paraded
it throught the streets to prove that theory.

Grave robbers would have had no reason to take it,
only anything worthy of selling or using would have been
their interest.

The romans had no reason to steal the body, they wanted to
keep the peace in Palestine. They had accomplished
their goal of putting him in the grave, they just wanted
to keep the peace.

The disciples had no reason to steal the body of Christ.
If you think about it, later they all died for their belief
in Christ, his life, death and resurrection. Why would they
have wanted to die for a lie?

There have been many who have studied this event,
who were not christians and wanted to destroy the ancient
story of Jesus and how he came to save the world.
They spent hours pouring over ancient documentation,
historical accounts, and through their journey, accepted
Jesus as their savior. Why? The evidence was compelled,
and verified by man.

One of those men was Frank Morrison who was a agnostic
journalist. Another was Lee Strobel. Who was according to
his investigative reporting, wanted to disprove the outrageous
theory of Christ, and the resurrection. In his desire to
disprove it, he found evidence that changed his life
and made him turn to Christ as His savior.

The apostle Paul said in 55 or 56 A.D. that there were hundreds of actual eyewitnesses of the risen Christ who were still alive and could confirm the accounts of the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:6). The apostle Paul and the other disciples had to be accurate in what they reported because these living eyewitnesses would have been the first to dispute anything untrue that Paul or the disciples may have said. Another problem with this theory is that first-century historians and other writers of that time period have provided us with further information about the Resurrection, whether directly or indirectly. Here are some examples:

Flavius Josephus (Jewish historian), The Antiquities of the Jews (93 A.D.), book 18, chapter 3, paragraph 3.

Pliny the Younger (Plinius Secundus), Epistles (112 A.D.), volume 10, p.96, in a letter written to emperor Trajan concerning the Christians in Pliny's province (he was the governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor at the time).

Emperor Trajan's reply to Pliny's letter, recorded in Pliny's Epistles, volume 10, p. 97

Cornelius Tacitus (senator under the reign of Vespasian and governor of Asia from 112-113 A.D.), Annals (116 A.D.), volume 15, p.44.

Eusebius recorded in The History of the Church, volume 4, p.9, a letter from emperor Hadrian (who reigned from 117-138 A.D.) to Minucius Fundanus (governor of Asia) giving advice on handling charges against Christians.

Suetonius (Roman historian), Life of Claudius (120 A.D.), volume 25, p.4.

Suetonius, Life of Nero, p.16.

Lucian of Samosata (Greek satirist), The Death of Peregrine (170 A.D.), p.11-13.

Lucian of Samosata, Alexander the False Prophet, sections 25 and 29.

The most plausible explanation is that Christ did rise from the
grave, and all the eyewitnesses and writings about this
make it a plain case in evidence of his resurrection.
The truth is the disciples knew the difference between
a risen savior and a dead friend. They knew the
reason came, the reason He died, and the reason He
rose from the grave. And they gave their lives,
and died because of their firm, real belief in Him.

Peter said: For we did not follow cleverly devised tales
when we made known to you the power and the coming
of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His
majesty. 2 Peter 1:16

Click here: JOSH.ORG: Apologetics

Click here: Evidence for the Resurrection

Click here: The Evidence for the Death and Resurrection of Jesus

Click here: Evidence for the Resurrection
sources for this:
Answers to tough questions by Josh McDowell
(Wheaton, Illinois, Tyndale house publishers 1980)
Frank Morrison - Who Moved the Stone ( Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1971)
Lee Stroebel - The Case for Christ (Zondervan Publishing 1998)
Proof of the Resurrection published by Rose Publishing, 2004

Friday, April 06, 2007

The Triumphal Entry

copyright 4/13/2003

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whosoever would believe in Him,
would not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

He is coming, I can see Him, quickly, gather the
Palm branches, let us let Him know how our hearts
cry out within us. Jesus is Coming. I hear the steps of
the donkey carrying Him upon the rocky road.
The Lamb of God is coming
to see us!

Excitement stirred through the crowd. Many had
come to know Him as their Savior. And had heard
the wisdom of His voice. He had looked them in
their eyes, and seen all they had ever done.
And loved them anyway!

