
Friday, May 30, 2008

Being Real So We Can Change This World

Good Morning Everyone,

I am struck by the fact that sometimes it takes a tragedy
or a really difficult time in our life for God to get our
attention. We use God for emergencies only.
He doesn't seem to be important enough for us
to have a ongoing daily relationship with unless
we have a crisis.

Yet above and beyond our need, what about the
needs of others? What if you are the only Bible someone reads?
What if you are the only example that someone has of a Christian?
What do they see in you? What if they are desperate for someone
to pray or care, do you have time?

I find increasingly that people base their need to pray for you
on how kind you have been to them. Or how they are feeling that day.
Or if they take time for you. It seems to be based on their schedule
rather than God's will for us daily.

Is prayer a option or a duty? Should we only pray for those we like?
Or only pray when it is convenient? Is it all about us?

I think it is vital. I know many suffering today, they need your prayers,
they need your compassion, they need you to step out of the box
of your own needs and look at the needs of others.

How can we do this? By leaving our troubles in Jesus hands and
going out and facing the day with courage. It isn't easy, but if we
know God is in control, has heard our prayers, then our faith is resting
in His abilities not ours. That frees us up to go out and minister to others.

Isn't that a great part of Christianity? The sense of community?

Oh my friends, I plead with you to assess your own spiritual life.
Ask God to show you where you are lacking. Recognize all around
you people are dying spiritually, and need someone who walks
the walk and talks the talk. We don't need religious people who
go to church and pretend to know God. We don't need people who
only love their friends, and only pray for their friends, we need people
who recognize we are part of this world and must minister and be a light.

If our gospel is hid.. it is hid to those who are lost.
Are we then responsible for those we neglect?

My heart is burdened for a lack of prayer and compassion in this world.
What have we come to that we cannot feel the pain of someone else
and lift them to Christ. I am concerned as hard times and
tragedies and earthquakes and disasters hit this world, the community
of Christ has forgotten how to work together.

I send this to you, as I speak it to myself.

God make me aware
of the needs of others. Help me to step outside my own pain
and suffering and reach out to those around me. Help me
see what they need through your eyes, so that they may
find you as their Savior, and find peace and comfort and guidance
from you in this life.

In Jesus name,

love always

ps. My grandson has to have a stent put in to his kidney today
extending to his bladder. His kidney is not emptying out at all.
The good news is there is no kidney damage, and no tumors.
He will have the major reconstructive surgery in July. Thanks
to all of you who took time to write me and to pray.



YOUR LIFE is Jesus to someone,
though tattered and torn it may be.
Though often times weak and unstable,
you're all of God someone will see.

YOUR TONGUE is Jesus to someone.
That idle, insensitive word
reflects to at least one searching heart
an idle, insensitive Lord.

YOUR GOALS are Jesus to someone.
What you put first, they believe,
are the goals of God for the Christian.
Your life is all they receive.

YOUR FAITHFULNESS... that's Jesus to someone.
Their judgment of how God is true,
rests unquestionably in the faithfulness
they see day by day in you.

YOUR LOVE is Jesus to someone--
that someone who is seeking to know
that Jesus will follow and guide and
befriend wherever in life they might go.

SO BEWARE lest others blaspheme
God by what you say or do,
for the only Jesus that someone knows
is the Jesus they see in you.

Author Unknown

1 comment:

Susan said...

Wow, this was great Millie...

LOVED the poem.

I'll be praying for your grandson. I'm so blessed there was not any tumors or other serious problems.

Blessings to you♥