
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Rating Christians

copyright Millie Plastaras


For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every
evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is
first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of
mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without
hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown
in peace by those who make peace.

James 3:16-18

There is a phenomenon in our churches and in our
circles of families, and friends..that is a growing trend.
It is practiced by most, in one form or another, and really
is something we should be terribly aware of, and pray about
daily. Tonight we are going to discuss this phenomenon
and the aspects of it, how it affects our spiritual life.

Let us picture several scenes. It is Sunday Morning,
and we are in the church service, dressed in our best
for the Lord, with our Bible in our lap, and listening
to a beautiful choir sing.
The church has stained glass windows,
padded pews, and a great sound system. The choir
is dressed in beautiful robes, and well rehearsed,
the setting serene and religious.
In the door comes a woman, with tattered clothes,
unkempt hair and she looks like she hasn't bathed
in a while. You notice people visibly move away from
her. And she sits down in the last pew..longing for some
words that will encourage her heart.. for you see.. she has
a heart and needs too. Her life has been filled
with disappointment and hurt, and she came in the
church, longing for healing and fellowship.

Will she find it? Who will recognize the
heart needs of this woman and minister to her?

Let us suppose another scene: We have a Christian friend,
whom we have known for years. But we have some
differences in our beliefs, and when we are away from
each other, we find ourselves thinking how thankful
we are that we have more truth within us.

Like a Pharisee suddenly we imagine ourselves
as more important and perfect before God,
forgetting, that God said, there is none righteous,
no not one, there is none that does good and sins not.
Romans 3:10

We see someone from a different church than us,
and instantly our mind forms an opinion. WE, in our
own minds, have become the only bearer of truth.
WE think somehow our thinking and our way of living
is better than everyone else.

But you see.. God made us all individuals. He made
the differences! Sometimes people help them along with
their little quirks, or idiosyncrasies, and their own issues and
internal pain, but we all have these.

Being different from someone else, doesn't ever make
you better. Going to church every Sunday doesn't make
you better than the person who doesn't. Wearing better
clothes than someone doesn't make you a better person.
Being able to pray longer, or louder, or read your Bible
more, doesn't make you better than the person next to
you who is struggling as a new Christian.

The truth is.. we are all on equal footing. WE are all
sinners, in need of saving by the grace of Christ
Some of us have
found that great salvation.. and some are still in need of it.
But we are all loved by God, created by Him for worship
and praise, and service.. and we all will account to Him.

I am surprised that Christians think it is OK to rate other
Christians. Oh well, they go to church every Sunday,
so they get 3 points for that. And I heard they pray every
day.. so they get 3 points for that. And she always dresses
in her finest for the Lord.. so let us give her 2 points for that.

How about the parents who have raised their children in
church, and the children grew up and strayed from God.
How many times have you seen churches look down
on families, whose children went astray? AS if
the parents were totally to blame for a child's rebellion
and poor choices. What ever happened to supporting
each other in prayer... no matter what?
Are those parents less important or beautiful in God's sight
than the parents in church, whose kids still come?

How about single moms and dads who come to church?
Why do we avoid them? Does everyone who comes to
church have to be married with kids to be socially acceptable?

We should not be rating each other!
Pride is in that .. and it is not of God.
WE are called to minister to each other, to love
each other, unconditionally (no prejudice), and
to bear one another's burdens.

God loves the bum on the street as much as He loves you.
God loves the prostitute, even though her life is not what
he desires. When Jesus was here on earth, He did not
discriminate, He ministered to everyone he met.
For all need salvation, all need love and all are created
by God. God .. is a God of mercy and Grace,
we should show those traits, in proportion to how much
of Him, we are filled with, and submitted to.

Don't look down on anyone. Don't think you are better.
Love them, pray for them, especially if you disagree.
Don't let pride rule your spirit. Love them as Jesus would.
It is not about who is best, or who has the most, or
who is most religious. It is about loving each other

Don't speak evil against each other, my dear brothers and
sisters. If you criticize each other and condemn each other,
then you are criticizing and condemning God's law. But
you are not a judge who can decide whether the law is
right or wrong! Your job is to obey it! God alone, who made
the law can rightly judge among us. He alone has the
power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to
condemn your neighbor?

James 4:11-12

Oh Father God, help us to have a servants heart.
To be loving rather than judgmental.
To be forgiving rather than opinionated.
Help us to love all around us, whether we agree with
them or not. Help us to pray for those who persecute
or talk about us, or hurt us. Help us to stop being
offended, and start being a witness. Help us to
remember we are your messengers here on earth,
your witnesses. And by our words we will bless
or condemn, by our actions, our spiritual life is shown.
We cannot hide the truth from you oh Lord, nor those
around us. You bring out all.. and we must obey,
for we will account for every idle word. For every
missed chance to witness, and for everytime we put
our testimony on the line by wrong behavior.

Forgive us, heal us, renew us, and teach us how to
walk wisely, and obediently, obeying your rules,
your concepts, and being a witness by our words and

Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last

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