
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Finding The Way Home

Good Morning Everyone.

Do you know how to find the way home?
If Jesus came back tonite, are you ready to go?
If he came back, and you did not go with Him,
would you know how to find the way home to Him?

This is the most important question of your life.
Who is Lord of your life, and if it is not Jesus, do you
know the way to Him?

Sometimes on life's journey we take the wrong road.
A detour, far away from God, and into a place we really
didn't know would be like it turned out. And sometimes,
because of that detour, it is very hard to find our way back.
Sometimes many temptations and trials are along the way
to discourage us and distract us.

The wonderful news is.. we have a good shepherd, who
is waiting for us to come home. To nurture us, dust us off,
clean us up, and lead us beside still waters. A loving,
kind shepherd, who knows us as is, and yet loves us
anyway. Where else in this life, will you get that reception?

My friend, if you don't know Jesus as your Savior,
if you don't know the way back home, and you have
strayed from His arms, or have never been to Him,
let me lead you to His arms. Jesus longs to be with you
and lead you through the hard and good times of this life.
He promises to never leave you nor forsake you.

All you have to do, is find the way to cross, bow before it,
and confess your sins to Jesus Christ.
One by one, tell him confess each sin you remember you have
done, and ask forgiveness for each thing. Ask Him to
remind you of things you don't remember, so that you might
confess them. Ask Him to come in and cleanse you from
all unrighteousness, and be your Savior. He will, the
minute you confess your sins and ask. Then turn from
your old life, and old sins, and walk a path that shows
you are repentant, and want to walk in God's path now.

Get into a Bible believing, Bible teaching church. Don't neglect
it, it is how you grow in the Lord. Take time to read the
Word daily, and talk to God often, as you would a trusted
friend. This will lead you down a wonderful path.
You will never be alone again.


That if thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus,
and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from
the dead, you shall be saved.
Romans 10:9

If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and
the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, He will
forgive our sins and cleanse us from all the wrongs
we have done.
1 John 1:8-9



The story is told of the little boy that had wondered away from his home, not paying attention to where he had wondered to as he followed his dog until he noticed that his surroundings were no longer familiar to him. His eyes welled up with tears, his little heart filled with fright. Directly, his emotions were no longer controllable. He stood on the corner, sobbing uncontrollably.

Soon, a police officer noticed the young boy crying. He approached the little fellow. "What is the matter, son?"

Through his tears and sobbing, the little boy said, "I'm lost! I had followed my dog away from home and now I'm lost!" and sobbed all the more.

The police officer knelt down beside the little one and gently said, "Son, not to worry. I'll help you get home."

The little boy took a step backward. The police officer gently said, "I'll not hurt you. My job is to see to it that you get safely home. Please let me help."

After a second or two, the little fellow took the officer by the hand.

"Now, where do you live? What is the name of the street?" the officer asked.

The little one looked around and said, "I can't remember the name of my street." His fear began to return.

"O.K." the police officer said. "What is your telephone number? We can call your Mom or Dad and they can come get you."

"We don't have a telephone in our house."

"Well, then, can you give me a landmark of some kind?"

"Yes," the little one said and brightened up. "Not too far from our house is a church with a high steeple with a cross on top of it. Do you know where that steeple might be?"

"Yes, I do, son."

"Well, then, please take me to the foot of that cross and I can make if from there!"

Author Unknown

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