
Friday, January 05, 2007

The Little Green Monster

Good Morning Everyone,

Have you memories of watching little kids playing
together? It can be such fun.

I was thinking this morning about a story, where
a little girl was given a wonderful tea set by
her grandfather. A special one, chosen just for her.
It had little roses on it, and lots of extra things to make
it special. And the little girl would get her dolls and
teddies sitting together at the table and give them
tea and pretend cookies and play for hours on end
contentedly pretending with her little friends.

The one day a neighbor child invited her over
and in the child's play room she saw a tea
set that was bright pink with little dolls on it,
It was in a little wicker basket and had all kinds
of cute little accessories. Suddenly her whole
attitude changed, and she wanted to go home.

But when she got home she tossed her little
tea set aside that she had spent so many hours
enjoying, because it wasn't "good enough"
as it used to be. She had become jealous of
her little friend's possessions.

This is like so many of us. We want what we don't have
and don't truly appreciate what we do have. This
creates a spirit of discontent within us that affects
every relationship and every thought pattern we have.

I think this is true of marriage too. We can become
discontent, and look at someone else's husband
or wife thinking I wish my spouse was like that. It is
a slippery slope we are walking on when we learn
to envy what someone else has. It stops us from
working on the marriage. We just become discontent
and in a way give up, by looking at our spouse
with an attitude that does not bring about change
but worsens the situation.

People who have true peace within their hearts
do not find it in possessions. They may enjoy them,
but they do not value them above relationships,
and the things that really matter.

You might be surprised today to know you are jealous
of others in some way or another. It is a subtle thing.
It creeps in to most households. And is so utterly
If you take time today to think about your life, your
relationships and people who make you mad
because they have something you would like to have,
or look a way you would like to look, or are married
to someone you would like to be married to,
you are going the wrong way.

You are purposely sowing a spirit of discontent
and envy in your own life! You are planting a garden
of despair and longing within your heart, you cannot
ever fill.

Learn to look at what you have, count your blessings,
make what you have work. Make your marriage shine.
Love fervently, unconditionally, and God will return that
to you. Be thankful for your possessions. Some in
this world will never have anything like you have!

It is all in our perspective and what we allow in our mind
and spirit daily.

What are you allowing in your thinking?

Don't give that little green monster of jealousy room
in your heart, mind, home or thinking ... it will move
in and bring relatives. All of them personal bondage to you.

Dear God:
today help me to recognize areas of my life that
I have allowed jealousy or envy to enter into. Even
if it is painful for me to view. Help me face these things
and confess them to you. I am sorry for the people
I have hurt by allowing this corrupt thinking to change
me and the way I treat people who have more than I do.

Help me to notice the practical things in life, the simple
things ... the things within my hands and to make my
life a life that matters. A life that is blessed because
I am dressed with praise and not despair. Because
I am dressed with love and not hatred or jealousy.

Make me an instrument of your peace.
Help me to be all you want. Let the words of my
mouth and the meditations of my heart be
acceptable in your sight, Oh Lord, my strength,
and my redeemer.

In Jesus Precious Name,


It is easy enough to pick out the flaws
In the work that others have done;
To sneer at the little - they have achieved
When our task we haven't begun.

It is easy enough to fuss and find fault
When others are doing their best;
To point out error others have made
When we've done nothing but rest.

It is easy enough to cavil and carp,
To criticize, scoff, and deride,
For few of us ever have done perfect work
No matter how we have tried.

It is easy enough to not think of the best,
And to dwell all the time on the worst;
And perhaps it is proper sometimes to find fault
But be sure we've done something first.


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