When He looked in
your eyes, it was as if the world faded out, and
a crisp wind whispered through your soul.
Stirring, cleansing, seeing all. And offering
a fresh start. He saw me, and knew my heart,
and loved me in spite of what He saw within me.
His compassion fell upon me,
and He healed me of all my diseases,
and washed away all my sins. He loves me!
I am free of the darkness and despair.
I am free of the sin and the heavy burdens.
Alive with Christ!

Who am I that Jesus should love me this much?

Here, he comes! And the crowd becomes quiet,
worshipful, expectant! Jesus moves through the crowd,
and even though many are gathered there,
each one feels as if He sees them only. There
is great peace here. It is as if the songs of
angels are filling the air, and the birds fly in
joy through the air, crying the King of Kings has come.
All creation speaks of His glory.

Many months have gone by since Jesus first came,
and told of the Kingdom of heaven. And brought hope
to the world. Many people had demons cast out,
many had been healed of their diseases. Some had
even been raised from the dead. Surely this man
was from God, His only son, sent here for you and me.

How can I comprehend so great a love?
No one ever loved me enough to die for me!
No one ever loved me when I was so unlovable,
and my heart so wicked and full of sin.
Most people run the other way, but Jesus...
His hand is upon me, and His voice stills the
beating of my heart. I am comforted beyond
measure, and strengthened beyond hope.

As Jesus gazed at the crowd, his eyes filled with
compassion for the gathering of the dear saints
who had found Him as their Savior. And His heart
filled with sadness for those on the outside of the
crowd who rejected this great salvation He had to
offer. These would soon come to take Him, and
lead Him to a certain death.

He would soon enter the Via Delarosa. The way of Pain.
He knew the heaviness of the journey ahead.

But now.. for today, He was here, and it was time
to celebrate. Blessed is He who comes in the name
of the Lord! The King of Israel!

His hand is held out ... I feel His eyes rest upon me,
I know now...I see so clearly. I am truly loved.
Oh Jesus, how beautiful is the day that you have
come to this village. How blessed are you above
all that has breath. How glorious is your mercy,
and how precious is your love towards us.
Let everything that has breath praise The Lord!

He has come!

I reach out to Jesus receiving his blessing and prayer.
Suddenly I am humbled and broken, realizing the
preciousness of the presence of the son of God.

And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent
the Son to be the Savior of the world.
1 John 4:14

And my spirit has rejoiced in God MY Savior.
Luke 1:47

For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that
which was lost.
Luke 19:10

Heavenly Father, In the name of Jesus,
I ask you to come into my heart, and forgive me of
my sins, and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
I give my heart, soul and mind to you, and will follow
you all the days of my life. I will leave behind the sins
of this world, and the habits of this world, and follow your
teachings. My heart and mind and lips will praise your name,
and I will tell of your love to everyone. I will seek your
will above all else, and I will talk to you often, fervently,
and declare that Jesus is Lord!
Jesus has come just for me, I am bought with a price!
Cleansed by the blood of the Lamb.
I am truly loved, truly forgiven.

Hallelujah, what a Savior!
I rejoice in, and receive this gift of Salvation,
and I shall live in your presence, and for your Glory
for the rest of my days upon this earth.
I thank you for your death, resurrection, and the hope
that you bring. I am your child, and You are My
Savior and Lord.

In Jesus precious Name.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Longing To Be Made Whole

copyright Millie Plastaras 8/5/04

Some of the saddest words ever penned were in the
book of John chapter 5. There was a man laying by
the pool of Bethesda, having a sickness he had been
enduring for 38 years. He knew that at a certain time
an angel came and touched the pool, and stirred the
waters, and the first person to enter it would be healed.

For years this man had watched others move to
the pool before He could find someone to take him there,
so he could find healing. He told Jesus, sir I have no
man to help me. Were sadder words ever written?
Jesus, no one cares for me, I have been in this
same place many years, ill and alone.

As Jesus came by that pool one day, and saw this man
lying there, and saw that man had been in that condition
a long time. He asked the man, "Do you want to be well?"

I am sure you would ask, how could Jesus ask such a thing.
But Jesus sees inside our heart and sometimes knows, even
though we say we want healing, that being sick has become
an way of life for us. Sometimes it is a place we become
all too comfortable with. We accept it as if it was an old friend.
But sickness is not our friend. We become weak
and weary and worn, and our faith becomes weakened
by the sickness we are enduring daily.

