
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Seeds We Plant

Good Morning Everyone,

Life is what is happening around us while we are making plans for it.

While we are busy thinking, and worrying and feeling sorry,
or stuck in a rut, life keeps moving on. Precious moments passing,
forever gone, and irretrievable.

Often I think we need a reality check that reminds us we should
be living life rather than letting it pass us by. We will not come
this way again.

Our daily life is a investment. Make each day count for something.
Plant seeds of love, kindness, hope, and forgiveness. They will
take root in the lives of those around you and be a blessing and
a Godly example.

What do you want to be remembered for? Are you making it happen?
What goals have you set to make it happen? Are you frittering your
time away on things that do not profit, but leave you depressed and
feeling hopeless?
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, close in with God, leave your
burdens at his feet, they will be taken care of. Go out and live life
and be successful, be happy and make a difference. You will not
pass this way again. No worry, no problem should be capable of
robbing you of years of your life, and memories you could be
building with others, and investments you could be making in the
lives of others or to improve yourself, physically, spiritually, and

God bless you my friends.. this is a new day, seize it,
be filled with thanks for the precious gift of a new day.
Make it shine with hope and strength and forgiveness.
Go out and smell the roses, savor your relationships,
and give yourself a day off from your trials and troubles.

love always


Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally brethren, whatsoever
things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever
things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any
praise, think (dwell, on receive, and find strength and joy in) these things.
Philippians 4:6-8



In the 1930s, a young traveler was exploring the French Alps. He came upon
a vast stretch of barren land. It was desolate. It was forbidding. It was
ugly. It was the kind of place you hurry away from.

Then, suddenly, the young traveler stopped dead in his tracks. In the
middle of this vast wasteland was a bent-over old man. On his back was a
sack of acorns. In his hand was a four-foot length of iron pipe.

The man was using the iron pipe to punch holes in the ground. Then from the
sack he was carrying, he would grab an acorn and put it in the hole. Later
the old man talked with the traveler and told him, I've planted over
100,000 acorns. Perhaps only a tenth of them will grow. The old man's wife
and son had died, and this was how he chose to spend his final years. I
want to do something useful, he said.

Twenty-five years later the now-not-as-young traveler returned to the same
desolate area. What he saw amazed him. He could not believe his own eyes.
The land was covered with a beautiful forest two miles wide and five miles
long. Birds were singing, animals were playing, and wild flowers perfumed
the air.

The traveler stood there recalling the desolation that once was; a
beautiful oak forest stood there now - all because someone cared.

By Brian Cavanaugh

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