
Monday, November 27, 2006

Be A Blessing

Good Morning Everyone,

As I pondered the story below today, I thought of
what gift I would most like from my from my friends.

As you get older, you really need less "things"
and more of the truly basic gifts, such as the company
of friends, encouragement, busy things to do,
the joy of life, warm nurturing food, and the
joyful gatherings of family,
these things cost nothing but are
sustaining in so many ways.

After we retired, our income changed so
dramatically, and we learned to be very creative
in the ways we give to others, and to simplify our life,
and to be honest.. it is a good thing.

One of the greatest gifts this list gives me is a listening
ear. How marvelous to know around the world today
people will open this email and find encouragement in it.
What a great gift it is to find encouragement,
what hope that brings to our hearts, and how we
as children of the Most High God should strive to be
reaching out to those around us daily, shedding his light
and love along the path we walk.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone reading this today,
could come here, and we could sing praises to the Lord
today, and share food, and time with each other? We
can surely do that in spirit my friends. Even though
we are far apart, we can rejoice that God has brought
us together, and enabled us to keep in touch this way.

Another thing I savor is knowing I am loved by God,
his child, truly forgiven, truly loved, and truly watched
over daily. There is nothing more precious than this.

I have lost many friends and family already to eternity,
yet they just entered another dimension; the arms
of the Savior. What a joy to know they knew the Lord
and now dwell with him. As I enter this time of year,
where family gatherings are so prominent, so many
of my family are gone. I choose not to spend it in sorrow
or grieving, or thinking about what I don't have,
but live life with a spirit of joy, and counting
my blessings daily.

These are things each of us can do. We all have
gifts, you can absolutely make a difference, no
matter what circumstances are in your life. I have
a dear online friend who has severe parkinsons
disease and is constantly shaking and has a hard
time talking, but he is so full of the joy of the Lord
and witnesses everyday, and loves people everyday.
Don't say you cannot make a difference, you sure can.

What more precious gift is there in this world than

At this time of year, don't get caught up in the frenzy
of spending money just to buy some gift someone
may file away and never use. Take time to give
things that truly mean something. Simplify.
Give small dinner parties, invite people over who
have no one, share what you have with others,
give money to those you know are in need.

This is practical christianity, and it brings joy,
true satisfaction, because you know you are
making a difference in this ol world.

When the world seems to be falling apart,
we can show them, that those who know Jesus
personally are sustained by Him, joyful, and giving.
And that our prayers make a difference, a gift for sure.

What a precious light that sheds on the darkness
of this world.

Have a lovely day my friends.


Eight Gifts That Don't Cost a Cent ~

In the economy of the heart, these presents are priceless.

This simple checklist can help measure how you are nurturing your relationships.

The Gift of Listening

But you must really listen. Don't interrupt, don't daydream, don't plan your response. Just listen.

The Gift of Affection

Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.

The Gift of Laughter

Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."

The Gift of Solitude

There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.

The Gift of a Favor

Everyday, go out of your way to do something kind.

The Gift of a Written Note

It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime.

The Gift of a Compliment

A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job," or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.

The Gift of a Cheerful Disposition

The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone.
~author unknown~

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