
Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Clear Call, Can You Hear It?

copyright Millie Plastaras 6/21/2003

He who walks righteously and speaks what is right, who rejects
gain from extortion, and keeps his hand from accepting bribes,
who stops his ears against plots of murder and shuts his eyes
against contemplating evil, this is the man who will dwell in
the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress.
His bread will be supplied, and water will not fail him.
Isaiah 33:15,16

A really serious problem in our world now, and in the
christian church, is the muddied waters of thinking when
it comes to a clear defined path of what is right, and
what is wrong. People have become desensitized by
television, movies, music, video games, books,
even our schools which preach secular humanism,

That if you want to do something, do it. There is no right
or wrong, only opinions. People have learned to rationalize
that whatever they want to do, is ok, and there are no consequences.
People have lost their sense of personal accountability
and righteousness before God.

This is predicted in the last days.. that there will be a great
falling away. That people will become deceived and lose
sight of the truth of God's word. We are told to guard our
heart, for out of it come the issues of life. We need to be
absolutely militaristic, vigilant and stubborn about
pursuing righteousness. Driven. Obsessed about seeking
God first in our lives. We must get our spiritual house in

If you never open the Bible, you will never have a clue
about what God teaches is right and wrong, and how to
live. And yet, we will still be judged on what we have
done or not done. There will be no excuses. And we will
be rewarded on the basis of these things.

We are not saved by works, but we surely must produce them.
It is called the fruits of righteousness. Being right before God.
We must have a clear, strong, defined sense of what
is right and wrong. And we must teach this generation
growing up these principles, to save their souls.
It is our grave responsibility and absolute duty to
reach souls for Christ.

The waters have become muddied in our thinking,
but I know the man who has living water, that can
cleanse all away. But we must submit to this cleansing
and give up everything that is not pleasing to God.

No compromise. WE are the army of God, we must have
clean hands and a pure heart. We must be serious
about our relationship with God. And pursue righteousness,
and holiness before our heavenly Father.

Read the Book daily, we need it to remind us of all
the truth, and of all the things God has for us to do, learn,
and follow. The old has passed away, we put off the old man,
all has become new. We are his children, and must be
obedient to the cause of righteousness, for His sake, even
unto death. Called unto holiness, what a beautiful calling.

If the call has not been clear to you, perhaps you have
been listening to the wrong voice!

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

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