
Friday, July 20, 2007

Small Seed Planting - One Day At A Time

Good Morning Everyone,

Do you ever feel like what you are doing in life
doesn't make a difference? Do you ever feel
that you are uninspired and uninspiring?

Sometimes we get so down on ourselves,
that we cannot see the body of work our
lifetime has produced.

There is no one reading this today, who
has done everything right all their life.
There is no one perfect, who figures out
everything right the first time, every time,
and never makes mistakes.

The mistakes we make, teach us lessons,
usually what to do the next time.
Everyone does this! It doesn't mean
you are a failure, it means you are still
under construction.

Don't waste your time on what you have
done wrong, or your failures. Everyone has
them! Just use them as stepping stones
and life lessons, and move on, and grow
and change.

This is so healthy, and life changing, and freeing.

You can plant seeds of kindness in the life
of others everyday. It may be small things.
It may not seem like much. But when looked back
at over time, it is absolutely huge in the impact
on those around you.

So, stand back, take a look at yourself, and
determine to choose your battles. Don't spend
the day on things that weigh you down. Set
short term goals for things you can look forward
to getting done everyday, and then do them.
Find one thing each day you can do to make
a difference in your life, or someone Else's.

I know this sounds simplistic, but it is full of wisdom
and it relieves you of that burden of failure.

You didn't fail! You just made a mistake.
That's what the grace of God is about. He knows
we are imperfect, He knows we are still under
construction, and He loves us anyway. We
should extend this grace to ourselves, and forgive
ourselves, and be thankful for what we have
and what we have learned, and what we CAN do.

God be with you all today, and give you a spirit
of joy, and of resolve to view the day with positive,
forward looking eyes, rather than eyes focused
on the defeats of the past. Today is a brand new
day.. your gift from God... invest it!


Ps.. Remember to spend time in prayer daily, asking
God to help you change, and forgiving yourself and
others for mistakes. We all make them, and God promises
forgiveness if we repent. We then need to be forgiving
of ourselves so we can move forward, and not get stuck
in a rut of self pity, or disappointment.



In the 1930s, a young traveler was exploring the French Alps. He came upon
a vast stretch of barren land. It was desolate. It was forbidding. It was
ugly. It was the kind of place you hurry away from.

Then, suddenly, the young traveler stopped dead in his tracks. In the
middle of this vast wasteland was a bent-over old man. On his back was a
sack of acorns. In his hand was a four-foot length of iron pipe.

The man was using the iron pipe to punch holes in the ground. Then from the
sack he was carrying, he would grab an acorn and put it in the hole. Later
the old man talked with the traveler and told him, I've planted over
100,000 acorns. Perhaps only a tenth of them will grow. The old man's wife
and son had died, and this was how he chose to spend his final years. I
want to do something useful, he said.

Twenty-five years later the now-not-as-young traveler returned to the same
desolate area. What he saw amazed him. He could not believe his own eyes.
The land was covered with a beautiful forest two miles wide and five miles
long. Birds were singing, animals were playing, and wild flowers perfumed
the air.

The traveler stood there recalling the desolation that once was; a
beautiful oak forest stood there now - all because someone cared.

By Brian Cavanaugh

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