Monday, December 28, 2009
Absolute Surrender
As we are ready to face a new year, and
many new challenges and changes, I have a question
for each of you to take to heart.
Is your heart in right standing before God?
If a light was shined deep into every part of your soul
and thinking, would you be found to have light
or darkness in you?
We as Christians must
examine ourselves daily before the throne of God,
and seek to clean out and change any area of our
life that is not submitted to Him. We cannot
grow in Christ, if we remain a baby in the word of God
and do not seek to become a disciple of Christ,
following his teachings and applying them to our lives.
If your life was a diagram, showing each part of your
life as a statistic, how much of you is devoted to your job?
How much of your life is devoted to your family?
How much of your life is devoted to God?
What things are you pursuing most in your life,
and giving most of your time to?
Is your life in balance? Or are there areas in your life,
you have been hiding from God, holding onto for yourself?
Many people become Christians in name.. but never grow in
Christ. They attend church, they go through the motions,
but they have no depth to their spiritual life. I have to wonder
is it just a desire to be religious, but not spiritual? Do we
want to relieve a feeling of guilt, of not being right with God,
but then once we go to church we think we have done our
duty and go on our merry way, un submitted and unconcerned
about God in our daily life and thoughts? Do we in essence
say, Ok God, I have done my duty, don't bug me through
the week, and don't ask me to step out of my comfort zone
or routine?
Paul wrote in Galatians 2:
20I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me. (amplified version)
Has your life been crucified with Christ?
Is your all laid on the altar of Christ? Are there hidden areas
of sin, and darkness in your life? Do you take your relationship
with Christ seriously?
God has laid this message on my heart for a couple of days now.
He wants those who claim to be His, to live as if they are.
No compromise, no games, no hidden parts. He wants
a army of believers who stand for His truth, and do His
will, submitting to Him daily.
This will mean that you take time to go to God in prayer,
ask Him to show you the areas of your life that need
to be changed and given to him. Ask Him to lead
you, you will feel these small urgings and callings
in your heart as you talk to Him. Listen, quickly,
while there is time. He is calling your name, and
has plans for you. But He wants clean hands and
a pure heart. Rise to the calling, and make a difference
in this world. For if our gospel is hidden (because
we are lazy, unproductive and unsubmitted Christians)
the gospel is then hidden to those who are lost
without Christ.
These are great responsibilities, and we must
face them and live them, if we wish to please God.
We cannot compromise our title of "Christian"
because of selfishness, or clinging to things
we know are not pleasing to God.
For your sake, for the sake of your heavenly Father,
and for the sake of those around you who do not know
Christ.. be a light for Him.
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot
be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket,
but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all that are in the house.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16
Will you rise to the high calling and the task set before you?
Seek the Lord while He may be found, and submit to Him,
truly make Him Lord and Savior of your daily life and walk.
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Nativity and the Winter Storm
The sky was becoming darker, and the snow flurries were building up quickly, till it was a cold blur outside. Cameron looked out the window watching the snow begin to fall harder and build up on the ground like piles of sand upon the beach the snow glistened and grew into small hills of cold crystals glistening
with the light of the moon.
She turned and faced the room, the chill beginning to reach her, she walked toward the fireplace gathering the wood sitting by it, and tossing in a log to add to the small fire she started earlier.
It was almost Christmas night, and she was alone in this cabin in the woods. She had come out here to get away from the cacophony of the city, the crowds, the loneliness and the problems. She just wanted to take time to get to relax, gather her
thoughts, and perhaps this time, she could plan a future apart from what she had been living.
The last few years had changed everything. She had built a company from the ground up, and worked endless hours to make it successful. It had taken all her time and energy. It had been more than she had hoped, and less than she had dreamed. It gave her all the financial security she had ever dreamed of, and none of the emotional security she seemed to need right now.
Why was this happening at this point in her life? Didn't she have all the financial security she ever needed? She was independent, and focused, successful to the eyes of most observers.
She sat on the couch gathering her coffee cup to her, and musing over the past. She remembered fondly so many Christmas times past with her parents. Both were gone now, and some of the memories had faded a bit. But the warmth and love they had showed her never faded. What a blessing they had been to her. The word blessing, that is what was missing.
Each Christmas her mother and Father had made a big ceremony of the nativity scene. It started the first of December, and each night a new piece would come out of it's wrapping and take it's place on the table. They would sit and talk about the meaning of Christmas. And Mom would always make cookies or a new treat each day. What cozy times those were. The Christ Child was always the center of their celebration. And on Christmas day, they made a party of it. A cake to remember Jesus birthday, and songs to sing His praises. It was a wonderful thing to remember.
That was what was missing in her life. She had no spiritual life anymore! She had neglected the Christ Child. Now.. here she was stuck in the wilderness, no way of getting out, and alone. Suddenly the success of her business didn't seem enough. She had forgotten a big part of her life. The part that sustains a person when times get rough.
Someplace around here that nativity set was tucked away, she had brought it to the
cabin after her parents passed away, hoping to make this her Christmas retreat, and to decorate the cabin with the memories of her youth. She got up and walked towards the room that all the boxes were stored in. She rummaged until she found the box with all the dear images of the people from that beautiful Christmas night so long ago.
She took the box to the living room, set it down, and cleared a small table by the fireplace. One by one she pulled the pieces out, and set them up. The tiny lambs, the other animals, the angels, the shepherds, the visiting Kings, and the most important, Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus. Each piece became all the more precious as she drew them out. Each piece symbolizing that Holy Night so long ago.
She set back looking at the scene, and it bought a sense of peace to her spirit.
Suddenly she felt as if she could take a deep breath for the first time in a long time. Something she had not felt for quite a while. She had been living totally for herself, focused on success and career goals, nothing else. Now here it was Christmas Night, and once again she was alone. How had she ever allowed things to get this way? The tears started coursing down her cheeks. Her parents would be so surprised how she had changed, she had become hardened, and cold. She had conformed to the world.
Cameron picked up the Baby Jesus and held it tightly in her hands. She got down on her knees that cold night, and gave her heart to the Baby Jesus, asking forgiveness for her sins. Her heart pouring forth countless thoughts, and pain that was inside. When finally she stopped. Everything somehow seemed different. She felt a sense of security and wholeness to her spiritually she had not felt in so long.
This then, was what Christmas was all about, the Baby Jesus, nothing else. The quietness of this retreat and the pleasant memory of Godly parents drew her back to the truth of this life. Nothing is worthwhile, without a relationship with Jesus.
She got up and walked towards the window. The snow was slowing down, and she could see a star twinkling through the clouds that were scattered in the sky. The star seemed to be twinkling just at her. It seemed so hopeful now. All was right with her heart. She knew now what to do. And this night had changed everything. It had reminded her of a night long ago, when a precious Baby came to earth, that she might have life, and have it more abundantly.
