
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sing A Song

Good Morning Everyone,
I often write to you about the retreat of my backyard have our summer garden growing now. Lots of tomato plants, peppers, herbs, cucumbers, squash. My husband, Mr. persistent with the one arm that works right now ... went out and planted that whole garden with one hand. Talk about the desire to get things done, even with a broken arm! What fortitude he has!
We have all kinds of birds that come to our backyard and take baths, and play in the yard. Chasing each other through the air and playing through the morning hours. Each morning there is a dove couple.. they are very chubby,and fluffy. They sit on the bricks by our vegetable garden being warmed by the morning sun and cooing to each other with the joy of the new day,
and the company of each other to enjoy.
It is so cute to watch them interact with each other.
We had a couple of mockingbirds in our yard. What beautiful songs they sing! Each morning we delighted in watching them and listening to the beautiful song from their hearts. This week, the female was killed, we think by a neighboring cat.I was so saddened by it... silly me. I loved listening to the song of that bird, and even during the night you could get up and hear her heart felt songs.I actually prayed that God would replace that bird, so that we might once again hear that song that was so cheerful.
This morning the male was on the line once again singing a beautiful song. I thought, today that bird got up and sang a beautiful song, even without it's precious mate. Life goes on doesn't it?
As my husband got up and went out and planted a whole garden even though he was in such pain, just as that precious little birdie got up and sang his song even though his mate had died, so must we get up and let our song be sung.We must not allow what life brings to stop our song, or halt our work, or discourage us from our tasks.
We know life has trials. We know some days are harder than others. But we know God's grace is sufficient.. and he wants us to go out into this new day and accomplish His will, and make the world a better place. He wants us to find joy and not let go of it.
Life's circumstances do not determine our mental attitude.. we do.
We cannot receive that joy if we stop, and allow life to dictate our days. We must instead dictate to life, that wewill sing our God given song and make a differencewhile we have breath within us. The world longs to hear your song.. make it one of beauty, strength and courage.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.Philippians 4:13
I have told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer -- take courage, be confident, certain, undaunted -- for I have overcome the world! I have deprived it of power to harm, and have conquered it for you.John 16:33
with love to all of you.
ps.. read the lyrics below.. to see about what our song should be like.
Sing, sing a song Sing out loud Sing out strong Sing of good things not bad ,Sing of happy not sad.Sing, sing a song,Make it simple to last,Your whole life long. Don't worry that it's not Good enough for anyone Else to hear, Just sing, sing a song. Sing, sing a song Let the world sing along Sing of love there could be Sing for you and for me.Sing, sing a song, Make it simple to last,Your whole life long,Don't worry that it's not Good enough for anyone Else to hear Just sing, sing a song.
words and music by Joe Raposo

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