
Friday, June 06, 2008

In Search Of Happiness

copyright Millie Plastaras 6/6/2008

I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your
concern for me. Indeed you have been concerned but you
had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because
I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever
my circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and
I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and
every situation.
Philippians 4:11-12

If we really search our hearts today, most of us can say
to a good measure we are not very happy. We can
present an outward appearance of it. We can pretend
to all of our Christian friends. But when we are alone in
our quiet times, the secret pain and hurts and longings
in our heart come out, and we recognize and acknowledge it.
It is there, and it hurts! We are lonely, and bruised.

I think we could learn some lessons from Paul about this.
Paul wrote this letter from prison. (the book of Philippians)
Certainly a challenging place to keep your spirits up. Yet this letter was full
of the words joy and rejoice. Paul discovered a secret.
Happiness does not come from our circumstances
or from other people. Happiness comes from
allowing God's peace to fill us regardless of our circumstances.

I also think we need to do some mental homework.
Because of the media blitz of all the things that
are supposed to make us happy:
possessions, money, power, a great body, sex,
fun vacations, perfect health. That can be
depressing for people that have none of the above.
And most people don't have most of the above.
The point is.. we are trying to live up to the world's
expectations of what should make us happy. And we
look at all that, and say, well I don't have that, and
so I cannot be happy.

Yet, I have read book after book about people in
unbelievably sad circumstances finding total peace
within themselves. Because they learned to surrender
every bit of the worry to God. They did not allow
their circumstances to drag them down, they mentally
and spiritually rose above their circumstances.

I remember so many books By Corrie Ten Boom, whom I
personally admire greatly. She survived a death camp
in Germany where she had been interred from helping
Jews escape to freedom. She lost her father and sister there,
and went through terrible, ungodly hardships. Yet
she unwaveringly had a good attitude, and talked
about God and witnessed. I recount one story of
years after she got out of the camp, she was going
around the world telling her story, and telling
of the grace of God. And as she entered a church
a man came up to shake hands with her, and
she recognized him as one of the guards from the Nazi
death camp. And I am sure her heart stopped within her,
and She wanted to be so angry at him, and God told
her she must forgive Him. And it was so hard
for her to reach out and take his hand. But the moment
she did, she forgave him, and felt such a release within
her heart. God had done a miracle for Her and this
man that so many years ago had tortured people, and
now was humbled and had found the Lord as his savior.
Corrie often said, there is no pit so deep that God's love
is not deeper still.

My friends, if you on a daily basis are expecting others
to rescue you or fix things for you or make you happy,
you will never be happy.

If you are expecting money, power, physical things
or the things of this world to bring you happiness
you will be disappointed. They are worthless in
the long scheme of things. They do not bring inner
satisfaction. Their pleasure is brief.

If you think there is one perfect love in this world
who will make everything OK, you will be sad.
For each person, although a gift to us, and each
person brings some special joy to our lives, cannot
fill all of our needs. So each person we enjoy,
and savor what we do receive from them, and we
find peace in that. Don't have unreasonable
expectations. Just love them. And let them
love you. And if at times they cannot be what you
need, just remember all the times that they were
there for you.

Instead of spending your days, remembering
all you have lost, focusing on your pain and hurt,
and thinking sad things.

Why not take a fresh look around you,
and appreciate what you do have!

Because if you do not, life is going to pass you by,
and you are not going to be happy one day of that life.

Because all you spent your time on was your sadness.

Life is not just about being happy,
it is about learning to be content with what we
have, learning to minister to others, and learning
to make peace with whatever circumstances we find ourselves
in. If Paul can be persecuted and in prison, and find
something to be joyful about. Why can you and I not
find something to be joyful about each day?

Recognize that happiness does not depend on
your circumstances, it depends on your focus.
If you continually feast on sad thoughts,
your dinner will be sad thoughts.
If you fill your life, with being thankful for
what you do have, and loving people,
your dinner will be peace.

It is simply that easy. It is a mental choice.
You are given that fresh choice each morning,
to savor the day, or to fill it with sadness.
Choose to rise above your circumstances
and find happiness in the gift of a new day
and the blessings that you DO have.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last.

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