Now, she was going to seek the abundant life her parents had taught her about. And she was going to remember how to touch the lives of others. This felt much better to her. She knew that this was the reason she felt such a urge to get away. She turned towards the manger scene once again..placing the baby in it's manger. She walked towards the kitchen. Perhaps she could find the ingredients for a cake here. It could be a birthday party after all.
Jesus was here now.
copyright Millie Plastaras December 21, 2001
Only one life
will soon be past
Only what is done
For Christ will last
Monday, December 21, 2009
Comfort and Joy
Comfort and Joy
There is a wonderful Christmas song, that speaks of
comfort and joy.
Comfort and Joy are companions. We find one,
we should have the other.
Comfort does not totally depend on a comfortable
home, lots of possessions, money or even how many
people we know or what a great job we have.
Comfort depends on our state of mind.
Paul said:
Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want,
for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the
point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever
state I am.
I know how to be abased and live humbly in
straitened circumstances, and I know how
to enjoy plenty and live in abundance. I have learned
in any and all circumstances, the secret of facing
every situation, whether well-fed or going hungry,
having a sufficiency and to spare or going without
and being in want.
I have strength for ALL things in Christ who EMPOWERS ME,
I am ready for anything and equal to anything through
Him who infuses inner strength into me,
(that is, I am self sufficient in Christ's sufficiency)
How do we come to that state of mind where we
can be content no matter what is going on in our lives?
It is definitely a mental discipline,
bringing every thought captive to the things
of God. It is also realizing God is in control, and whatever
is ahead, we know above all else, He will not leave
us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)
Basically.. our sufficiency, our total dependency and
our hope is from him. Not from our circumstances,
not from our friends, nor family, not from what we own
or don't own. Our hope is From Jesus Christ who came
to take away the sins of the world. He said when He left
this world He would send another comforter, The Holy
Spirit to guide us and lead us into all truth.
So how do we access the Holy Spirit?
The minute we receive salvation through Jesus Christ
that Holy Spirit dwells within us.
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you
another comforter (counselor, helper, intercessor,
advocate, strengthener and standby) that He may remain
with you forever.
The spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive
(welcome, take to heart) because it does not see Him,
nor know and recognize Him, for He lives with you constantly
and will be in you.
As the world changes, and grows worse. WE will
see many things, floods, famines, earthquakes,
typhoons, hurricanes, floods, pestilences, disease.
These things are part of the reality of life.
Circumstances should not rule our emotions,
we should, as mature Christians rule our emotions,
through our trust in Christ, taking our thoughts
captive and just resting in him. Worry should not
be a option, but that is a daily discipline all of us must
practice, and sometimes a daily battle within our minds.
We cannot allow a spirit of fear or unrest to take root.
For God has not given us a spirit of timidity (cowardice,
of craven, cringing and fawning fear) but He has
given us a spirit of power and of love and
well balanced mind and discipline and self control.
2 Timothy 1:7
I can remember a time where my family was hit
with so many tragedies within a few months I was knocked to my feet.
I heard God speaking to my heart as clearly as could be.
You can either be full of fear or full of faith.
You can fall apart or you can believe everything you
have ever read about me. I am your sufficiency.. pray in
faith, cling to me, trust, do not let go of me, do not look
to the right or the left.. Rebuke the spirit of fear,
rebuke the spirit of death, walk in my way, walk in my
love, walk in power and a sound mind, I am your
sufficiency, I am all you need.
From that day on, I learned to refocus on God. There are days
where I fall apart, and God needs to remind me.. hey..
did you forget? I am on the throne, I am in control,
I am almighty God, I am the great I Am, I am all you need.
It is in that thought.. joy returns.
Joy is: To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.
Joy returns because our hope is in Jesus Christ.
We rejoice in his provision, love and presence, knowing
He will guide and provide!
We can rest in that provision. He is driving, we are just taking
the trip. No matter what is ahead.. we will never
be alone. If we are not here on earth.. we will be
with him in heaven. There is nothing to fear.
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under His
wings shall you trust. His trust shall be thy shield and thy
buckler, thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night,
nor for the arrow that flies by day, nor for the pestilence
that walks in darkness, nor for the destruction that waits
at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand
at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee.
Psalm 91:4-7
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any
plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall
give His angels charge over thee, to
keep thee in all thy ways.
Psalm 91:10-11
Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation
of the wicked, when it comes. For the Lord shall be
thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being
taken. Proverbs 3:25-26
In righteousness shall you be established. You shall
be far from oppression, for you shall not fear, and from
terror, for it shall not come near thee.
Isaiah 54:14
Believe it and receive it and live in it.
Then God is your sufficiency.
Or reject it and live in that and fear.
Then comfort and joy will not enter your dwelling.
It is your choice.
Which choice would you rather make?
Fear or joy?
I am serving one who is all sufficient.
I need not be afraid.. and he has the same promises
for all who believe. We need never fear.
In God I have put my trust, I will not be afraid what
man can do to me
Psalm 56:11
You will keep in perfect peace
all who trust in you,
all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
Isaiah 26:3
(If you are not feeling peace, you are not really trusting in God)
Just trust!!
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last
Thursday, December 17, 2009
He Has Come, The Christ Child! Rejoice!

Copyright Millie Plastaras 12/2004
may not be reproduced without written permission
from the author. If you share, please send
in it's entirety with disclaimer. Thanks :)
And the angel said to them, "Have no fear, for observe,
I announce to you the good news of great joy that shall
be for all people; for today there was born for you in
the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord!
And this is a token for you. You will find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude
of the heavenly host, praising God and saying
"Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth, peace among
men of his favor."
Luke 2:9-14
And so the journey to the manger began. With Angels
singing and a bright Star set apart just by God
to light the way, so that all could know
Our Savior, Jesus Christ is born!
Oh how this world needed a Savior, someone with
compassion that could understand the pain of
each individual. Someone who had the power
to transform lives ... to give them hope that their
situation could change. Someone who could
heal them, and comfort them, and forgive their
sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness.
Someone who brought hope into the world,
Hope of eternal life.
Where could such a one be found?
He was found in very humble circumstances. Not the normal
place you would expect a small baby to be born.
Especially the King of Kings. He was laid in a humble bed
filled with hay. In a warm setting in a barn, with animals
gathered around, yet the greatest Savior of
all mankind had just come to change the world
Let us take a journey to that precious manger,
and see what we can find.
The roads are dusty on the way,and traveling hard, but there is a
star to light my way. It is such a bright star, is this a sign
of the Light of the World, Jesus? He is said to be the bright
and morning star. If I get there, will He know I am there?