Christ recognized, unless this man truly desired with all
his heart to be healed, Jesus could not force healing upon
this man. First the desire for healing must be instilled in
the heart of the one who is sick. Remarkably this can often
be the biggest battle. Why? I cannot answer this. I have
certainly faced this in my own life. We want to be healed,
yet someplace deep in us, we are afraid if we are healed
how different our life will be. Sadly, sickness in it's own
curious way, has become a comfort zone for us.

For a person longing to be well, he has to have a desire
to live, to succeed, to feel life is worthwhile, and that God
wants us well. That He loves us ... that we are precious to Him.
We must stop thinking negatively about ourselves. WE are all
sinners, we have all failed ... as long as we are in this body,
we will fail from time to time. The secret is, not to hate ourselves,
but to learn from these times and grow, and move on.
Never to become bogged down, but to release it in prayer
and allow God to move within these times and transform
our thinking. His grace is never deserved or earned,
it is a free gift.

Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me. Christ is our strength. Only His
strength will prevail. When we are emptied out before Him,
poured out before the throne, seeking Him, longing for
Him, seeking His will, that is when His great power works
within us. That is when we are moldable, teachable,
and truly... His children. That is when we have done all
we can do, and find our sufficiency in Christ ... and then
we can stand.

Jesus told this man, Rise. A man who had been
paralyzed for 38 years is suddenly told to rise up. As
long as He kept His eyes upon Jesus, as long as
He didn't focus on his worries, or maybe it won't work,
or maybe I am not worthy. If he could only block all
that and just receive what Jesus had for him.

Jesus said "take up thy bed." This was symbolic of
eliminating old habits, of the structure we were once
used to. We leave it behind, and move into the new
place God has for us. All the old is gone, behold all
has become new.

Jesus said "walk." That was the final step for the man's
faith to take Hold
. If Jesus said it, it was possible. All
He had to do was believe, and receive it. Reach out
and receive my healing. I have it here, waiting for you.

We too, must ask for healing, rise up from our bed,
and walk by faith ... day to day. We must recieve
what He has for us, believe nothing is impossible for Him,
and clear our mind of any obstacles. He is greater
than all our sin, all our sorrows, all our sicknesses
all our failures. That is why He came my friend,
to deliver you, and heal you and bring you salvation,
and hope, and eternal life. He came because
we needed a Savior!

It is all about Jesus.
Hear Him whispering to you ... now. Just receive that
sweet peace, and that healing of the spirit, mind
and body He has for you.

Step out of your comfort zone, and be all you can
be, because the Power of Jesus is working in you.
In whom, nothing is impossible. Rise up and Walk
and be healed in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

Emptied out before your throne,
I find in God my eternal home.
My arms stretched high towards your face.
I receive your healing and your precious grace.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

How To Find Relief From Your Past

Good Morning Everyone,

Have any of you ever made any mistakes?
How about wretched mistakes that cost you
or someone you love dearly?   Did it make you
feel utterly guilty and unworthy?   Were you able
to forgive yourself?

I am sure almost everyone who is taking time
to read this today has experienced unforgiveness
of themselves or being unable to forgive others,
to some degree.

What does unforgiveness do to us?   It ties us in
knots internally.   It binds us to the person we cannot
forgive in countless ways.   It makes us focus on
what they did and rehearse it in our minds.   It makes
us become embittered, and angry, because instead
of moving on, we have become entrenched in the muddy
territory of unforgiveness.

When this reigns in our heart, spirit or mind,
whether it is that we cannot forgive others or ourselves
it has become a cancer to our spirit. It has become
sin. We, in our desire to nurture unforgiveness
have once again crucified Christ to the cross, saying
your debt for our sins and others was not good enough.

We are telling him, I will handle it myself, and carry on
in this tradition of self rule, unforgiveness, bondage
and living beneath the destiny God has called us too.

Did you recognize this, this very morning when you
thought of someone who hurt you and how angry you are?

Did you recognize unforgiveness of yourself today
from past mistakes, no matter how great or small they were?

