
Monday, January 07, 2008

Armed With God's Word

Good Morning Everyone.

The last few weeks God has really been dealing with
my heart about some new things. For a time I lost
my focus because some things that were going on
in my family and my health were wearing me down.

I let the unkind words and discouragement of a few
who mocked or look for flaws to enter my spirit.
I should not have. I am sure most of you can relate.

We get our eyes off what we need to focus on, and
focus instead on those things which deplete our strength,
and our hope.

Because God has made it clear to me how very important
it is in these times to stay focused. satan the loser
will use every weakness he knows you have to
distract you from the cross of Christ and the
word of God. To keep you out of prayer, out
of church, out of fellowship and worn down.

We must recognize this battle, and be strong
in the Lord and the power of his might, and fight back.

Things are going to happen in the next year or so that will
change the history of this country and the world.
You will see Christians despised more and more.
You will see leaders seeking a way to pacify the masses
to unite them. Organizations that have "world unity"
in mind. You will see leaders that speak of "one religion"
so that all may "work together for the common good".
You will see the concept of the cross denied in
favor of a "feel good God" who doesn't talk about sin,
hell, the need for personal righteousness or repentance.
One gospel who accepts all people, all lifestyles, and
never mentions sin or the need for repentance.

You will see people become confused about what the
word really says, about their own spiritual life, and they
will fall away from their first love of God. They will
seek their own way rather than God's way.

God has taught me to be a purist. One who checks
everything people say out by the word of God. If what
they preach or say about spiritual matters cannot be
backed up by the word of God, I will not receive it.

This is very important. Because there are too many
different beliefs out there, too many different churches
drawing us into scattered bunches of " I am right"
churchianity that leaves out the true message.

Jesus. It is all about Him. That he recognized
we were sinners in need of a Savior, and came to earth
to die for those sins and rose again the third day
after conquering hell, death and the grave. We must
in turn repent of those sins, confess them, and walk away
from them, asking Jesus to be Lord and Savior of our lives.

If people preach any other gospel they are leading you
astray. If people are teaching you your church is the only
one with the truth they are leading you astray. If your
church is telling you that your salvation comes from
works or baptism, they are preaching another gospel.

It is all about the cross of Christ. Jesus died for those sins.
Not our church, not our pastor, and we cannot earn
that salvation, otherwise it makes void the precious
sacrifice of Jesus upon that cross. If we could have
earned our salvation, we could have remained under
the law and Jesus never needed to die.

My friends, the Bible says in the last days many will be
led astray. If you are not into the word, and really check
out what you are being taught, you will be led astray,
subtly, slowly, and perhaps irrevocably.

We must be wise as serpents, harmless as doves.
We must be discerning, full of the Holy Spirit, full of
God's word, focused on the cross of Christ, righteous
before Him.

There is no other way. None.
Jesus said" I am the way, the truth and the life, no
man comes to the Father God, except through me"
John 14:6

Without the word of God implanted in our heart, a
Christian cannot survive. It feeds and fuels your spirit.
It implants the word of God in your heart, so you can
then speak it out to your situations, to witness to
others of Jesus great love for them, and to grow
in the wisdom and knowledge of God.

You must learn to be a purist in the word of God.
Stick to the word.. not what you hear being taught,
not what your pastor tells you, not what people
teach you.. but what the Word of God speaks.

Of course we recognize our pastors, priests, bishops
are teaching us from the Bible, but if we don't read it
ourselves, how will we know if what they say is really
in there, or if we are being led astray. NEVER take this
for granted.

The Holy spirit will open the word of God to you and lead you
into all truth.

Try everything you hear by the word of God.

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits (by
the word of God) whether they are of God, because many
false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

How do we know the spirits are of God?

By this you know the spirit of God. Every spirit that confesses
that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. (Jesus
being the incarnate son of God)
And every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ
has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of
the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is
now already in the world.
1 John 4:1-3

My friends, its so simple. It is about the cross of Christ,
that Jesus is the incarnate son of God. If anyone is
telling you it is your church that saves, good works,
baptism or anything other than the cross of Christ
it is a false gospel.

My friend, if you miss this great salvation through Jesus
nothing else matters. Not one thing. Eternity and your soul
hangs in the balance.
Be aware, be strong, be in the Word.
Let no one deceive you.

Together, we will work through the scriptures and
stay true to His word during the coming times of trouble.
We will not be moved, nor distracted. We are the sons
of God.. no man can pluck us out of Gods hands. And
we must be faithful to what is taught in His word,
we must live it, walk it, talk it, abide in it, and stay strong in it.

Then we can say:

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last

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