
Monday, May 22, 2006

Why Study Bible Prophecy?

copyright Millie Plastaras 10/10/2001

There are basics that we base our faith on, and as
we study Bible prophecy, this is something we must
always keep in mind. For in the last days, many will
come that will preach a new gospel, and it will not
be of God, and they will lead many astray.

We need to be alert, and be in the word of God, so
we know what the truth is.
Also remember, Nothing is impossible with God,
He can do as He chooses, and our limited thinking
we not understand all the concepts and prophecies
of God till we enter heaven. Even the greatest
Bible scholars really struggle in understanding
some of the things written in the word.
For it is spiritual and should be spiritually discerned,
and some of it will not be revealed till Jesus comes.

For now we see through a glass, darkly,
but then, face to face: now I know in part;
but then I show know even as also I am known.
1 Corinthians 13:12

Basic concepts we need to remember:

1. Man is a sinner, and in need of forgiveness.
Without repentance there is no forgiveness,
and repentance means not only recognizing your
sin, but confessing it, and leaving it behind,
walking away from it.

2. Jesus' death was a payment for man's sin.
He came as a blood sacrifice for our sins,
since He knew we could not keep the letter of the
law he became the propitiation for our sins.
He stood in the gap for us, even to sacrificing his
own life. Rising on the third day after conquering,
death, hell and the grave that we might have
eternal life.

3. Jesus was born of a virgin.
God planted a seed within Mary and she had not
been with a man at that point. This made Jesus pure,
and from the heart of God, sinless, a perfect sacrifice
for our sins.

He was annointed and called for the work of God
upon this earth, a perfect Lamb of God.

4. Apart from Jesus the human race is fallen and
without any hope.

For Jesus said:
I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes
to the Father but by me.
John 14:6. We cannot reach the heart of God
without His son Jesus Christ. He interceeds at
the throne of God daily for us. This is important to
remember! There is salvation in no other!

5.God requires obedience to His will, and a
personal righteousness, keeping in mind our
accountability to Him.

There is no compromise
in the life of a Christian. God expects obedience.
This obedience brings us closer to what he
wants to do in our lives, it opens doors spiritually
and enables Him to work in us. Far more can
be accomplished when we submit to His will,
and it makes us all a team, working together
for the will of God, rather than our selfish

6. Prophecy shows us that we are truly moving towards
the end of the age, when Jesus will come and
retrieve those in a "catching away" or rapture of
the church, and will raise the dead.

Leaving behind the corruptible for the incorruptible.
WE will have perfect bodies, a new body in Him. Jesus
will eventually come back and establish a throne
on earth and rule here. The thought that some people
have of a perfect world that will be peaceful and a utopia
if we all only learn to get along, is not going to happen.
Things are going to get worse, and we need to face it,
and be strong, knowing it is part of God's plan,
and we are His children.

Matthew 13 is a chapter that tells a parable I think is
very important that we know before we start a study
on Bible prophecy. A parable is a heavenly story
with a earthly meaning. It is God's way of simplifying
concepts we all need to know in order to understand
as much as possible in this lifetime His plans for us
and the earth.

from the new century version:

Matthew 13:24-30.
The kingdom of heaven is like a man who planted good
seed in his field. That night, when everyone was
sleeping, his enemy came and planted seeds among
the wheat and left. Later the wheat sprouted and
the heads of grain grew but the weeds also grew.
Then the man's servants came to him and said,
"You planted good seed in your field, where did the weeds come from"?The man answered and said "an enemy planted weeds".The servant asked " do you want us to pull up the weeds"?The man answered "no, because when you pull up the weeds, you might also pull up the wheat.

Let the weeds and the wheat grow together until
harvest time. At harvest time I will tell the workers,
"First gather the weeds and tie them together to
be burned. Then gather the wheat and bring it
to my barn."

The translation for this is:
The kingdom of heaven is like a man ( Jesus, the son
of man) who planted good seed (christians, sons of
the kingdom of God) in his field. (the world)

But while everyone was sleeping, satan came in
and planted weeds (sons of the evil one) among the wheat
(children of God) and then satan went away.
When the wheat began to grow, and sprouted (children
of God growing in knowledge) then the weeds,
(the children of satan) also appeared among the wheat.
When this happened Jesus was asked if he could
remove the weeds (children of satan) from the field
(the world) and he said no. To do so might harm
some of the wheat and so God said let them grow
together until the harvest ( or the end of the age)
Then he will send his angels to collect the weeds
(children of the devil) and they will be gathered
in bundles and they will be burned in the fiery furnace.
Then He will collect the wheat and gather it to Him.
We will shine like the sun in the kingdom of our
father. Matthew 13:43

There are two different things going on in this world
The word of God is being sown all over the world (planted)
Some are receiving it and becoming true children of God.
These are the ones that produce fruit, and have strong
roots, and stick with God, truly repentant followers of

The evil ones will be with us until the end of the age
and will try to deceive us in many ways, drawing us
away from the truth of God. We have to be vigilant
about reading the word, and not being drawn into
false doctrines. There are many who claim to
be christians, but truly never believed. Who never
truly repented, and who fall away from their
beliefs after a short time, when temptations
of the world come, or any doctrine that would draw
them to another way of life. They truly never knew God.

Many will say to Me in that day,
"Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name,
cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders
in Your name"? And then I will declare to them,
I never knew you, depart from Me, you who
practice lawlessness.
Matthew 7:22-23

The point is, there is to be 2 kinds of people in
the last days.
The ones who truly know God, and those who don't
there will be a division among churches, a great
falling away of those who never knew God, and
go away from their beliefs drawn into a false
religion or life. There will also be a great
revival of those seeking God.. and we are the ones who
must be out there telling the world of Jesus Christ.

Acts: 20:29 - I know that after I leave, some people
will come like wild wolves and try to destroy the
flock (christians, the church). Also some from
your own group will rise up and twist the truth
and will lead away followers after them So be

My friends, be firm in your belief, make sure
you are right before God.

Repent, turn from your sins, and follow the
teachings of Jesus, that you may not be
drawn away into false teachings, read the
word often, and pray often, and allow God
to work in your life personally. Depend on
Him first always!

Only one life
will soon be past
Only what is done
for Christ will last

1 comment:

Steve Husting said...

Good post. The Lord's parable tells us that He knew the end from the beginning. We don't have to be sruprised about the evil around us because the Lord knew about it all along. Let's not murmur or complain. Let's be strong in the Lord and put on the whole armor of God. Evil is here to stay, so be watchful and praying always lest you be drawn into its spell. Live with the end in view.