
Monday, February 25, 2008

Short Circuits

copyright Millie Plastaras 12/27/2003

My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from
Him!! He only is my ROCK and my SALVATION, He is
my defense, I shall not be moved! In God is my salvation
and my glory, the rock of my strength, and my refuge,
is in God. Psalm 62:5-7

Have you ever desired something so much it hurt?
You wanted it so badly, you thought about it from morning
till night. And then one day, you got it, and it seemed
semi-climatic compared to all you went through to get it.
By the time you got it, you realized it was more fun working for it,
than it was finally getting it! It wasn't at all what
you expected, it fell short of your hopes. This could
be true of a career, a relationship or even a long
desired possession.

Sometimes our thinking gets an electrical short in it.
We think we know how our life is supposed to be, and
how we want it to be, and we work hard to make it happen.
And then one day we find, that we were going down the wrong path
all along. We forgot to consult the one who knows about
tomorrow in our life. We forgot to pray and ask for God's
guidance. He can see tomorrow, He knows our yesterdays
and He knows far more than we do what is best just for us.

So here we are plotting, planning, working and
dreaming, and setting goals, and when we reach them,
we realize, wow.. I didn't really want this
after all. It wasn't what I thought at all. I'm not happy!

How can we avoid making such wrong choices that
lead us down a path that we never expected, dealing
with things we never wanted to, and perhaps don't even
have the skills or patience to deal with?

We have to build our house upon the rock.
We have to focus on God, first, and all things else,
will fall into perfect place ... perfect timing, and
perfect companions for the trip. Most of all
a perfect Savior, guiding us and leading us in
paths of righteousness.

God made us, He knows our thoughts, our hearts,
the intent of our heart, and He knows what will be best for us.
He also sees the future, so His plans, will work out best for us.
We won't get lost in a sea of misunderstanding if we pray
and seek His will for the choices we make in life.

How long, truly, since you set down and prayed and
asked God to show you His perfect will for your life?
We not only have to pray, we must pray with fervency,
emotions, and pour out our heart before Him. And then
be patient. God will need time to set up the perfect
circumstances for our lives. We need to listen for that
precious still small voice to speak to our hearts, and lovingly
guide us into the perfect path that will lead to a fulfilling life
in Christ.

Many people lead unhappy lives, because they
make wrong decisions, that they have to pay for, for
the rest of their lives, and they never fulfill their dreams
or hopes, because they went down the road of
least resistance. Caving in to the world and it's standards.

God holds us to higher standards, and a calling
that is beautiful and precious upon our lives. And He
will provide the tools we need for the journey.

Are you ready for the ride of your life?
Get into the train with God. He will give you a journey
that is unexpected and wonderful. There will be troubles
and trials along the way, but He will be right there with you,
coaching you, leading you and providing comfort, strength,
wisdom, hope, and every good thing.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last

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