
Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Thief In The Attic

copyright Millie Plastaras 9/25/2008

In this generation something has happened that has
never been so prevalent before. People have taken
God's word, left out parts of it and made man's word.
They change the Bible to suit their opinions.
Then... they teach their children and others this.
And the next generation doesn't know any better,
because they don't read their Bible, and only remember
what they were taught, not what the reality is.

So we have people who base God upon
Their opinions and say:

I am a good person God loves me,
I don't have any sin.
There is no such thing as satan.
There is no such thing as sin.
God's word is not relevant as it was originally written,
times have changed and we must keep up with them.
There was no virgin birth, that is a myth that was made up.
There is no hell.
All there is, is life on this earth.
Jesus was not resurrected, its all a hoax,
he was just a prophet, a wise man, not God's son.
People can live however they want, there are NO
moral absolutes.
Christians are out of touch with life, they are uptight
and hypocritical, holier than thou.

These are very common things. You will hear
them in chats, on tv, in commentaries, and among
modernistic preachers, who have become liberal
to satisfy their congregation, rather than holy before God,
they have become man pleasers.

Even on the historical channels, they do everything they
can to denounce and disprove God's word and the life
of his disciples, and the son of God. They twist the words,
and take away from them, and deny them, deceiving thousands
by their deceitful commentary based on the word of man
and not the truth of God.

The thief in the attic has come to steal, kill and destroy.
Are you going to let him get away with it? Are you allowing
him space in your brain? Rebuke him, flee from him. Seek God!

Another great topic... politicians who say abortion is ok.
They say it is ok to murder your own child if you want to.
And somehow Christians condone this belief!
Hello... would someone quote the 10 commandments?
THOU SHALL NOT KILL. How can any christian condone
the deliberate murder of a unborn child? Do they not
know that child has a soul of it's own, and is loved by God?

If you vote for a politician that believes in this you are
condoning that sin, winking at it.. saying its ok.. don't
be so uptight about things.. a woman has a right to
choose what to do with her own body. Perhaps she does,
but she has NO RIGHT to kill the body of the baby.
That baby has separate human rights, a separate
soul and does not deserve death in the name of birth control
or women's rights.

How can any christian vote for anyone who denies their
Christianity by accepting any old thing, just to please men?
Take a look at some of the churches you saw recently on
tv, they spend a lot of time with racist comments aimed
at anyone who disagrees with them. Is this what church is for?
Church is for the gospel of Christ. It is not to separate
by race, it is to draw people to Christ, and teach people
how to find Jesus as their Savior. Not demean others
in the name of men's corrupt opinions.

Should Christians compromise and say all religions are good?
Who is the Savior? Is every mans theology greater than
the truth of God's word?

God says you are either for me or against me.
You either walk holy and righteous before me,
or you walk in the path of sin, and that is spiritual death.


There are moral absolutes, and we ALL will account
to God someday, by what is written in his word.

The Bible said it would be like this:

Furthermore since they did not think it worthwhile to retain
the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to
do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with
every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.
They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.
They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent,
arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil.
They disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless,
heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's
righteous decree that those who do such things deserve
death, they not only continue to do these very things
but approve of those who practice them.
Romans 1: 28-31

My friend, before you vote, pray.
Godly men do not vote for ungodly concepts.
Before you commit yourself to a church, pray.
God fearing men do not seek churches that tickle
the ears rather than preach the truth and the gospel of Christ.
They seek to please God, and to live by what HE said,
not what men say he said, by adding or taking away
from his Holy Word.

For your own soul listen !!!

Do not align yourself with corrupt politicians, corrupt people,
or modernistic, watered down corrupt churches. Corruptness
will rub off on you, it will change you little by little till you accept
that which is not of God, and do it to be liked, and fit in with
the crowd you have accepted in your life. A slippery slope indeed.

My friends, if it is not of God, run the other way. Never
compromise your beliefs to be popular. Only God's opinion
matters. Don't let people take away from the Bible and tell
you it's ok. Stand for what is right. Don't let people tell you
killing babies is ok, or that people have a right to live whatever
way they choose. Oh my friend, we have some higher
court of law than the one of this land. And all mankind will
be judged by this court. Are you ready?

Is your soul right with God? Have you allowed evil and compromise
to enter your life? If you would like to start over, and have
a fresh new walk in Christ, that is possible this very moment.

Please pray with me.

Father God, I come to you in Jesus name.
I ask you to cleanse me of my sins, and forgive my unrighteousness.
I realize I have walked away from the truth, and accepted things
I never should have, and they have caused me a lot of problems,
and taken me down paths that I don't like anymore, they have
caused me a lot of pain and sorrow. I now confess my sins
to you individually, all those that I remember. Father forgive my sins,
and cleanse me, make me whole and new in you. Not because
I deserve it, but because you loved me and gave the life of
your son as a atonement for my sins. God, with your help
I will change my life daily, by reading your word, getting in
a good Gospel teaching church and seeking that which is good
and pleasing to you. Thank you for loving me even when
I am so imperfect and fickle. Daily strengthen me,
and help me to please you in all I say and do. When I stray
remind me that people are watching, and I may be the only
Bible they read. Help me to remember I am accountable
for every word and deed. Make me a light, and fill me with
your light. I give my heart, soul and mind to you. And from
this day forward I will walk away from my sins, and my past
and seek this new life in you, that you promised all who
confess their sins. We are no longer our own, we are bought
with a price, the blood of Jesus.

In Jesus name,

"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
Galatians 2:20

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