
Sunday, July 29, 2007

How To Be A Miserable Christian

I find that in this world, in these times,
one of the biggest problems is most people
think life is about them. Their problems,
their families, their pain, their needs.

The idea of servant hood is a foreign subject
to them. Unheard of, unwanted, and left

People expect something in return for what
they do. They don't do things with the idea
that we are NOT to expect anything in
return for sacrificial giving and loving of others.

When someone talks to us about their problems,
we cannot hold ourselves back from telling
them about ours, rather than listening
and ministering to their needs.

Why is this? What has happened to us as
Christians and as a society to make us so self

There is an epidemic of loneliness. Depression
is very common, and its hard to find close friends
and sustain it. Because people get offended easily,
are too busy for healthy relationships, and write
each other off easily if anyone gets offended
in the slightest.

One of the most needful things, is
healthy, solid relationships, built on love and trust.
And this is something greatly lacking in most
people's lives. I wonder if we have forgotten
how to just enjoy people where they are,
pray for where they are not, don't judge them,
and just enjoy them. Why do we have to grade
people? Who put that upon us?

Let us get back to basics. Jesus called us to
be servants. That means as His precious
children we are to love others, even when
they are unlovely. We are to spend great
amounts of time in prayer interceding for
the needs of others. We are to plant God's
word in our heart, so we are firmly rooted
in it's truth and concepts so no one can mislead
us in these hazardous times.

We are to be busy in our churches and
in our communities reaching out to others
in need. Giving without expecting anything
in return. Having a cheerful disposition,
even on the days we may not feel well.
Because we are mentally and spiritually
disciplined to do our duty for Christ,
His Glory, His Kingdom and His Will.

If you have become stale in your Christian
walk, you are the one who can change that.
If you find yourself judging people at every
turn, you are the one who can change that.
If you find yourself never reading the word,
and never praying, you are the one who can
change that.

You are the one who is suffering spiritually
by your own neglect!

You hold the power within your hands to
be happy or sad. The power to worship God
or to neglect Him. Who are you serving?
Yourself or God?

I wrote this short essay below tonight on
"How to Be a Miserable Christian"
Make sure you read it, and pray about it.
I would be willing to bet that you, as I did,
will find yourself written up in here, and you
know you need to change.

Don't look out for your needs first, love yourself
forgive yourself, take care of your needs, but
love others, and make time for them. God
has work for you to do. It is time we are no
longer milk fed babies in Christ, but Christians
who have grown and are purposeful, and disciplined
daily to do God's work.

I felt very led to write this tonight. There is
a reason I am sure. I pray you will be honest
enough with yourself and God to face your own flaws,
as we ALL must do, and ask God to help you
face them and change. Then - GET BUSY.

No time to waste. If our gospel is hid, it is
hid to those who are lost.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last.


How to Be a Miserable Christian
copyright Millie Plastaras 7/29/2007

Spend most of your time thinking about yourself.

When you are at church, make sure you notice
what people are wearing, and how they look
and how it compares to you.

Be jealous and envious of other Christian's
ministries and gifts.

Be sensitive to slights and feed those hurt feelings.

Make sure you judge people to see if they are
"right" with God (right according to you).

Expect people to live up to your expectations,
give them no slack.

Grade the Pastor each week on his sermon
and how it stands up to what you think he should
have said or done.

Demand people agree with you on everything.

Sulk if people don't notice you.

Get offended easily if people don't say what
you want them to.

Never forgive a criticism.

Be unhappy if people are not grateful when
you do something for them.

Get involved as little as possible.

Don't take the Bible seriously, you only
need to hear it spoken in church.

Don't pray much, God already knows.

These things guarantee that you will feel
sad, miserable and judgmental and hurt
and never find contentment in any relationship
or church.

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