
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Knowing Where To Turn

Good Morning Everyone,

This is the day the Lord has made, I will
rejoice and be glad in it.

David wrote many lovely Psalms.
Many of them were heart wrenching and agonizing,
he was suffering, often questioning the suffering,
and trying to come to terms with it.
Many were full of glorious praise to God,
extolling the benefits and attributes of a Holy,
powerful, loving God.
Some of the Psalms were repentance for
David (like the rest of us) was at times a wretched
sinner and often failed.

But... David recognized that, and it changed the
way he looked at things. He recognized
he had fallen, but could be forgiven. And he
recognized his poverty of spirit and resolved to
do something about it.

That was the secret of David's success,
and why God said David was a man after
God's own heart. David knew God was his source,
and even if he failed, he always repented and returned.

He looked God in the eyes and said, forgive me
Father, and sought God constantly.

Do you? Who is in control? Are you?
Where are you driving yourself to? Will you be
happy there?

My friends, no matter where you are today,
what you are going through, what losses or grief
you have suffered, no matter your situation,
you are never alone. You are never without
resources or hope. There is one who loves
you beyond reason. Someone who cares for
you even on the days you are unlovely.

The secret is, we must turn to him, repent
and seek His ways above our own.
God knows what is best, he saw our yesterday,
He sees tomorrow, He knows what is perfect
and needful for each of us.

And he looks past your faults to your needs.

Oh, if only we had that heart for each other.
And could recognize the flaws, but just go pray for
those who are hurting, lonely, lost, gone astray.

Oh to have a heart that cries out to God,
redeem me, forgive me, use me, I surrender all.

Seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you
seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
When you are in distress, and all these things
come upon you in the latter days, when you
turn to the Lord God and obey His voice.
For the Lord God is a merciful God; He will not
forsake you nor destroy you, nor forget the
covenant of your fathers which he swore to them.
Deuteronomy 4:29-31

God is a promise keeper. Are you?
Who are you really serving today? How will that
work for you eternally?

Never forget what my dad taught me,
it is forever embedded in my spirit.

Only one life, will soon be past,
Only what is done for Christ will last.

For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21



Below is a poem from a book my dad gave me in the
summer of 1975. It is a reminder not only of his
life well lived, and laid open before Christ, but
of my strong desire to follow his leading and make
Christ my daily focus. For a life without Christ,
is a life without hope. He is our only source of hope,
strength and wisdom, all else will fail.

But God.

I know not, but God knows,
Oh, blessed rest from fear!
All my unfolding days
To Him are plain and clear.
Each anxious, puzzled "why?"
From doubt or dread that grows,
Finds answer in this thought;
I know not, but HE knows!

I cannot, but God can;
Oh, balm for all my care!
The burden that I drop
His hand will lift and bear.
Though eagle pinions tire,
I walk where once I ran,
This is my strength to know
I cannot, but He can!

I see not, but God sees;
Oh, all sufficient light!
My dark and hidden way
To Him is always bright.
My strained and peering eyes
May close in restful ease,
And I in peace may sleep;
I see not, but He sees!

Written By Annie Johnson Flint

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