Did you not know Jesus paid the price on the cross?

We must be about our Father's business.
If he can abundantly pardon and forgive, and WE
say he DWELLS within us, then we are either telling
the truth or we are a liar. If HE DWELLS in US, so

It's that simple. No other words needed.
You either mean business with God or you are away
from Him. You either forgive or you do not.
You either receive his forgiveness or you walk in your sin,
separated from God, now and forever unless you repent,
and receive the finished work of Christ on the cross.

Let me plant in your heart what God wants for you
as far as the concept of forgiveness today.

Be gentle and forbearing with one another and,
if one has a difference (grievance or complaint)
against another, readily pardoning each other
(forgiving quickly, easily); even as the LORD
also forgive.
Colossians 3:13

And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything
against any one (or yourself), forgive him and
LET IT DROP -- leave it, LET IT GO, in order
that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you,
your own failings and shortcomings and let them drop.
Mark 11:25

This verse means God will not forgive us unless we forgive
others. If He, in his great mercy, who is all perfect,
can forgive us, who are fickle and flawed, how then
can we withhold the gift of mercy and unforgiveness
to each other?

Let the wicked forsake his way And the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to the LORD, And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:7

Today my friend, remember this precious day of Easter
coming up, where Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice
for us all. He took all the filthy sins ever to be committed
or thought of upon his body for us on the cross, and
his blood, shed for you and me, cleanses us from that
sin if we receive it.

NO one will ever love you like this. IN dedication
to his love, we should live by his principles, the highest
is to forgive easily, love fervently and be A Light.

Let it go. Be free. God loves you dearly,
and wants you free today.

Can you sacrifice clinging to that which weighs you down
and move on with your life? Can you let go of grudges,
opinions, hurts, and anger? Can you move on for
Christ's sake, for your testimony to others, and to
be free within?

Oh why would anyone cling to that which is painful,
hurtful and destructive and neglect that which is good?

Please, let go.


Ps. If you cannot let go of your hurt and pain,
how can it profit you? It is draining you!!
Recognize it and do something about it, for your
soul's sake, and for the glory of Christ.


The Unlocked Door
Author: Robert Strand

In Glasgow, Scotland, a young lady, like a lot of teens today, got tired of
home and the restraints of her parents. The daughter rejected her family's
religious lifestyle and said, "I don't want your God. I give up. I'm leaving!"

She left home, deciding to become a woman of the world. Before long,
however, she was dejected and unable to find a job, so she took to the
streets to sell her body as a prostitute.

The years passed by, her father died, her mother grew older, and the
daughter became more and more entrenched in her way of life. No contact was
made between mother and daughter during these years. The mother, having
heard of her daughter's whereabouts, made her way to the skid-row section
of the city in search of her daughter. She stopped at each of the rescue
missions with a simple request. "Would you allow me to put up this
picture?" It was a picture of the smiling, gray-haired mother with a
handwritten message at the bottom: "I love you still...come home!"

Months went by, and nothing happened. Then one day the daughter wandered
into a rescue mission for a needed meal. She sat absent-mindedly listening
to the service, all the while letting her eyes wander over to the bulletin
board. There she saw the picture and thought, 'Could that be my mother?'
She couldn't wait until the service was over. She stood and went to look.
It was her mother, and there were those words, "I love you still...come
home!" As she stood in front of the picture, she wept. It was too good to
be true.

By this time it was night, but she was so touched by the message that she
started walking home. When she arrived it was early in the morning. She was
afraid and made her way timidly, not really knowing what to do. As she
knocked, the door flew open on its own. She thought someone must have
broken into the house.

Concerned for her mother's safety, the young woman ran to the bedroom and
found her still sleeping. She shook her mother awake and said, "It's me!
It's me! I'm home!"

The mother couldn't believe her eyes. She wiped her tears and they fell
into each other's arms. The daughter said, "I was so worried! The door was
open and I thought someone had broken in!"

The mother replied gently, "No dear. From the day you left, that door has
never been locked."

Jesus is the door to heaven and He is open to your entering in. You much
reach for Him to enter... and He will welcome you with open arms.

Have you entered into the grace and mercy that He so lovingly gives?

"I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go
in and out, and find pasture." - John 10:9