
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep!

Good Morning Everyone,

Are you on the way to where you should be,
while you are where you are at?

Are you looking for who you should be,
rather than who you are?

Are you growing? Have you been in the same
place spiritually for a long time?

Has your spiritual life gone into sleep mode?

Who pays the price for this? You, and those around
you who need Christ in you to be evident.

You see while life is going on, people around us are
living and dying. There is someone within your reach
today ... who need you to be a role model for Christ.
There is someone within your thought patterns today,
that God wants you to pray for.

What happened to:
People who pray for the needs of others, and not
just give lip service that they are doing it?
Visitation groups from church, what happened to that
What happened to people who would dedicate half
an hour a day to reading the word and communicating
with God?
What happened people who would minister to the
poor, the lost, the needy? Is that just for ministers?

Did all these people move away?

Are we as Christians being effective?
Are we so caught up in our little world of problems
and issues that Gods purpose and will cannot be
performed through us because we are on vacation

My friend, no task is more important than
walking the walk, and talking the talk, and being
right before Christ, and doing what He wants.
Nothing is more important than reaching the
lost by our words, our example and our ministry.

I ask you today ... to talk to God, confess your shortcomings,
your sins, your failures, ask Him to give you a task to do.
He will equip you to do any task. He will not leave
you alone, uninspired or unsure. He will lead you,
He will anoint you, He will comfort you and guide you.
Are you up to the challenge?

Who will pay the price if you are not.
The lost, the dying, the needful, and the hurting.

Did you know you had that calling today?
We all do.

Do something about it.

Love always

Jesus said to them: Peace to you!
As the Father has sent me, I also send you
John 20:21

God wants to send you. He has work He needs
done. Who will do it, if no one takes this message

Who will pay the price?

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

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