
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Strange Visitor

copyright by Millie Plastaras 9/17/02
cannot be reproduced without permission.

We have a new companion in our home. It was an
unexpected visitor. Not someone I had thought of
inviting before. But one day, there they were at
my doorstep. They were so compelling in their words
that I had to let them in. What they said, seemed to
hit the deepest part of my heart. They seemed to know
exactly what I was thinking. They seemed to know
all the sad things that were in my heart and life.

At first, I think my family was surprised by the new visitor.
They tried to communicate and understand, but they
were too busy, and soon that task was all my own. I
prepared the visitor breakfast, lunch and dinner.
And then sat down to talk to them, and to get a lot
of feedback from them. Day and night this visitor
would talk to me about what I was going through
and how I should look at it. Pretty soon I seldom left my house.

I noticed my friends were drifting away from me, and
I was surprised at their response. I marked it all down
to jealousy. They just wish they had such a companion.
I recognize jealousy when I see it.

My husband was seeming like a stranger to me more
and more. He was leaving earlier for work, and coming
home later. And seemed to fill the evening with work
he bought home. And I noticed he did not want to
be around as much. I couldn't believe he would be
jealous also. He never expressed this. What was his
problem anyway? My goodness, can't a person
have company for a week or two?

Slowly my taste in clothes changed, any old thing
seemed to do. I was staying in bed later, and eating
more. And I spent a lot of time watching television.
I seemed to be crying more, what's up with that?
I couldn't figure out what was happening to me.

I asked my company, but they seemed a bit illusive on
this subject. That rather surprised me. I thought they
had become my best friend.

I noticed that the days seemed more overcast lately,
something like my moods. Suddenly I felt so sad,
and let down by everyone around me. And I looked
for ways to drown my sorrow. There are a lot of ways
to do that. But none of them helped, I only felt worse

One morning as I got up, I remembered how my Father
had taught me that reading the Bible was a good way
to find wisdom in any situation. Dad used to tell me
how God could change our lives, and bring us spiritual
understanding we never imagined. That would give
us hope in the worst of situations. Jesus was the
one who came, that we might have life, and have it
more abundantly.

What had I done with my Bible? I knew it had to be around
here someplace. I remember reading it this year.
Oh yes, here it is, under one of my favorite magazines.
A bit dusty, but none the worse for wear.

As I opened up this book it fell open to Psalm 109:31
For He stands at the right hand of the needy one, to save
his life from those who condemn him.

I had someone standing at my right hand?
I didn't know that. As I looked to my right, I suddenly
felt a presence, a warmth, and I remembered
years ago what it felt like to be in church and
sing the songs rich with the beauty of the presence
of God. What peace that had brought. Why had
I ever stopped it? The tears started to course down
my cheeks, and I recognized the feel of a hand upon
my shoulder. He said, My child, you are never alone,
I will never leave you, nor forsake you. You are mine,
I bought you with a price.

Fear not for I am with thee,be not dismayed, for I am thy
God! I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee,
yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Psalm 147;3

Suddenly I noticed my old visitor at the front door,
making a hasty retreat. I realized they had not been
my friend at all. It had been the spirit of depression.
And I had invited them in my home, and felt sorry for
myself, and spent the day feeding my depression,
and forgetting my family and friends, to allow
depression to become my constant companion.

I had not recognized the darkness.
Now, I did. Yet Jesus was in this room with me.
I felt his presence so clearly. A restful, peaceful
presence. And I felt something in my heart, I had not
in months, a calm reassurance, and hope. Great hope
that everything was going to be OK. Jesus is here,
I can relax now. I felt the brush of angel wings upon
my soul. I had companions of light. Jesus had
bought light into my home. And his angels
were here to guard it, and to minister to me.

I got down on my knees and cried Holy and worshipped
the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
The great deliverer. Jehovah Jireh the great provider.
The great I Am, I am all that you ever need.

All Jesus is, is all I will ever need.

Never again, will I allow dark companions to enter
my home. I have found the bright and morning
star, Jesus Christ, and He has come to live in
my home, and dispel all darkness, and bring
hope and comfort, and a future to me.

I am a child of the king of Kings.

Never alone again.

I can relax now. Jesus is here.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, For Christ will last

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