Will my life be different if I see him? I am afraid,
perhaps He will not find me good enough ... yet I have
to make this journey. I feel so compelled to see Him,
I know something special is there, just for me.
For I have heard He has the power to change lives,
and came to earth to set our spirit and heart free.
It is getting colder as I journey towards the light,
and I pull the coat closer to me, seeking comfort
somehow. I shiver with the chill in the air, and wonder
once again, if perhaps I should have stayed home.
Perhaps this is just a rumor. Perhaps I am making this
journey in vain.
Oh yet, there is this bright star, and the songs of Angels
resounding in the heavens. How could one ignore such a blessed thing?
I have never seen anything so wondrous in my life. The star seems
to wink at me, inviting, encouraging me to go on my journey. It's light
glistens on the hills in the countryside, bringing a curious glow onto onto all of the landscape, giving it a bright covering and illuminating the darkest places with glorious light.
I arrive in Bethlehem,and the streets are full of people.
So many people everywhere, all here for the census. How will
I ever find the baby? The Messiah, Emmanuel, God with us, what
a glorious hope that brings. I will look again to the heaven and the light
of the star will show me the way. I must not lose my focus.
I cannot take my eyes away from that blessed light.
The star is shining directly over a stable. I walk there,
and see a family huddled over a manger. A small baby
lays within the folds of cloth in the manger. A light
seems to glow from it's tiny face. I feel such peace
within this place. Suddenly I feel warmth spread through me,
and the pain of the journey has left me.
Something draws me as I have never felt before.
I hesitate in walking in, but
the young couple see me and come over and gather
me in their arms and take me to see their little one.
They greet me as if they have always known me,
and understand exactly why I am here.
How can it be so warm in here, in a stable?
And all the animals are so peaceful ... it is as if they
are smiling. Can even the animals know?
Mary shows me the tiny one, and I reach out to
touch His hand. I feel such joy flood through me.
This is the Christ Child! I can sense His life
is going to be so different. Something about Him
even as a baby stirs my soul. I fall upon my knees
seeking to know what it is about this little one
that makes me feel as if I am in the presence
of a King. How could this be ... it is a manger,
a stable, could a King be born in such surroundings?
Yet when I look at His face, even as a baby,
He seems to know me, and I feel such a sense of
peace coming from Him. It seems as if He has
been expecting me. Could this be, could this child know me?
I bow my head in prayer and thank God for leading
me to the Child of Light, the Hope of the world.
He is bringing Joy where we felt sorrow.
He is bringing salvation, where we felt our failure
in following the law.
He is bringing forgiveness and cleansing to those whose
lives seem overwhelmed and felt unworthy because what they have done.
He is bringing healing to those who are broken,
and ill. His love is all encompassing. No one has ever
loved with such purity and compassion as He.
The room is suddenly filled with singing. And once again I hear the choir
of Angels, singing "Peace on earth, Good will to men".
I stay there and pray a while, reluctant to leave
this Holy place. But my life will never be the same
again. I know now, that the world is forevermore changed.
Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
My heart is yours Christ Child. I will follow your
light all the days of my life, and your goodness and
unfailing love will be with me forever. Your comfort sustains me,
and your Spirit provides light for my path daily.
I get up slowly from my knees, watching the little
child as He nods off to sleep. What a humble
beginning, what a glorious ending!
The King of Kings Has arrived!! Hallelujah.
I gather the hands of Mary and Joseph in mine,
and thank them for allowing me these moments.
My heart is overflowing with so many feelings,
I hardly know how to express them.
But it seems they understand without me uttering a word.
They just smile at me, they know, they feel it
too. The day has finally arrived and
hope has been born within my soul.
As I walk off into the night ... the sense of well being
never leaves. I truly have felt such comfort
and peace as I have never experienced before.
From now on, whenever I feel lonely, or in pain,
I will take my mind back to that manger, and
the beautiful child, that brought a light
into my life that I had never experienced before.
And I will find comfort in remembering
He knew me! The hope of Jesus shines
within Me now, the Christ child has come
to set the world free!
I will forever seek that child within my heart.
All will be well now. I can trust Him.
God has heard the cries of my heart.
I hurry down the path. I must tell everyone I know,
to come worship the King. I must shout it to the world
WE will never be the same!
Joy to the world, the Lord is Come!
Let men in their hearts rejoice.
O what a beautiful Holy Night.
The King of Kings has arrived, for You and Me.
Our life will never be the same again,
Only one life
will soon be past
Only what is done
For Christ will last
Monday, December 14, 2009
Held Back, or Held by God?
Good Morning Everyone,
Have you ever been mad at yourself for something
you have done and you felt like you could kick yourself?
Have you ever regretted something you did so
much that you didn't know how to work past it?
Have you ever felt guilty about the way you
treated people in the past, and you felt there was
no fixing it? What if there is no second chance?
Are you going to hate yourself and feel bad the
rest of your life?
In essence you are telling yourself:
My life is a mess, I have done so much wrong, I do not
feel loved, or wanted, or even deserving of it. I have
messed up my relationships and my career, hurt my
family, nothing I do seems to turn out right.
Basically you are beating yourself up daily
with condemnation and recalling all your mistakes,
you are stuck in a vortex, a whirlwind of self
condemnation and hatred.
These things, piled on top one of another, added
with other burdens we carry, produce a self
condemnation within us that become a spiritual bondage
holding us back from joy, peace, and living life to
it's fullest. We are unable to move on with our life.
They are like a dead weight within our spirit that
weigh us down, and rob us of our joy, and most of all our
hope. Once hope is deferred, or seemingly lost,
life can seem bleak, and a very unhappy place to be.
The dictionary gives this definition of condemnation:
the condition of being strongly disapproved of; "he deserved nothing but condemnation"
My precious friend, do you feel condemned today by others?
Do you feel condemned by yourself?
Let us read this together: Therefore (there is) now
no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for
those who are IN Christ Jesus, who live and walk
not after the dictates of the flesh but after the dictates
of the spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life
in Christ Jesus (the law of our new being in Christ)
has freed me from the law of sin and of death.
Romans 8:1-2
When we are in Christ,
we are no longer condemned but forgiven. Because
we are walking after Him, seeking His ways, and not our
own. Because we are forgiven, covered by the blood
of the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.
My friend, if He can forgive us and condemnation is
lifted from us by his atoning, why are we for one minute
spending time condemning ourselves? Why do we
time after time hate ourselves for things we do,
and condemn our self to failure and self dislike
and self condemnation?
Could it be satan uses this as a tool to
effectively keep us so upset we never progress past
it and do what Christ has planned for us to do?
Recently I have had some things happen in my life,
and they were so painful, I have spent hours trying
to work past them. Asking God to shed his light on
my situation so I could see it clearly and do what was
right in His sight. To help me let go of it and move on.
