
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Making Progress In Your Own Battleground

Dearest Friends,

The last devotion I sent to you was about a battleground.

I realize now how that was about me. I was about to
face several large battles. I had my mailing privileges
questioned and revoked. Suddenly my life work felt like it had
come to a end and all the precious people I had met around
the world, I was unable to contact and minister to.

Since then, both my husband and I have
been desperately ill with some horrible virus that
settles in your lungs like glue, and doesn't want to come out.
We have been in bed for days, with the worst time breathing
that is in recent memory for me.

Then.. I fought a big battle with fear over it.

I thought then about how over the years each lesson
I have taught from my heart, and out of God's word,
has often been lessons that have been very hard earned for me.
Things I learned the hard way, or went through great trials
to overcome and explain how to persevere.

I can remember a few times asking God why I had
such heavy difficult trials and he said how else can you
tell others about overcoming if you don't learn this lesson?

How can we be equipped for a job if we have no
equipment? How can we teach if we have no knowledge?
How can we share our heart, if we do not open it?

I also thought that battle ground devotion was very relevant
for the Christian community on several fronts. Let me tell
you why.

People are weary from their own battles. They are
weary from a world that gives you more negative input than good.
People are weary from not reading their
Bible and merely casting glances at it,
as if it would somehow leap off the page and enter their minds
and inspire them. People avoiding churches because
someone hurt them, and they therefore deny themselves
the great fellowship, prayer partners and Bible teaching
that are so vital to the growth of all of this.

People have gotten in a spiritual rut. They are not
growing. They are not hearing the word of God
powerfully taught so it convicts our spirit of our
wrong doings, and makes us long to please God
and to turn our lives over to Him, and truly be a disciple.

All of this combined with the world situations has made
our whole mindset different. We are no longer believing
that we can overcome, or fight. We seem to be content
to take whatever comes and deal with it.

Whatever happened to walking in the strength of God like
a good soldier? One who keeps pushing forth no matter
the obstacles. How dare I say this? I have to do it too!

When problems hit it is easy to cave into a negative mindset,
but it only hurts us. And it certainly shows we are NOT
relying on God, but trying to control everything ourself.

I had to come back and tell you, please get into the word of God.
Please take time to talk to Him. He loves you and has answers
and courage and inspiration for all your needs. But you have
to have time for him. You cannot have a relationship with
anyone without giving them time!

Oh precious friends, all these years we have been together,
have I not often spoken to you of God's word? Does it not
ring within your spirit? Do you not want to be encouraged
and strengthened to face your own battles?

Let not your heart be weary, you believe in God. Believe also in me.
In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I
would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
(what a blessed promise)
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and
receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:1-3

Always remember, even if we cannot be in touch,
Only one life, will soon be past,
Only what is done for Christ will last.

Let this poem of my Dads ring in your heart as it did His,
and as it does mine. Make Christ your first thought,
and your first desire, and walk with Him each morning
in the garden of your heart and let him refresh your spirit
and whisper words of love and reassurance to you,
that you may be equipped and victorious for your days.

love always

Just walk it.
Just talk it.
Just preach it.
Just teach it.
Just tell it.
Just live it.
Just give it.
Just wear it.
Just share it.
Just shout it.
Just sing it.
Just proclaim it.
Just prove it.
Live For Jesus!

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