
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Making It Real

Isaiah 29:13

And so the Lord says, "These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote.
NLT translation.

It is so easy when we are in church to feel a sense of being near God,
and feeling all is right with the world. We can sing praises with
the best of them, and say all the right words.
But the real test of a Christian
is what they do outside of church.

For instance, after a church service when people are leaving
the parking lot and someone gets in their way, does their
temper return? Does your flesh rule your spirit? Symptom
1 of not being submitted to Christ.

After we leave church is the Bible placed in a bookshelf and forgotten
until our next visit to church? Symptom 2 of putting yourself
before God.

A life with Christ requires discipline, dedication and focus.
It isn't a game, it is a reality. It is something that should show
outwardly in all we do, and inwardly, it convicts us of things
we should change and do.

The truth is, if we are just playing church and not really
taking it serious, it is a soul issue. We are not submitting
to Christ, we are not changing anything, we are merely
covering up the truth of what is in our hearts.

Yet a life in Christ brings freedom of spirit, freedom from sin,
it brings light to our path, hope to our heart, inspiration
to our soul, and strength for each day. A life in Christ
is a path strewn with many things, but most of all the
presence of Christ each minute.

If you are serving God with your lips only, and you
are far from his heart, what good is that doing you?

Will you make a dedication of your heart today, to serve
God with all your heart soul and mind? Then get in
the word of God, and read it, and plant it in your spirit
and take those words to heart. Live by those words
and speak them to others. Make a heart change,
for your own soul's sake, and to please your heavenly
Father. He, who knew from the beginning the very
intentions of and hidden things in your heart.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last.

For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

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