After a week, of some fairly intense internal agony,
I was listening to some praise music and started praising
the Lord, and singing along with the song. Instantly
I felt that condemnation and burden lift. It was just
gone. God had removed it. And in it's place I felt
His authority rise in me. You do not ever have to
feel condemned. You do not ever need to hate
yourself. You do not ever need to feel bad about mistakes.
Learn from them, apologize and move on.
Forgive others, it is their problem what they are doing
wrong, and let God deal with them. Forgive them,
even if they never ask you to.
It doesn't matter what they think. It matters what God
thinks. It is He we account to. Not everyone will like us.
Not everyone will approve of us. Many will talk about
us, and be unkind to us. So what. Life goes on, and
we still have places to go, people to see, things to do.
We must rise in strength, with the hope of the Lord
fueling our hearts, his forgiveness and mercy new
and fresh and reviving to us each morning, and
we must be held to a higher accountability. To be
a disciple of Jesus Christ, seeking to walk in the
spirit always and not the flesh.
We are not wimpy, we are strong.
We are not in bondage we are free.
We are forgiven, not unforgiven.
Act like it!
We are not condemned, we are set free.
Receive that.. and live accordingly.
Do not return to the former condemnation that
the world and your own misguided thinking flung upon
your spirit and your mind set. Shake it off and be free
by the renewal of your mind in Christ Jesus.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew
a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:9
Therefore we do not become discouraged
(utterly spiritless, exhausted and wearied out of fear).
though our outer man is decaying and wasting away,
yet our inner self is being progressively renewed
day by day!
For our light, momentary affliction is ever more
and more abundantly preparing and producing and
achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory
(beyond all measure, excessively surpassing
all comparisons and calculations, a vast
and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease!)
2 Corinthians 4:16 (amplified version)
We are equipped, we are beloved, we are forgiven,
we are free. .
We have work to do. No one you know is perfect.
Get over your past, get over your mistakes, and do
something.. positive, while you have life left in your body.
Do not fritter your days away on that which does not profit.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Is Repentance Necessary?
For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
For see what earnestness this godly grief has produced in you, but also what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what longing, what zeal, what punishment! At every point you have proved yourselves innocent in the matter.
1 Corinthians 7:9-11 (ESV)
Do you remember as a child, when you did something wrong, and you knew you had, how your heart would convict you?
Perhaps you were afraid for your parents to find out, because you knew you would be punished. Did you ever try to hide from them, because you didn’t have the courage to admit what you had done?
I think many do this when they have sinned, or when they are convicted of sin. People know in their hearts they are wrong, but perhaps they like the sin and cannot seem to break away from it. If we did not feel shame, that would be far more serious. But shame brings us to a Godly sorrow, a place where we know we are wrong, and must do something about it. "The change we yearn for is brought about by a process called repentance."
"Webster's dictionary defines the word repentance in the following manner: repentance: a repenting or being penitent; feeling of sorrow, etc., esp. for wrongdoing; compunction; contrition; remorse.
But the Greek term "metanoia" is better understood to mean a change of mind or heart."
The Bible talks about a repentant heart, which is a absolute must for anyone desiring to have the salvation of Jesus Christ.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9
He that covers his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesses and forsakes them [repentance] shall have mercy. Proverbs 28:13
Repentance is not just lip service, it is heart change. a turning away from our old sins, a desire to please God and a submission to his authority. It is a seeking of a new lifestyle and mind set in Christ. It is spiritual discipline, through submission to Christ, and walking in His light and truth.
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20
So then we are new in Christ, bought with a price, the shed blood of Jesus upon the cross. WE ARE NO LONGER OUR OWN. We have to be mindful of this. We cannot just say we are saved and continue on a willful path of our own, ignoring God. This would be like crucifying Christ again.
To receive Jesus as your savior:
1.You must recognize you are a sinner, and need to repent. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."(Romans 3:23)
2. You must recognize Jesus died for your sins, as the only begotten son of God (John 3:16) and because of his sacrifice and atonement on the cross, we can have forgiveness and cleansing of these sins if we repent and receive that salvation.
3.You must recognize that Jesus came in the flesh, to be a atonement for the sins of this earth. Pray to the Father God in the name of Jesus Christ. Ask his forgiveness for your sins and ask Him to be Lord and Savior of your life.
4.The next step is turning away with a truly repentant heart. We become a disciple, and a true follower of Christ; filling our heart with his word, and following his example upon this earth. We are new, not the same, new goals, new mind set, new hope, new thinking. To read his word shows us how to please God, and what His son Jesus taught upon this earth.
John 14:6 Jesus said: I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father God, except through me.
Throughout the word the Messiah was predicted, who would come to save people from their sins.
And she will bring forth a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, and He will save his people from their sins: Matthew 1:21
And behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the SON OF THE MOST HIGHEST; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of the His Father David. Luke 1:32-32
Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies about the messiah, the only begotten son of God, sent to be a atonement for our sins. We must recognize this, receive it, live it, cling to it, share it, and walk in it daily.
My friend, if you have not yet made a decision for Christ, and changed your life for him and repented, please do it today. Eternity hangs in the balance.
Jesus loves you and died for you. Receive his salvation, and find forgiveness and eternal life in him. Walk with him the rest of your life, you will never be alone or forsaken.
love always,
Monday, December 07, 2009
Learning to be Thankful
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:11-13
If I was to take a poll among you today, who could say they
were really content? That they were satisfied with their
possessions, their job, or any other area of their life?
Are you really thankful for what you have?
My guess is most of us would say no, we are not really
content. It is always us reaching for one more thing, or
looking at one thing we don't have we wish we did,
or that we had a better home, or always some sort
of negative thought about what we have. My guess is,
that if you feel this way about your possessions, you
probably feel unhappy about your relationships also.
Yet, truth be told we are so much more blessed than
many people, and instead of focusing on thankfulness,
we are focused on what we think we need, or what we do not have.
I am wondering if the massive debt most have accumulated
is due in great part to a lack of contentment, always wanting
more, yet unable to pay for it, they charge it to satisfy that
need, that actually represents far more than just what they
are buying or desiring. Yet it is enslaving them to someone
else for unpaid debt that they probably will not be able
to pay off for years, all because they were not content.
Do you think that marriages might be different if people learned
to love their partner for who they are and be content with them,
and pray about what they feel is wrong, or is missing from the
relationship? Could God, in all his great power and mercy,
not speak to your mate, and give them the desire to change?
Did nagging or anger ever change a marriage? Yet peace
can make a great difference in a marriage and home,
because we are content with what we have at this moment
and rejoice in it.
