
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

An Absence of Darkness

Good Morning Everyone

Have you ever had the electrical power go out
in your area? It is not only inconvenient, it can
cause some serious issues. Such as heating, or
cooling in adverse weather. But the light, that
is what we miss the most. When darkness starts
to come, that light is something we really want
in our home and around it.

Have you used a flashlight on such occasions?
You see how it spreads light out before you to a
certain distance so you can see to walk where you
are going?

This is what God's word does for us. It brings light
into our situation. It lights the path, and makes our
way clearer to go. What a gift!

A Christian should be drawn towards light everyday.
We shouldn't want to walk in the despair of night,
or the darkness of the soul. WE should be drawn
to the light so we have peace. So we find our way.
So we can be a light to others.

What if no one was a light in this world? What if
Christians were suddenly taken out? What kind of
light would be left?

So while you are here on this earth, fill yourself with
the light of Christ, and let it shine upon all men so they
may see your good works and glorify your Father who is
in heaven.

The word of God says we are called from
darkness into light.

Think about this... you can not be in both.
When you are in the light.. there is no darkness
and when you are in the darkness there is no light.

We either walk with God and let his light shine through us.
Or we trudge along without him, with no light, and seemingly
no hope.

We really do make a choice everyday whether to walk
in His light (word, prayer, strength, hope) or to reject it
and try to make it on our own.

We go about our duties, our habits, with our friends, and
falter along the way, blindly because we cannot see two
minutes ahead, much less a day or two. But God can.

He has the light.

Do you?


For you were once in darkness, but now you are the
light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
Ephesians 5:8

And this is the condemnation that the light has come into
the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.
For everyone practising evil hates the light and does not
come into the light lest his deeds should be exposed.
But he who does the TRUTH comes into the light that his
deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.
John 3:19-21

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed which you do well to heed as a
LIGHT that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning
star rises in your heart.
2 Peter 1:19

Father God, make me a light to those that come around me.
Help me to change my mindset from my self, to my duty to
others and the kingdom of God. Help me to stop worrying
and start living. Help me to be kind to those in need, rather
than avoid them. Help me to be constantly in prayer,
focused on your word, so that I might not sin against you.
And give me joy, that my Christianity will not be a burden
to others, but a light. Help me not to nag or pressure,
but teach the word in love to those around me that
they will be drawn to your light, through me.

In Jesus precious name,


In the Alps in Switzerland nestles an obscure village, with a
castle and a church of rough, hewn stone, reached by worn
steps up the mountainside. The peculiar thing about this
church is that it has no lighting system nor has ever had one.

A traveler there heard a church bell ringing and saw folks
coming out of the narrow streets, each bearing a quaint little
bronze lamp filled with oil and having a wick. She approached
a worshiper and said, "Please, I am a stranger here, will you tell
me why you carry a lamp to church?"

The woman replied, "Why, yes, I would be happy to. Years
ago a duke lived in that castle. He built the church, endowed it
and asked that each worshiper bring his own lamp." The
traveler replied, " I should think that would keep folks from
attending the evening services."

"Oh, no, it works just the other way. It is called the Church of
Lighted Lamps. Everybody that goes makes it a little brighter
and when anybody is tempted to stay at home or go
somewhere else, he just remembers the dear old church needs
every body's lamp, and if your lamp isn't there, there is so much
less light."

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