
Friday, July 30, 2010

The Power of Prayer

In this life we will have a untold amount of things to face.
From small decisions, to large ones that effect those
we love or us for years to come. We also will go through
trials such as illness, financial problems, rejection, losses,
and many other things which can overwhelm the soul.

The atheist would say, I can handle this myself,
I don't need a mythical God.

A Christian would run to the arms of God, pour out
their heart and receive a answer, and see changes in
their lives and others because of their faith in God.

God sees the Big picture. He knows our yesterdays,
He sees our tomorrows, He knows what is best,
and knows how to navigate through it.

Can any situation be changed by God? Absolutely!!!

Today we are going to study on Solomon and how
He built a temple so God could dwell among his people...
a gathering place for worship of God and for God to
Gather in their midst to encourage them, answer prayers
and receive their praise.

Solomon spent a great deal of time, energy, finances
but most of all prayer in seeking and making the
perfect Temple for God.

When the temple was built, he brought before the Lord
many petitions (prayers ) regarding situations that
would concern Israel in the future. These were
such things as sin, forgiveness, war, pestilence,
captivity, drought, even the weather...due to the sins
of the people.

Did God hear these petitions? How were they to know?
God did a mighty thing to show Solomon that he heard.
When the petitions ended, God sent a bolt of fire out
of heaven that consumed all of the sacrifices laying on the
altar. A accurate bolt, that just hit the very spot where
the sacrifices dedicated to God were laid. And then
the glory of God filled the temple. The people saw in action
the power of the One True God who cared about their
petitions and their future.

Does God still answer petitions and prayers like that
today? Absolutely. I have seen it many, many times,
and continue to see it in my life and the lives of others
who seek God first, and put Him first, and battle in prayer
spiritually over the needs of others, their needs, and
fight the good fight of faith.

We may not see a bolt of fire come out of heaven,
but God can set our heart on fire to accomplish great things in His name,
in His power, and for His Glory.

Our bodies are now the temple of God.. God dwells in us,
as Christians.. this is a powerful concept! We should live
like a temple of God and we should be full of prayer
like a temple of God!

My precious friend, each of you have needs and burdens. But God has
answers for you. He hears your heart, he knows your needs, He
is waiting for you to get serious with him about this.. for you to seek His face first, and to seek His will. God wants you to spend time with Him first.. not other things. He wants dedicated time where you come before His throne with thanksgiving and to worship him and to spend time talking to Him. This is our growth time, it is our time of refreshing, it is our time of allowing God to speak to us, and for us to pour our heart out to Him. My precious friend, this is vital.

If you want answers, you have to spend time seeking God. No
shortcuts, no excuses.. you have to get serious.. if you want
to see real differences in your spiritual life and prayer life.

Many of you have hobbies, or enjoy television or sports, or even your computer. Do you give a equal amount to God? Because you will need to be built up for the hard times in your life, to grow in Christ for those days ahead when life becomes overwhelming and hard. You cannot just run to God in a crisis and expect to be mature enough to know how to fight the good fight of faith.

I ask you today, to schedule specific time each day for prayer, for Bible reading and just to spend time quiet, in meditation before God. You need that time of refreshing!

I will spend more time this week writing to you about prayer. Just remember prayer is conversation with God.. it doesn't have to be formal or with special words, it just has to come from a repentant heart seeking God.

Casting all your care on Him, for he cares for you . 1 Peter 5:7

Behold I have given you authority to tread on serpents,
and scorpions and OVER THE POWER OF THE ENEMY,
and nothing shall injure you. Luke 10:19

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

“Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

Take time for God today.. see what powerful things he can do in your life!

Only one life, will soon be past,
Only what is done for Christ will last!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Secret To Happiness

Good Morning Everyone,

A recent survey was taken of a cross section of people and 70
percent of the people who were asked if they were happy
said they were not. My guess is that those who said
they were not happy, also do not feel much peace.

One of the reasons behind the answers was that
people were too busy either watching tv, on the internet too much,
or did not have close interpersonal relationships they found
trustworthy and enjoyable. Truth be told, most people
don't have either the time or the inclination to do what
it takes to invest in long term friendships.

People were also fearful about the world, its events
so easily seen on the news networks, which offer no
hope or solution but constant bombardment of the
problems of the world. Creating a sense of insecurity
and hopelessness in people.

All this together means people are less connected,
feeling more lonely, more unhappy, and less satisfied,
and often more fearful.

What do they do to fill those gaps? Everything you can imagine.
From planning great vacations, to doing recreational drugs,
to drinking alcohol, sex, pornography, overspending money
they do not have, shopping for things that do not satisfy more than
temporarily. Anything to try to escape the feelings they have,
and the internal issues they have, without facing what is causing them.
At the end of the day, they are no more
happy than they were the day before.

Denial never changes any situation.

People spend more time thinking about how to satisfy
themselves than they do how to love others or please God.

This is the greatest problem. Selfishness. Me, me, me.
My rights, my life, my choices. No one can stop me, I owe
no one anything, I can do as I choose and there are no
consequences. At the end of the day when everyone
has claimed their rights and everyone has done their
thing, I want to see a show of hands who feels better?