My friend, if you are not content where you are at, my belief
is that you are looking too much at the world and not enough
at God. This applies to many areas of our lives, such as
worry, and anger, and unforgiveness. We get our eyes on people
and not on God.
Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.
1 Timothy 6:6
You see my friends, our FIRST goal daily should be time spent
with the Lord Jesus. In his word, refreshing our spirit, in prayer
speaking to him of our needs, repenting of things we know
we are doing wrong, and asking for guidance about things
troubling us. And then we leave those things at his feet,
knowing He is in control and has those answers.
Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said,
“I will never fail you.
I will never abandon you.
So we can say with confidence,
“The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear.
What can mere people do to me?"
Hebrews 13:5-6
My friend are you confident in God's ability to work out all things? Learn to be content with what you have, stop overspending, stop worrying, and stop looking at what is wrong with people find joy in each day, and count your blessings.
Learn the art of being thankful. Make this a daily goal, and watch
how it changes every dynamic in your life.
Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.1 Peter 5:7
Love always,
Friday, December 04, 2009
Moving In His Strength
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain,
for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4
Seems life is filled with lots of sorrows, hard times
and things we never expected to deal with become
vital decisions we must make.
The journey of life is not a easy walk, nor is it
a level one. There are mountains and valleys, and
there is day and night. There is health, and illness,
there are sorrows and joys. But the journey is a gift,
and we must make the most of it while we have it.
The good news is, God promises to be with us around
the clock, provide protection, guidance, comfort,
and great hope, to those who know His name and
have accepted His precious Son as their Savior.
Each day as we start this journey, we awake from
a night of rest. We must get up and face this day
with courage. I like to start it by talking to the Lord.
I tell Him how much I love Him, I thank Him for my blessings,
and I tell Him the things that are making me sad, or things
I need help with. Then I read His word, so I get stronger
and wiser, so that when I make decisions, they are
firm, and powerful.
Sometimes the people we love let us down, or we feel
life is unfair. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed with
our problems. But..we are not to deal with them alone.
Jesus said, Cast your burdens on me, for I care for you.
1 Peter 5:7. He doesn't want us to be burdened,
he wants to be the burden bearer.
No matter what you are facing in life today, you have great
hope. For there is more to this life than this life.
We are on a journey from here to there. God was at
the beginning, He will escort us through the door of
death into heaven, and we will find rejoicing and every
good thing there.
For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed,
but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither
shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith
the Lord that hath mercy on thee.
Isaiah 54:10
Receive His peace, go forth in His strength, and rejoice
at the gift of life. Treat it as the treasure it is. And go
out with courage to face the day, with a smile on your
face. For none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.
Make the most of what you have.
Make it a joyful journey by your attitude,
and trust in the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return,
and come with singing unto Zion, and everlasting joy shall
beupon their head; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and
sorrow and mourning shall flee away.
Isaiah 51:11
We are marching to Zion, beautiful beautiful Zion.
We're marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God.
God loves you my friend.
You will never be alone.
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Steps of a Righteous Man
he delights in His way.
Psalm 37:23
Commit your works unto the Lord, and your thoughts
shall be established.
Proverbs 16:3
Good Morning Everyone,
Are you established in your daily routine?
Do you set goals and have things planned out
so that your day goes more smoothly?
Do you have your life mapped out?
Or do you feel that you are drifting through life
without direction. To be honest with you, even
if you are organized, planned ahead, goal minded,
many unexpected things can happen that throw
you for a loop mentally.
If you are a Christian, your first goal each day is
to go to God in prayer, and seek His will. Ask God
how he would have you act, what He would have you
do, and to guide you through the day. You SUBMIT
yourself to his will.
The second thing we must do is surrender our burdens
to him right at the beginning of the day.
Don't wake up and rehearse your problems over and
over in your mind. Instead, lay them at God's feet
trusting in His answers and Provision and Guidance.
Then don't pick them back up.. they will keep you
from enjoying your day, they will alter your moods,
your relationships and your mindset. You have to let
go to move ahead.
When we are established, we are strong, we are certain,
we are confident, because of what Christ says He will
do, and who we are in Him. We are his beloved children,
Called out by him, called to live a life of light, trust and daily
Hope in Him.
You can only do this if you seek Him first, and really mean it.
It cannot be a half hearted attempt, and leaving things out
we know we should not be doing, or not telling God everything.
If you want to be a triumphant, victorious Christian,
you have to walk the walk Jesus called us to,
and talk the talk that pleases Him.
NO compromise.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not
unto your own understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
As you do this, take time for Bible reading daily. It will
fuel your spirit, strengthen you, infuse you with hope
and draw you closer to God. It is NOT something
we can neglect. We all need this encouragement,
wisdom from God and hope daily.
God bless you my friends.
"10 Rules For A Happy Day"
If someone is rude, if someone is impatient, if someone is
unkind... I will not respond in a like manner.
If I come across someone who treats me harshly or unfairly, I
will quietly ask GOD to bless that individual. I understand the
"enemy" could be a family member, neighbor, co-worker or
I will carefully choose and guard my words being certain that I
do not spread gossip.
I will find ways to help share the burden of another person.
I will forgive any hurts or injuries that come my way.
I will reach out anonymously and bless the life of another.
I will practice the golden rule - "Do unto others as I would have
them do unto me" - with everyone I encounter.
My smile, my words, my expression of support, can make the
difference to someone who is wrestling with life.
I will eat less; I will eat only healthy foods. I will thank GOD
for my body.
I will spend a little more time in prayer today: I will begin
reading something spiritual or inspirational today; I will find a
quiet place (at some point during this day) and listen to GOD's
"But since we belong to the day, let us be self controlled,
putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and hope of salvation
as a helmet." - 1 Thessalonians 5:8
-- Author Unknown
Monday, November 02, 2009
Sinking Sand
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will
liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.
And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew
and beat on that house; and it did not fail for it was founded on that rock!
But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do
them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand;
and the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds
blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was it's fall.
Matthew 7;24-27
Most of us build our lives on certain principles and goals
we believe in. This is our foundation . It is what we stand upon,
hope in and structure around.
My question to you, is your house built on the rock?
The only rock to build this spiritual house on is Jesus.
For without His salvation, the hope and guidance from
God the father, how can we withstand the storms of this life?
What meaning has this life, if we build it on things we cannot count on?
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 1 Corinthians 15:19
This life we build, with our hopes, dreams, accomplishments,
accumulation of possessions, relationships good and bad,
when it comes to the end was our body of work worthy?
Was it well thought out and something we can be pleased with?
Most of all, would it please God the Father?
When things you have planned fall apart, or people you love
disappoint you or walk out of your life, do you feel your
foundation crumbling? Truth is, if we have not planned for
the storms of life, and built our strength up through
God's word, when the storm hits, not only are we
unprepared, it can discourage us, or devastate us.
