
Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Best Gift

Good Morning Everyone,

At this time of year, many are sad. They are depressed,
lonely, and experiencing many other negative feelings. And
it is hard to carry and maintain those feelings. They drain you
and wear you down, till life seems joyless, and sometimes hopeless.

Something changed for me a few years ago. God delivered
me from depression. I had suffered from it for years. It
was heavy to my spirit, overwhelming, negative,
the never enjoying life kind of depression. I became
a very negative, unhappy person. It was a hard mindset to break!

I missed out on so much because I spent my time worrying,
and feeding that sorrow. I got professional help, and learned
new reasoning skills, and how to work out of depression,
and how to overcome panic attacks. Without medicine!
God was good to me indeed, to lead me to a counselor, that
not only listened, but talked with me, prayed with me, cried
with me, laughed with me and rejoiced with my successes.

This year, we have gone through so much, as I know many of
you have, and still are. This is the first year I did not feel well
enough to decorate the house. And this is the first year
we had no money to buy presents for our family. I am in
a fairly substantial amount of pain due to a degenerative spine
and arthritis. And my husband has rather severe heart problems,
but is one of the most persistent people I know about overcoming

I imagine I could really feel sorry about some of this. I could be depressed. I am not.

This is one of the happiest Christmas times for
me. Why? No pressure. No stress. No depression. I have
learned to be content with what I have. I have a warm home,
food each day, a change of clothes, I have family who loves me,
even though some of them live far away, and each day God
gives me enough breath, strength and energy to enjoy my life.

I am truly blessed! You see, I am not going to feel sorry for myself,
no matter what we go through. I have learned, finally, that we
can overcome our circumstances with our thinking and the power
of prayer.

What good does feeling sorry for ourselves ever do anyway?
It is a thief.. it robs you of all joy.

Giving gifts does not Christmas make. Actually that part has gotten
out of hand. People are getting in debt that lasts them for years
just because they want to make each other happy at Christmas time.
Seems to me that might serve to make you more unhappy!

Maybe we should make this season more simple. Maybe it
should be less about shopping, and more about reflection and
enjoying each other. I would be willing to bet that many family
gatherings on Christmas are far less happy than people want.
Because of UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS, and the pressure
of finding the right gift, or not getting the right gift.

What if we didn't buy gifts, and just took time to sing carols,
eat a nice meal together, truly listen to each other, and just
enjoy life? What if we got back to a basic simple relationship
that wasn't built on what we can get or give but what we have
within our hands that very day that we can make positive and

No my friends, I am not poor, I am the richest woman in the world
today. I have a Savior who loves me, I have been saved by his
mercy and grace and atonement on the cross, and because I repented of
my sins and chose to follow Christ.

I am loved, forgiven, strengthened, hopeful, joyful, because I choose
to be, and because Christ came to give me life, and more abundant life,
just as He did you! Receive that.

I made the choice to be happy and to be content, no matter
what my circumstances are. You can too.

My friends, don't let your circumstances control you.
You control your mindset. Bring every thought captive. Look
around you, enjoy what you have. Invite people over who have
less than you for Christmas, share a meal with them, love others
and just make this a joyful holiday.

That is what God wants, and you will be happier for it, by far
more than many of you are now.

Christmas is not about gifts, or money, it is about Christ
loving us, about us loving others, and about the precious
gift of life we have. Savor every moment, these moments
are the memories of tomorrow.

Love always,



Eight Gifts That Don't Cost a Cent ~

In the economy of the heart, these presents are priceless.
This simple checklist can help measure how you are nurturing your relationships.

The Gift of Listening

But you must really listen. Don't interrupt, don't daydream, don't plan your response. Just listen.

The Gift of Affection

Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.

The Gift of Laughter

Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."

The Gift of Solitude

There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.

The Gift of a Favor

Everyday, go out of your way to do something kind.

The Gift of a Written Note

It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime.

The Gift of a Compliment

A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job," or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.

The Gift of a Cheerful Disposition

The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone.

~author unknown~

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