
Monday, May 07, 2007

The Community of Christ

Good Morning Everyone,

Have you ever been around someone who
was totally self-absorbed and selfish? Life was
all about them? Their troubles are greater,
their possessions are greater, their job is the
best, their family is perfect? That is a lot of pressure
for them. Yes, them! Why? They are not happy,
or they wouldn't need to feel this way. Insecurity reigns.

People who know they have what is needful, good
and comforting, and wise, take comfort in it, they do not
need to brag about it, or focus on it, or feel the need
to put others down to feel better about themselves.

One of the things I have noticed over the last few
years is how little people reach out to each other.
A spirit of distrust, and selfishness has crept into
our hearts, and churches and public life.

Remember years ago, when you attended church,
if you missed a Sunday, someone would call or drop by?
They used to have a visitation committee. Now, for
the most part, if you don't go, you are soon forgotten.

What about those you know in need? I mean,
when is the last time you gave to someone you knew
had a specific need? Have you gotten yourself into
so much debt you cannot even help others?

How can we be an instrument for God and sing
His song to others, and minister to the needs of
others, if we are in bondage to ourselves, our
debt and the world?

I think truly we as Christians should be an example,
a role model. We cannot change ourselves overnight,
but we should make the effort to start to change
our bad habits and selfishness one step at a time.

Volunteer your services in some way, whether
small or in a larger outreach. Give to your church,
your time, and your efforts. Give to those you
know in need.

If our cup is full, we have no room for further blessings
to enter that cup, until we pour some of what we have
out into the lives of others and make room in our cup
for the blessings that come from giving, loving and
reaching out.
Pray today, ask God what you can do, to make
this world a better place because you are in it,
and for God's glory, honor and the needs of others.

You will find the satisfaction is greater than
anything you imagined. Don't look for things
in return, give because it is the right thing to do for your
spirit to grow, and take joy that you are obedient to your

love always

Give, and gifts will be given you, good measure,
pressed down, shaken together and running over
will they pour into your bosom. For with what
measure you deal out -- that is, with the measure
you use when you confer benefits on others -- it will
be measured back to you.
Luke 6:38

It is called the law of reciprocity, what you sow you
What you give, shall be returned to you in
a greater portion. But it has to be sacrificial,
without looking for a thing in return, from a heart
turned towards giving and loving, and not receiving.
A servants heart.

Can you seek this for your Saviors sake?

Working together, reaching outward, loving Others.
This is the calling God had on his church and his followers.
That and teaching the gospel.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last.



My fingers were locked in the death grip mode on a half filled bag of
bread. My mom was taking me to the zoo and I wanted to feed the birds and

We had taken the time to tear the bread into little bits so they would last
longer. This was a special occasion for a seven-year-old boy. I placed my
two shiny quarters on the counter and walked into the zoo.

It wasn't a big zoo, but it was the only place I could see monkeys and an
old lion. They had a few things to play on and didn't seem to mind if
little kids fed a few of the animals.

The ducks and geese acted as if we owed them the bread and became
increasingly upset with us if we failed to keep the stale bread coming. I
got tired of that pretty quickly and wandered to the raccoon cage.
The furry criminals looked at us with joy and shuffled quickly to an
awaiting tube. The zoo staff had installed a metal tube that allowed
children to place food in the top and gravity took it from there. Two or
three of them would stretch their raccoon hands as far into the tube as
possible hoping they would be the one to grab the tasty morsel. Then they
would run to a corner of the cage and hiss at any other raccoon that had
designs on their prize catch.

I have discovered that I can be a spiritual raccoon. I know God is the
giver of all good gifts and I struggle to catch one of His blessings and
then I run and hold tightly to the blessing. I know it could bless others,
but - IT'S MINE!!! Get your own, leave me alone.

I like to think of those raccoons from time to time and I don't like to
think of myself as greedy, yet I wonder if there might be some blessing I
could give that I have been selfishly holding.

If memory serves me correctly, when I have shared in the past, I am always
blessed by the sharing. So, today I share with you a raccoon story and a
boy who saw the need to share so long ago, yet must continually learn the
same lesson.

By Glenn A. Hascall

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