We have become weak in our faith, and troubled on every side.
Many people fall away from their faith during these times,
often blaming God or people around them, and it changes
their life, perhaps forever.
Ever have that sinking feeling come over you
when things start to happen you were not expecting,
or that overwhelm you? It is not a good feeling.
These times we are falling into sinking sand.
Our eyes off God, and out of his word, and out of his presence.
We have succumbed to the doubts, fears and worries
of life till it has robbed our very soul of His presence,
hope and direction.
When in the beginning, if we had trusted God,
if we had REALLY believed in Him, really relied on Him,
Really made him Lord of our life, Really made him our source,
we would have been building a foundation based on
our trust in his abilities and not on our circumstances or
goals, or even thinking. WE would have looked to a higher
power, and recognized even in the trials of life he is there,
a sure foundation, a anchor for our soul.
Day by day, hour by hour, our spirit and strength would
have been growing in his wisdom and knowledge,
and not in our own confidence, but In Him.
There have been times in my life, when I wanted to scream
because of the horrible things happening. I wanted to indulge
myself in the sorrows, and just give up. Longing for peace,
I would instead indulge in the worry and sorrow and fear
of the moment. It never got me anyplace. Indeed it made
me miserable. The light could not enter because I had
shut the door to that great inspiration that is found by
just quieting my spirit and submitting to God.
Saying God: even these times, I know you are with me.I submit to you, I leave these great burdens in your arms,
for I know not how to handle them. I cannot control any of it,
but you can. You are My Father God, my Abba Father,
all you are, is all I will ever need. I will trust and not be
afraid. I will trust in, rely on, cling to, and find hope in your
presence, and I won't leave your presence until I feel that peace.
Please look ahead for me Father God, guide me, show me
what to do, and when I am weak you are strong in me.
I rest in your ability and your provision, and I seek you first,
knowing whatever is ahead, I will never go through it alone,
but go from strength to strength as I grow in you, and read
your word, and find inspiration, hope and reassurance in it.
Forgive me for times I lack in faith, and restore me,
and help me please you and be founded upon you, My Rock
and My salvation.
You don't have to sink when the storms of life hit.
You can build your house on the rock, Jesus Christ.
A firm foundation that nothing can shake or prevail against.
My friend, we have this one life, and soon it will be past.
Don't base your life on what you see, or what you feel,
base it on what God sees, and what He wants for you.
Look at the big picture. He is over all, above all,
sees all, and knows the answers before we even
utter the questions.
I will lift my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help.
My help comes from the Lord, who made heavens and the earth.
Psalm 121:1-2
On Christ the solid rock I stand
Words by Edward Mote
Music by William B Bradbury.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.
When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.
Friday, October 30, 2009
From Strength to Strength

dwell in your house and Your presence; they will be
singing your praises all day long.
Blessed, happy, fortunate, is the man whose strength
is in You; in whose heart are the highways to Zion.
Passing through the valley of weeping, they make
it a place of springs; the early rain also fills (the pools)
with blessings.
They go from strength to strength - increasing in
victorious power; each of them appears before
God in Zion.
Psalm 84:4-7
Do you feel, blessed, happy or fortunate this morning?
Does your life seem less happy than you would like?
Does happiness seem illusive? Do your problems
seem greater than your solutions? Do any of you
feel your life is out of control emotionally?
My dear friend if you answered yes to any of these,
your emotions are overriding your faith. It is not
that you do not love God, or trust him, it is that
you and I have allowed doubt, or dread or fear
a place in our hearts and minds, and we have
become wearied from it.
Did this solve anything? Will one day of worry change
our circumstances? It might make it worse, for we are
dwelling on the negative, almost hoping for and expecting it,
and not focusing on God's possibilities and answers.
My friend, I have been going through a great spiritual battle
in my own life, from the illnesses that have hit. It has been
a battle to take control of my thinking and leave it in God's hands.
For when things around us seem to be crumbling, sometimes
we crumble under the weight of it.
But looking at the verses above, I realize that dwelling
in the presence of God, and singing praises to Him was the key.
We need input that changes our mental, and spiritual focus.
To dwell in the dumps, keeps us negative, and unhappy.
To focus on something new that can inspire us and lift us
out of the gloomy, sorrowful thinking can electrify us
spiritually. Renewing our mind in Christ daily is a must!
We cannot do this if we avoid God's presence, his word
or praising him. We have to walk into that throne room
and seek God boldly, because we know he loves us
and gave us his son to give us eternal life. We are beloved
by Him daily. Who else can be in control but God?
Who else can fix things for us but God?
God never promised we wouldn't go through trials,
hard times, illness, even poverty. But he did promise
to provide for us, be with us and comfort us. And many
times he heals, he changes circumstances, he changes
mindsets and shows us a new way to go.
My suggestion: Go to God in prayer.. and don't leave
that prayer room till you feel peace. Persist in prayer
until you feel the answer is on the way. Tell him every
detail of what you are feeling, pour your heart out before Him.
He will sustain you, comfort you and a answer will come.
You will feel it in your spirit, or hear it through the mouth
of someone God sends, but the answer will come.
You will go forth from strength to strength, increasing
in victorious power, because of GOD IN YOU.
Let us therefore follow the things which make for peace, and
things wherewith one may edify another.
Romans 14:17-19
Friends are you following the things that make for peace
or are you following a mindset that leads to fear and lack of faith?
It really is a choice. God is with you. Reach out.
Receive His abundant peace, receive his strength,
receive his hope. And dwell in his presence
until you receive it all. No distractions. Just time
with God. If you do this each day, it will transform your life.
Love always
Friday, October 16, 2009
In Search of Peace
These things have I spoken to you that In Me you may
have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but
be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33
Many are searching for this illusive thing called peace.
They look for it in other people, in various religions,
in all kinds of activities to try to relax them.
Some people believe if they just avoid other people
they will find peace. Some people, never find it.
Some are too busy, yet in desperate need of this peace.
And today, more than ever the world needs it.
For who knows what tomorrow will bring?
I can hear the voice of Jesus as we struggle through each day.
He says My child, receive My peace.
And we say, Oh God, I am busy working right now.
I will find your peace when I get home.
When we get home, God says, My child, receive my peace.
Oh God, I am too busy now, I have dinner to fix, the laundry
to do, I cannot take time for peace now.
Some say, God, I have lots of activities to do, I will
get around to you on Sunday when I come to church.
Then when bedtime comes, we are weary and unable
to pray. God is still waiting to give us peace, but we
have let another day pass by, without communing with
our God, and receiving all He has for us.
Soon our restless sleep comes, and our hearts
wearied by the day find no rest for our souls.
