
Monday, May 14, 2007

Our Father Knows What Is Best

Good Morning Dear Friends,

I just felt led to send you this poem today.

I know there are many of you out there, who
are carrying burdens that are too heavy.
When you woke up this morning, they became
the focus, and even at the start of the day,
you are weary in your spirit.

God sees your tears.  He knows your internal
agony, your loneliness, your needs. All
of us have things we must deal with, it is
part of the journey of life.

You are not alone in this journey.  No matter
how hard it may get.  You are absolutely loved,
totally forgiven if you ask, and totally being
watched over daily by your Abba Father God.

What joy and peace should resonate through
our heart when we know this!

Do not receive despair when life's storms hit.
Close in with God, he alone can sustain you
and carry you unharmed through the storms.

Remember these trials are not to crush you
but to help your spirit grow and learn to be strong,
and wise, and be comforted and be comforting,
as we learn from these harsh desert times, and
go forth sweeter in spirit for the Lord Jesus sake,
and so that others around us, may see that
precious light pour from the depths of our soul
who has been tried and found faithful.



Our Father knows what's best for us,
So why should we complain?
We always want the sunshine,
But He knows there must be rain.

We love the sound of laughter
And the merriment of cheer,
But our hearts would lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Our Father tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow.
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us with tomorrow.

For growing trees are strengthened
When they withstand the storm,
And the sharp cut of a chisel
Gives the marble grace and form.

God never hurts us needlessly,
And He never wastes our pain,
For every loss He sends to us
Is followed by rich gain.

And when we count the blessings
That God has so freely sent,
We will find no cause for murmuring
And no time to lament,

For our Father loves His children,
And to Him all things are plain,
So He never sends us pleasure
When the soul's deep need is pain.

So whenever we are troubled
And when everything goes wrong,
It is just God working in us
To make our spirits strong.

Helen Steiner Rice

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