Happiness comes from several things.
It is a mental choice. It is how we choose to view the world and
face it with our emotions and mental abilities, in essence
our perspective.

Happiness comes from giving not for looking out for what you can get.
It is much more satisfying to give and watch it bless someone
than to go out grasping for possessions only to find they
don't satisfy more than a few minutes.

Happiness comes from a life that is open to friends, to time
with friends, and that is invested in not only enjoying others
but making others happy also. We all need encouraging
relationships, someone to talk to and someone to care. Our
friends also need that from us...when was the last time you
took time for someone.. just to listen and be supportive?

What does the Bible say?

I know how to live when I am poor, and I know how to live
when I have plenty. I have learned the secret of being happy at
any time in everything that happens, when I have enough to eat,
and when I go hungry, when I have more than I need and
when I do not have enough. I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:12-13

Paul had learned the secret of internal happiness. Learning
to be content with what you have.
Learning to look on the
bright side. Learning to find peace in your situation because
you trust in God, not in men, not in possessions, not in
what you can accumulate, or activities you can do, but in

Mankind cannot be happy without God. We have a place
within our hearts nothing else can satisfy. Look around you.
Look at what you see people doing to try to be happy.
Look how many people are in huge debt now because
they find the instant gratification of shopping a momentary
happiness ... until the bills start rolling in.

What are you doing today to satisfy your soul?
How are you viewing your situation? What are you going to do about
it? Has anything you have done to be happy worked well for you?

Each of us have different problems, different things to deal with,
but we all have the same choice on what to do with them.
Face them with faith and courage, or with denial and despair
or bitterness. Are we progressing or staying in the same
place, stewing over problems and never moving on with our life?

We cast our burdens on the Lord. We do what we can to make
the best of our situation and we leave the rest in His hands
and we learn to be content with what we have.

Why spend your money on something that is not real food?
Why work for something that doesn't really satisfy you?
Listen closely to me, and you will eat what is good;
your soul will enjoy the rich food that satisfies.
Isaiah 55:2

Those who want to do right more than anything else
are happy, because God will fully satisfy them.
Matthew 5:6

Even lions may get weak and hungry, but those who
look to the Lord will have every good thing.
Psalm 34:10

The greatest happiness can be found in the arms of God.
It is blanket security. Something you cannot find from
any other source. No one person can satisfy all our needs,
it is impossible, and it isn't their job. We cannot make ourselves
happy if we choose not to. Circumstances should not be
controlling our thinking and our spirit and our outlook.

If we are living a life of faith, we should be faithful to that faith.
Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me.
John 14:1

Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything
you need, always giving thanks. And God's peace which is so
great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Let the peace that Christ gives CONTROL your thinking,
because you were all called together in ONE body to
have peace. Always be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

You Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you,
because they trust IN you.
Isaiah 26:3

My friends, you have a choice today.. which sounds best?
A life of faith or a life of fear?
A life trusting God or a life trying to control it all yourself?

A man comes and goes, his ways and words recorded,
and God will reward each person according to what
they say and do.

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last.

love always

ps. Share what you have with others, do not seek possessions
more than you do to love others. Seek a life that satisfies,
not one that is self seeking. But one that lives a life of faith
and love towards others. This is true religion and practical
religion, to love one another and give the best of what we
have to God and others.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Strength in Abiding

“I will not go home;
I will not let myself rest.
I will not let my eyes sleep
nor close my eyelids in slumber
until I find a place to build a house for the Lord,
a sanctuary for the Mighty One of Israel.”

Psalm 132:3-5

I was struck by these verses as I read them this week,
what dedication, what utter clarity of seeking God above
all else.

When was the last time you said you would not rest, or close
your eyes until you had sought the Lord?

Has God got a sanctuary in your life? When is the last
time you went there with him and dedicated specific
time alone with him.

The time you spend alone with God is vital. Those
moments of telling him how you feel, and what you
are going through, how much you love him, and just
talking to him are times of refreshing. Times of letting
go of our troubles and trusting God for his provision,
guidance and strength.

Our spiritual life grows or declines directly in proportion
to how much time we spend with God and in his word.

Each day as we open his word it infuses hope and
strength and wisdom in our spirit. Where else do we
get these commodities? They do not come easy
in this troubled world. Yet why is it most of us find
when we start to read the bible there are million things
to distract us? Because satan doesn't want the word of God
to get in our hearts and lives. Satan the loser doesn't want
us to quote the word of God because he knows how utterly
powerful and alive it is.

It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

Isaiah 55:11 NLT

My precious friends, if you are feeling weak and worn down,
or defeated, take time for God. He has the answers,
He sees tomorrow, and He can accomplish what is needed
and no power can stop it! Read the word of God,
cling to it, receive it, apply it to your life and speak it out
loud to your situation. God will prevail and be mighty
in the lives of those who seek his name and submit to
His will and call upon Him and abide with Him.

Only one life
will soon be past
Only what is done
For Christ will last!