Then when the times of crisis come, we wonder,
where is our peace? God where are you?
Some folks even like to blame God when hard times
hit, yet they have ignored Him all year, It is not
God who is to blame, when we do not allow Him
place in our lives.
Indeed, it is not God who walked away, but us.
WE have neglected our spiritual life, And we have become
tired emotionally, and drained. We have not taken the time to
find peace, nor spend time in the presence of God,
is it any wonder that when hard times hit, they
are immediately a crisis?
I am reminded of the story of the ants and the grasshopper.
The ants spent all summer building up their stock
of food to last the winter. Day after day, they worked
hard and gathered food, and did not take much time to
rest. They had goals. And they pursued them.
And when the winter came, they were prepared, and
it was not a crisis. Their bellies full, they could then
The grasshopper however, jumped from here to there,
playing a violin, so I am told, and did not prepare for the
winter. Preferring to wander about the country, visit
with his friends and party. When the snow started to
fall, he was cold, homeless, and had no food.
He had not prepared for hard times, and He was in a crisis.
Are you preparing my friend? Are you filling up with
the presence of God daily? Do you allow the word of God
to penetrate your spirit and infuse it with joy and peace.
Let the precious word of God build up in you,
and make you victorious and wise, and strengthened,
and when the storms of life come, you are prepared.
It is not a crisis, it is a time of growth, a time to draw closer
to God confidently knowing we are not only prepared,
but God is in charge. We have worked hard, our souls
are full of the word of God, and of the Holy Spirit comforts us,
by his word in our spirit,
and we can rest in his peace.
Are you in search of peace tonight my friend?
I know where you can find it.
It starts on your knees, before the throne room of God.
It starts by pouring your heart out to God, and telling
Him all, and getting things right with Him.
Then we can leave our burdens at the throne, and
receive that peace He promises to all who believe and
will receive.
Then you open that Bible and allow Him to speak to your
spirit, and heal you, and bring you peace.
Peace that passes all understanding.
How long since you had that peace?
Its available tonight.
God is only a prayer away.
And He said;
Cast all your cares upon Me, For I care for you.
1 Peter 5:7
For the mind set on the flesh is death,
but the mind set on the Spirit of God is life and peace.
Romans 8:6
Let us seek peace, and pursue it,
that when the times of testing come, we are not
only prepared, but have enough to minister to others.
That is what Jesus called us to do.
Those who love thy law have great peace,
and Nothing causes them to stumble.
Psalm 119:165
You will keep Him in perfect peace, whose
mind is stayed on thee, because He trusts in thee.
Isaiah 26:3
My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives,
give I unto you, Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27
Receive that peace tonight my friend.
No excuses.
Be prepared.
Only one life will soon be past
Only what is done For Christ will last
Thursday, October 15, 2009
In Search of Joy

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In God's great mercy He has caused us to be born again
into a living hope, because Jesus Christ rose from the dead!
Now we hope for the blessings God has for His Children.
These blessings, which cannot be destroyed nor spoiled or
lose their beauty are kept in heaven for you.
God's power protects you through your faith until salvation
is shown to you and the end of time.
This makes you very happy, even though now for a short time
different kinds of troubles may make you sad.
These troubles come to prove that your faith is pure,
This purity of faith is worth more than gold, which can
be proved to be pure by fire.
1 Peter 1:5-7
Joy does not come from looking at our circumstances.
Joy does not come from trying to fix everything
and making it work.
Joy does not come from hoping for the best.
Joy does not come when we say, I am doing
the best I can under these trying circumstances.
Joy comes from the heart of God.
It comes when we have faith that our prayers
are heard, and the answer is on the way and we rest in
that thought. Really rest, not pretend, not hope, but simply
lean on the Lord and rest in his promises and love for you.
Joy comes from trusting God.
It is called Faith.
No wavering.
No doubting.
Joy comes when we don't allow our circumstances to
control our thinking.
Joy comes when we refuse to be defeated.
Joy comes when we take a stand, and say Jesus is
on the throne, He is handling my problems, I am
going to go out and enjoy this glorious new day.
Does this mean everyday will be an over the rainbow day?
No, we are not promised trouble free lives, but how
we face them, our perspective makes all the difference
in the world on how our day goes.
Jesus said we would have trials. He said these
trials, temptations, sorrows, losses, produce purity of
spirit and mind in us. They teach us of our need for God.
They teach us to depend on Him.
Not ourselves, Not others.
They teach us to go to God first in prayer, not last.
If you have no joy, it is because you are focusing
on your problems, not on your possibilities.
God is still a God of miracles.
He has not changed.
He is not defeated, He conquered hell, death and the grave.
He is the great overcomer, He is the great Physician.
He is the Great I Am, I Am all you will ever need.
He is the king of Kings. The Lord of Lords.
Nothing is too hard for Him!
If you think all of this is just words, and will not
receive it, then you are allowing your circumstances
and problems to defeat you. You are focusing on things
that will rob you of hope, and joy will be far from your thinking.
This is something we all battle with, it is common to mankind.
If you think Jesus or prayer is a last resort after you
try every trick in the book to control or change your situation
you are missing the whole point.
Jesus said to Come unto Him.
To Cast our burdens on Him.
He said, He could defeat the powers of darkness,
and change the situations in your life.
We, my friend, are flawed, and limited.
God is not.
Casting your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
God is still God.
He wants to see you joyful, that is such a testimony to
those around you, that you are victorious during any
situation because you know how to Go to God in prayer.
You know how to believe no matter how the storms
rage around your soul that Jesus is the conqueror.
Jesus is the master, Jesus is our hope.
Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes
in the morning.
Jesus wants you to come to Him first thing each morning,
and receive joy for your day. By resting In Him.
Jesus wants you to come to Him at night before you lay
down, and cast your burdens on Him, and He promises
His beloved sleep.
Receive this joy. And leave the sorrow in His hands.
Do not dwell on your problems, dwell on the possibilities
of God's promises and provision.
Stop looking at things in defeat, and look at them in Faith
so that your joy may be full.
Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe
also in me.
John 14:1
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou will revive me,
thou shall stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of
mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.
Psalm 138:7
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which
also ye are called in one body, be ye thankful!
Colossians 3:15
(take time to be thankful for what you do have)
Father God we thank you today for the many blessings
you give us daily. For our food, shelter, clothing,
for the company of friends, for your precious word
which restores our thinking and is so powerful.
We thank you for your salvation that offers us not
only hope of the future, but deliverance from sin and
oppression. We thank you for your joy which you promise
to those who rest in your ability to solve our problems.
We release our burdens to you, and will do it again and
again until we feel relieved and no longer carry our own
burdens. We know You are in charge, you are the Father,
the comforter, the guide, and you are Still God.
