
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Fulfilled Messianic Prophecies

Good Morning Friends,

Today I want to send you something that I feel
will have a real impact. Please take time
to read the article below by John Ankerberg,
it will fascinate and thrill you.

I run into a lot of naysayers, atheists, agnostics,
and many other religions online in chat rooms. One
thing it has made me do is dig deeper into the word
each time not only to further my knowledge, but
to be able to reason with others WITH scripture.
God's word is very powerful when spoken, it has a life
to it.. in John 1:1 we find out the word is God.

Today I am sharing with you a article, I hope you
will share with your friends. It really helps break
down the argument that no prophecies have
really been fulfilled, and if they have the proof is
nebulous at best. At the end of this letter is a website
with over 100 prophecies that have been fulfilled.
There are more, but this website will be interesting
for you for sure, and something you can share with
others who argue no prophecies have been fulfilled.

Let me know what you think.


copy and paste this into your browser


Fulfilled Messianic Prophecies
By John F. Ankerberg

Think how difficult it would be for someone to predict the
exact city in which the birth of a future US president
would take place seven hundred years from now. The
prophet Micah accurately predicted similar
information -- the birthplace and birth date of the
Messiah seven hundred years prior to the event
(Micah 5:2). How difficult do you think it would be to
indicate the precise form of death that a new, unknown
religious leader would experience one thousand years
from today? Could you predict a new method of
execution not currently known -- one that will not even
be invented for hundreds of years? That's what David
did in 1000 BC when he wrote Psalm 22.

On the other hand, if you were able to think up fifty
specific prophecies about someone in the future you
would never meet, how difficult do you think it would be
for that man to fulfill all fifty of your predictions?

For example, how could someone "arrange" to be born
into a specific family (Gen 12:2-3, 17:1, 5-7; 22:18;
Matthew 1; Galatians 3:15-16) in a specified city,
which is not even in the family's hometown (Micah 5:2;
Matthew 2:5-6; Luke 2:1-7)? How does one
"arrange" to be virgin born (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-24;
Luke 1:26-35)? How does one "arrange" to have God
inform and send a proper messenger to go before him
(Malachi 3:1; Matthew 11:10)? How does one "arrange"
to be consider a prophet "like Moses" (Deuteronomy 18:15;
John 1:45; 5:46; 6:14; 7:40, Acts 3:17-26; 7:37)?

How does one "arrange" to be betrayed for a specific
amount of money, 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:13;
Matthew 27:3-10)? How does someone orchestrate
his own death, which included being put to death by the
strange method of crucifixion, and then arrange to have
his executioners gamble his clothes during the
execution (Psalm 22: Isaiah 53: Matthew 27:31-38)?
How does one plan in advance that his executioners
will carry out their regular practice of breaking the
legs of two victims on either side of him, but not his
own (Psalm 34:20; John 19:33)? Finally, how does a
pretender to being the Messiah "arrange" to be God
(Isaiah 9:6; Zechariah 12:10; John 1:1; 10:30; 14:6),
and how could he possibly escape from a grave and
appear to people after he has been killed (Psalm 22;
Isaiah 53:9, 11: Luke 24; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8)?

It might be possible to fake one or two of these
predictions, but it would be impossible for any man
to arrange and fulfill all these predictions (and many
others) in advance. So, if it can be proven that such
prophecies were predicted about the Messiah hundreds
of years in advance, and one man fulfilled all of them,
then that man would logically have to be the predicted
Messiah of the Old Testament.

God gave hundreds of prophecies about the Messiah
for at least two reasons: to make identifying the Messiah
obvious, and to make an impostor's task impossible.
With all the identifying characteristics in the Old
Testament that point to one man, the science of
probability tells us that, not only is this particular
Man the Messiah, but also that God indeed exists.

taken from The Tim LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible
copyright 2000 by AMG publishers

it is only one of the listed articles that speak
to the accuracy of the Bible and prophecies fulfilled
and yet to be fulfilled.

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