
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Sacredness of God

Good Morning Dear Friends,

This morning, as I sat and thought about what I should write,
one concept kept overpowering everything else. I am not
sure why, but there must be a need for it out there among you.

It is about the sacredness of God.
What does sacred mean?
It means worthy of high respect and honor,
Holy. This is a rare thing to think about. You do
not hear such terms spoken much. I think this is
very important.

One night when I was in a chat room, a guy came in
and was talking rather freely about his opinions about God.
Not uncommon in chat room, but the way He talked about
God was. He said God is my homey. I found this a odd
term to use for God. Homey means comfortable, homelike,
friendly. I do believe that we should feel at home with God,
and feel comfort in His presence, but we also need to
remember his position, and ours before Him.

We do not bring him down to our level, because
then we forget His holiness and our accountability.
We submit ourselves to Him, and honor Him,
and worship Him. He is above all and over all.

People tend to take God for granted. He is someone
they think of in emergencies, or when they attend church,
but during the week in their everyday life, he takes a back
seat in their thinking and life. He is irrelevant to what they
want to accomplish, say and do. They instead are seeking
their own will above God. This is pretending to be religious,
but neglecting God.

One of the profound things we find when we attend church
is a centralized move towards worship. We put God in
his correct position. Someone to be worshipped. He is above
us over us, Father of us, worthy of respect and honor. He
is not commonplace nor should he be taken for granted.
He is holy, pure, and He is not only a God of love
but a God of judgement.

When one neglects church, you find them getting away from
this reminder of the sacredness of God. We start thinking
about Him in different terms.

The Word of God says that the fear of God is the beginning
of wisdom. What does this mean? The healthy respect for
a living, all powerful God is the beginning of spiritual wisdom.
We remember He is our Father, we are the children, the servants.
We SUBMIT to Him. Daily, hourly, as often as we can.

We are bought with a price, no longer our own, the precious,
shed blood of Jesus purchased our salvation upon the cross.
Once we repent of our sins, and receive that great salvation
our life, mindset, and desires should change.

Think about this. Have you changed? What is your first priority?
Do you fear God? Do you respect Him? Do you honor
Him with your words and deeds? Do your actions speak
of Godliness to those around you or compromise?

To me, friends, one that loves God doesn't compromise.
If we make a mistake, or stumble and fall spiritually,
we repent of it (we turn away from it) confessing that sin,
and we seek to not do it again. We seek to grow and change.

These things are so vital. I feel they are urgent. If this
land where so many Christians dwell, would return to
the worship of God, and the sacredness of His presence,
remembering we are all accountable to him for every
word and deed, many things would be different here.

The same applies to our lives. If we truly mean what we
say and say what we mean, it should show. We are to be
a light. Not a dimly lit one, but one that even though flawed,
seeks God daily. To improve ourselves, to find forgiveness
and to grow.

Do you mean what you say? Do you really love God?
Do you recognize the awesomeness and power of God?
Have you made Him Lord? These answers will affect
not only this life but the next. Better take it seriously.

love always

You have been given a sacred trust by the Almighty God
of the Universe. To receive the precious Salvation of
the son who sacrificed His life for you and to be a light
to the world. If you cannot keep this trust, I question whether
any other trust you try to keep will be successful.


When Christ Waits
Copyright Annie Johnson Flint

What a wonderful thing is this
That man may choose as he will
To open the door and let Christ in,
Or make Him wait at the sill!

The Sovereign Lord of the Universe
Courteous, stands and knocks;
He will not batter the shut door down,
Nor break the bolts and locks.

For man has the power of choice,
He can lift the latch if he will,
There is no knob on the outer side,
And the Lord Christ waits at the sill.

He patiently knocks and patiently waits,
For man to open the door;
Beware the day when His patience ends,
And the pierced Hand knocks no more!

Annie Johnson Flint

Please do not remove the name from this poem.


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