Nothing is impossible. We agree that our problems are
being solved even now. We agree that Satan the loser
has no place in our lives, and we rebuke him and the powers
of darkness from our homes our family, our finances and
our health. We cast down every thought every oppression
and rebuke them to hell where they come from the Father of lies.
We receive your peace. We receive your health.
We receive your provision. We speak hope to our homes.
We speak healing to our families. We speak deliverance
to those who are lost, or in bondage. We speak healing
to those who are so desperately ill in the name and by
the power and authority of Jesus Christ.
We not only rest in your promises we shout victory
because we know the answer is on the way.
We praise You God for your mercy, for your son Jesus,
for your salvation, and for the answers and deliverance.
We give you all the glory and honor.
In Jesus Name,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
In Search of Hope
I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel,
My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
I have set the Lord always before me, Because
He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.
Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices,
My flesh also shall rest in hope.
Psalm 16:7-8
When tragedy strikes we often hear, where was God?
When someone dies, or there are hurricanes, floods,
disasters, terrorists, people say God, what were
you doing? Taking a vacation?
Yet, all the of the people
we read about in the Bible experienced trouble,
disillusionment, death, disease, and loss.
Does this mean God does not care?
Does this mean God is absent when hard times come?
No, indeed, God is ever present. But He did tell us
in this life we would have tribulations, but not to fear
because He had overcome this world.
These things have I spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
We know full well that there are powers of darkness
and evil at work in this world, that come to steal kill
and destroy. They are alive, they are spiritual,
they are powerful, and they are working under cover.
The point is, we have to recognize them, rebuke them,
and speak the word of God to them.
You see, our hope is from God. It comes when we
Rest In Him. Rest In His Hope.
Rest In His Promises.
Hope comes when we recognize we have a future,
and a hope, and that God has plans for us. That we
are unique special creations, loved by Him, and created
for His pleasure. He knows us each by name. We are
never alone.
What He wants us to recognize that even when trials come,
even when death or illness strikes us or our family we have
a retreat. But.. if we don't enter that rest, that retreat,
how can we find comfort?
If you don't eat, how can you expect to have energy?
If you don't put gas in your car, how can you expect it to run?
If you don't enter God''s word and rest in it, how
can you find comfort?
You are indeed depending on yourself, or others, and your
own limited thinking. WE cannot see tomorrow, we
don't know what it holds, but God does!
Our hope does not come from our circumstances,
from other people, nor from meditating until you
feel better. Our hope is from God, who made
heaven and earth, and offers rest and
strength even in the darkest night!
That by two immutable (unchangeable, unalterable)
things, in which it is IMPOSSIBLE for God to
lie, we might have strong consolaition, who have fled for refuge,
to lay ahold of the hope we set before us.
This hope we have as an anchor to the soul!
Hebrews 6:18-19
Have you fled to the refuge of God?
Have you found consolation in Him?
Have you received His hope, his plans for you,
His comfort for the hard times?
He is a light in the darkness of this world.
He is the very anchor for our soul!
Save these verses below. Speak them out loud, and trust
in God's ability to see ahead and solve your problems.
And trust in him till the storm passes. Faith is believing
the answer is on the way, even when we cannot see it.
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. Psalm 91:1-2
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18
Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed for I am thy God. I will strengthen thee. Yea, I will help thee. Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee; because he trusteth in Thee. Isaiah 26:3
Wherefore, He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. Hebrews 7:25
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2
As thy days, so shall thy strength be. The eternal God is is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33:25, 27
The LORD, thy God, in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest (be silent) in His love, He will joy over thee with singing. Zephaniah 3:17
The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him. Nahum 1:7
Cause me to hear Thy loving-kindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee. Psalm 143:8
As a father pitieth His children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are dust. Psalm 103:13-14
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Little Battles
I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who
live, but Christ who lives in me, and the life which I now
live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me
and gave Himself for me.
Galatians 2:20
Did you recognize that everyday there are many little
spiritual battles in your life? The key to winning them
is recognizing they are happening. The key to overcoming
them, is recognizing Christ in us, and submitting to his authority
and teachings.
The day seems to be going along well, and all of a sudden
we find ourselves facing decisions that lead to a forked
path. One right, and one wrong, which do we take?
The next time you pick up that phone to gossip about
someone, or get on the computer to talk about someone
you hear that still small voice say to your spirit, is this
going to glorify me? You say, Oh Lord, this isn't harmful,
quit worrying, its just me sharing my problems with a friend.
And you proceed with your way of thinking and talk
about others behind their back.
Or when you pick up a cigarette, and you hear,
Child your body is the temple of God, do you want to defile it?
And you say, Oh Lord, I don't have that many pleasures,
this isn't hurting anyone. It is just a harmless habit. And you
go on your way, dismissing that quiet, gentle voice
pleading for purity in your body.
Or you are invited to church with someone. And you
hear that gentle voice coaxing you to go, and to fellowship
and find strength in the unity of believers. And you say,
I am not going to church, people hurt me there before,
there are too many hypocrites. And you turn away from
the very place that instructs your spirit, and brings you
spiritual input. People often think they can do this
at home. But then, they rarely open their Bible, and
often change the scripture to suit their lifestyle.
Church and Christians keep us accountable to the word.
Sometimes it is painful, but it is needful. As a
father corrects his child, so must we be corrected spiritually.
Not taking offense but growing.
But most of all. Don't mention money. Don't mention giving
God. Don't offend me with asking me to give to your work.
All these people are richer than me, I am poor and struggling.
And God whispers, my child, you are poor because you
are robbing me. You are not giving to my work. Your
money is not your own. Your money cannot grow until
you give it away. You are to give to me, to further
the work of my kingdom. It is not a option, it is obedience.
And you get angry and say I will do what
I want with my money, don't talk to me about this.
Little battles. Big consequences. Without recognizing it,
we have become rebellious, not living as God called, but
doing as we want, just as a wayward child does to their parents.
It is so hard to face this, but if we want to be over comers, and grow
spiritually we must face our flaws and shortcomings and discipline
ourselves and change. Seek God first and allow
His concepts and truth to rule and reign in all areas of your life.
The Bible tells us that when we become A Christian,
we deny the flesh, we learn to recognize fleshly, worldly
thinking and confront it, and over come it. That is
growth. We become filled more and more with God,
and less and less with our desires. We seek His will,
righteousness before Him. We pour out our heart
and thinking and prayers before His throne and let
Him sift us. Until He dwells and the world fades away.
Then He leads us into paths of righteousness, and guides
us and protects us in these little daily battles.
Who won the battles in your life today?
And how is that working for you.
The solution: Run back to the cross, deny the flesh
and follow Jesus. It is that simple and clear cut.
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last