
Friday, September 07, 2007

The Neglected Garden

copyright Millie Plastaras 7/10/04

all rights reserved.

Today, I saw God in the garden. He was walking there
and enjoying all that He had created. The birds were
singing, and the plants were in riotous colors of bloom,
it looked so inviting. He was waiting for me to visit Him. I saw Him
looking at me, and I said God, I will be right there,
I just have to finish the chores around the house.

But... I forgot Him after a while.

I remembered a show I wanted to watch on TV.
Then a dear friend called and we talked for what
seemed like hours. I even had time to take a trip to the
department store to buy a trinket I wanted, and
to stop for a treat at the local bakery.

Then I had to make dinner, I didn't have time to stop.
Oh yes, the rest of the day was spent on cleaning up,
and then watching my favorite television show. I had
just enough time left to get on the computer for a while.
I could argue with people in chat rooms about God
for a while before going to bed. Or maybe just play
a few computer games.

I looked outside, the garden was dark, and so was
the feeling in my heart. I had once again let a day
go by, without talking to God. I had let everything
in the world draw me, but had neglected the very person
I needed most. Suddenly I realized how many days
I had done the same thing. The whole day passed
by without me ever taking time for the garden of prayer.

What kind of example can I be to others, if I never
live up to His call upon my life.

Father God,
forgive me for frittering away my days on
things that do not profit,
and for putting my own selfish desires above your will.
I recognize I have wasted many hours on things
that were not pleasing to you, and were of the world.
I realize that my mind has become fleshly,
rather than Godly, I ask your forgiveness for this.

Draw me back into the truth, and teach me about you.
I know that I need your truth, inspiration, hope and
strength in my life, I confess that I have been wrong
in neglecting you and your will every day.
I know I need to talk to you, and read your word
to survive as a Christian.

I ask you to forgive my sins, and cleanse me from all
unrighteousness. I ask you to remind me daily,
that life is about you, and serving you.. not about me.
I know you want me to prosper and be in health,
but above all, you want me to live right before you.

Remind me Lord daily.. that you are waiting in the
garden of prayer for me. Nothing else matters more.
If I neglect this garden, my life will soon be entangled
with the cares and temptations of this world.

If I cannot do this right, not much else will go right.

I give you all the glory and honor, and put you above
all else Father, forgive me for trying to make the
things of this world, take the place of the things of God.

I love you and long to be all you would have me to be.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart,
be acceptable in your sight,Oh Lord, my strength, and
my redeemer.

In Jesus precious name.


Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We, as Christians, are often guilty of this neglect of God. Thank you for this inspiration.