
Monday, March 26, 2007

A Clear and Right Focused Vision

Good Morning Everyone,

Several years ago, God really dealt with my heart
about a specific concept, as He always does.  I think
we should always be in a state of spiritual growth.
That comes from time spent in His presence,
asking God to show you what you need to correct or
change, and what He would have you to do.

God reminded me at that time to notice what I was
focusing on.  I even wrote down what my main
focuses were each day, and putting them on paper
organized my thinking unbelievably.

I found I was focusing on a lot of negative things.
Those were clouding my vision.  I was allowing them
to rule my spirit and thinking.  They were affecting
my moods, mindset, and relationships.

It had to become a mental choice for me to do otherwise.
And I chose to go a new way.  I chose to reorganize my
thinking and let God be my focus.

So even when hard times hit, I run to Him first.
And if someone hurts me, I run to him first.
If I need money (and that is often the case) I run to
Him, and trust him, I do not panic about it.
Whatever comes, I recognize HE is my SOURCE FIRST.

Peace is never underrated.  We need that.
When we have peace our minds work so much
more efficiently.  We are not caught up in the cares
of the world we are free from them.

Is this possible you ask?  Yes... take the word of
a former constant worrier, we can be free of this!!!
But it takes practice, dedication and a willingness to change.

I like to close in with God in prayer until the world fades out.
Until I feel that utter quiet in my spirit.  Till I can release
my worries, and just sit there quietly in His presence.
I spend the time telling him my concerns, even if they
are small, and then I tell Him how much I love Him,
and I ask Him to lead me.  My focus is on Him first
each morning.  That time is invaluable spiritually, it
will alter and refresh you before your day begins!

Then I like to fill up with the Word of God.  It is fuel for
my spiritual gas tank.  Without it life seems so much more
hopeless, dreary, hard, and sometimes frightening.

Lately, my husband and I have had a few challenges,
some of them spiritually, some financially, and many
physically.  If I allowed them to become my focus,
and it took my eyes off of God, off of hope, off of His
strength, off of His input and wisdom, I would feel
overwhelmed, and feel there were no answers.

People question God, why me?  I question God,
what would you have me do?  Teach me your ways
oh Lord.  This is what we need.  He will take care of
the rest. Just trust in, rely on, cling to, talk to and rest
in God, He can do the driving, you can do the things He is
calling you too, and let God be God.



The Lord is my shepherd (to feed, guide and shield me);
I shall not lack.

He makes me to lie down in (fresh, tender) green pastures;
He leads me beside the still and restful waters.

He REFRESHES and RESTORES my life -- my self;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
(uprightness and right standing
with Him -- not for my earning it, but) for His names sake.
Yes, though I walk through the (deep, sunless) vally of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil; for
YOU are with me; Your rod (to protect) and
Your staff (to guide), they COMFORT me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence
of my enemies (wow, what protection)
You anoint my head with oil; my (brimming) cup
runs over!

Surely or only goodness, mercy and unfailing love,
shall follow me all the days of my life; and
through the length of days the house of the Lord
(and His Holy presence) shall be my dwelling place.

Psalm 23 (Amplified Version)


See My Eyes?
Author: Lillian Hinds

My mother was lots of fun and often teased and played with my brothers and me. And there were times when we weren't quite sure whether she was just teasing or really serious.

When she would give us "the look" and say, "See my eyes?" then we would know she was serious!

Mother played the organ at church and the three of us kids sat on the front row. Since Daddy was preaching, he could not discipline us or really pay attention to us during the service. But like most women, my mother could do several things at one time, especially when it came to her children.

She would glance at us there on the front row, and if we were not behaving in church, we would get that "See my eyes?" look and know that this matter would be taken care of when we got home. I immediately straightened up!

No matter what was going on during the service--whether I was listening or singing, shaking hands or passing the offering plate--my eyes often wandered back to my mother to see if everything was okay.

And it so happens that this is all, that God wants from us. To keep our eyes on him.

"But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute." Psalm 141:8

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2

Over my lifetime, like most everyone, I've had hard times, frustrating times, times when I had no idea what to do next. What to say, how to act, where to turn. Sometimes I didn't even know what to pray.

My mother taught me that if I kept my eyes on her, I wouldn't get in trouble in church. And she also taught me that if I kept my eyes on Jesus, he would be my refuge so that I wouldn't "grow weary or lose heart."

No matter what else is going on around you ... whether you're in the middle of a terrible storm or everything is running smoothly ... whether you are sitting or standing, singing or listening, crying or laughing ... fix your eyes on Jesus so you will not grow weary or lose heart.

Always be where you can "see His eyes."

"Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?" - Mark 8:18

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