
Monday, May 22, 2006

Bible Prophecy - False christs, false religions

Copyright Millie Plastaras 10/11/2001

And as He sat upon the mount of Olives, the
disciples came unto him privately saying,
"tell us, when shall these things be? And what
shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end
of the world?"

And Jesus answered and said unto them
Take heed that no man deceive you,
For many will come in my name saying I am Christ,
and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24:3-5

Yesterday we discussed how among our very church
friends or colleagues, even pastors, there would
be those who would fall away in the last days,
caught up by false doctrine and they would try
to deceive many.
We discussed what was important to remember.

1. Man is sinful by nature
2. Jesus death was payment for man's sin.
3. Jesus was born of a virgin.
4. Jesus said you must repent of your sins
and be born again.
5. Apart from Jesus Christ the Human race is
without hope.
6. God requires obedience, you must produce
fruit, and follow his teachings and those of
the disciples.
7. There will be a rapture "catching away"
of the church.

I want to tell you that Satan has a specific program
he is working on in our country and the world.

He wants a one world religion, without Christ.
If you listen to the news, for instance, yesterday they
were talking on the news about how we couldn't put
God bless America signs in public places. The ten
commandments are scorned by atheists who want them
out of the public eye. They want no reminders of God
where they can see them.

Why? People do not want to be reminded they are
sinners, in need of salvation. Any reminder of
God is a reminder they are not in charge, and must
repent of their sins. People want to do what
they want to do, it is all a matter of pride and
rebellion against God.

This is what is going to happen.
They are going to make up a religion that
leaves God out,and the need for salvation will
remain untold, as well as accountability to God
will not be discussed.

Basically it will be a feel good, leave Christ out,
accept everyone, and there is no such thing
as sin religion.

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 4:3:
For the time will come when they will not endure sound
doctrine, but according to their own desires because they
have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers
and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be
turned aside to fables.

We even hear this rhetoric being spouted by some
of our favorite talk show hosts, in the
name of tolerance we must accept all religions.

Tolerance of sin is not a virtue!

My friends, this is false teaching.
Do not be drawn away.
Jesus is Lord, He must be put first,
and those who deny Him or the power
of God, or the virgin birth, or Jesus death on the cross,
or the resurrection, or any other main doctrines are in
grave error. If they deny these basic doctrines, they
are denying the truth. And we must stand for the truth.

Jesus said many false christs will come in the
last days, so will many false churches be born.
Like those who worship creation rather
that the creator, those who practice magic,
and those who deny Jesus deity, as the son of God.
People will leave out the parts of the Bible they
disagree with so they can continue in their sin
without being reminded of their accountability.

Expect it, be aware of it, and don't fall prey
to their false teachings. Get into the word!
DonÂ’t take anyone's word totally for the Bible,
read it for yourself..Andd see if what you are being
taught lines up with GodÂ’s word. This is vital
so you know false doctrine when you hear it.

Satan has a counterfeit for everything God does.
He brings things out that seem good, and look
good, and deceive many, but they are not
of God. I cannot warn you strongly enough
that you must read the word and learn about
doctrine, and stay prayed up.

The Bible says: Be diligent to present yourself
approved to God, a worker who does not need to
be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15

Satan loves to operate in the field of religion
and divide and deceive. One of his favorite methods
is changing God's word into lies that decieve, and
rob the word of God right out of the hearts of men.

Many false christs will come claiming that they are
Jesus or his representative. We have seen
it throughout history, but the closer we get
to the last days, the more of them we will see.
In our time we have seen people claim
to be Christ, such as David Koresh,
Sun Myung Moon and Lord Maitreya, and Jim Jones.
They have led many astray.

But what we must watch for first and foremost
is the arrival of a ruler who comes from Europe who
confirm a covenant with many nations saying that
he will provide Israel with a 7 year peace treaty.
He will be the antichrist. The true one,
who will rule the world with evil powers of
satan, and will be so evil that He is literally called
a beast in the Bible. When He takes power
the tribulation will begin. And woe unto those who
have rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Many with a spirit of antichrist come before
him, but none will be as evil, he will fulfill
the prophecy of the end times.

So when you see a man who says he has answers
to all the political problems of the world, and that he can
bring peace to the whole world. When you see a man who says he
can solve all the monetary problems of the world,
recognize he is indeed satans spawn the antichrist.
He will come with magical powers and do signs
and wonders that are false, and will lead many
astray, and many will die under his leadership.

There will be many false christs, it is estimated
there are over 10,000 in America alone,
but when you see this one man who brings
about world peace, a one world religion,
and solves the money problems it is the beginning
of the tribulation.

Do not be afraid, for this is part of God's plan
and He is coming back to "catch away"
rapture his people from this evil world
and this wicked evil ruler.

Only one life
will soon be past
Only what is done
For Christ will last

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