Waiting for Peace.
Good Morning Everyone,
Have you been waiting for peace to happen?
It isn't something you can buy at the store.
There is no prescription that can restore peace to your heart.
There is no one person that can bring peace to your heart
on this earth. People may bring comforting words to us,
but peace seems to be a fleeting thing, just as happiness is.
It is here for a moment.. and then ... where did it go?
Peace is a state of mind. Peace does not depend on
our circumstances, it depends on how we handle our
Circumstances should never control a Christians mind
or heart. We are supposed to be walking by faith!!!
If someone gave you a verbal test today, would they rate
your mindset as peaceful?
If not... why not? I think most people believe the world
has changed dramatically in the last decade. It has!
Terrorism is a new worry for everyone, and those breeding
the terrorism, enjoy seeing your discomfort and fear.
It is what they want, they want you to be afraid, they
want your country to be divided politically and fight,
they want to break the back of our economy.
You must remember your God is greater~
So what do we do? When the going gets tough,
the tough get going!
We make peace our mindset.
We make prayer our daily ritual and cause.
We learn to trust God in the storm.
We recognizes circumstances change
His promises are many, and if you want to know
how to find peace, it starts at his feet everyday.
Casting (throwing, giving away, not receiving back)
your burdens upon Him. Then you go out and make
the day useful rather than frittering it away on fear,
despair or hopelessness.
Truth is, as Christians we have work to do. People
around us look to us to see if our faith is really valid,
or if we just say we believe. We should be encouraging
to those around us. We should show courage, we
should show strength, we should impart hope,
because of our trust in Christ and his presence in our lives.
If you are not doing this, it is because you are neglecting
his word, which encourages your heart and gives you
strength. If you are not feeling faith, it is because you
are looking at your circumstances, and not spending
enough time in prayer.
It is that simple my friend. It really is. I have been alive
long enough now, to go through some wretchedly hard
circumstances, and yet through each of them, God was here,
cheering me on, bringing me hope, comforting my heart
and reassuring me this too shall pass, and my child... I love
you dearly, trust in me. Don't get your eyes on the world
or your circumstances, walk in faith and trust in my abilities.
Cling to God. That is the way it is meant to be.
So when the world gets tough, when bad things
happen, when life brings you trials, you are strong,
resiliant and you say, greater is He that is in me, than
he that is in the world.
And you go out with a brave face, and show the world
that Jesus has shown you a better way, and you can
be strong and full of faith, in the face of dire times.
God loves you my friend. Get real in your relationship with
Him, start each day in the word of God, it is alive and will
impart strength, comfort and hope in your spirit that will
last you all day. And in the moments you feel worry or
fear, run to him, and release it and let him be your
Abba Father, Your Daddy, and let Him be in charge.
I love you so much, please take this message to heart.
God wanted you to know.
For our light, momentary affliction
(this slight distress of the passing hour)
is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing
and achieving for us a Everlasting weight of glory -- beyond
all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all
calculations, a vast and transcendant glory and blessedness
never to cease!
Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen
(our circumstances) but to the things that are unseen (God,
faith in God, hope) for the things that are visible are temporary
(brief and fleeting) but the things that are invisible are
deathless and everlasting!
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord
our circumstances are not, they are only for a moment
His presence is forever
His word will outlast a thousand generations,
nothing will prevail but His will, His Word and His great hope and love for us!
Praise God
the tough get going!
We make peace our mindset.
We make prayer our daily ritual and cause.
We learn to trust God in the storm.
We recognizes circumstances change
His promises are many, and if you want to know
how to find peace, it starts at his feet everyday.
Casting (throwing, giving away, not receiving back)
your burdens upon Him. Then you go out and make
the day useful rather than frittering it away on fear,
despair or hopelessness.
Truth is, as Christians we have work to do. People
around us look to us to see if our faith is really valid,
or if we just say we believe. We should be encouraging
to those around us. We should show courage, we
should show strength, we should impart hope,
because of our trust in Christ and his presence in our lives.
If you are not doing this, it is because you are neglecting
his word, which encourages your heart and gives you
strength. If you are not feeling faith, it is because you
are looking at your circumstances, and not spending
enough time in prayer.
It is that simple my friend. It really is. I have been alive
long enough now, to go through some wretchedly hard
circumstances, and yet through each of them, God was here,
cheering me on, bringing me hope, comforting my heart
and reassuring me this too shall pass, and my child... I love
you dearly, trust in me. Don't get your eyes on the world
or your circumstances, walk in faith and trust in my abilities.
Cling to God. That is the way it is meant to be.
So when the world gets tough, when bad things
happen, when life brings you trials, you are strong,
resiliant and you say, greater is He that is in me, than
he that is in the world.
And you go out with a brave face, and show the world
that Jesus has shown you a better way, and you can
be strong and full of faith, in the face of dire times.
God loves you my friend. Get real in your relationship with
Him, start each day in the word of God, it is alive and will
impart strength, comfort and hope in your spirit that will
last you all day. And in the moments you feel worry or
fear, run to him, and release it and let him be your
Abba Father, Your Daddy, and let Him be in charge.
I love you so much, please take this message to heart.
God wanted you to know.
For our light, momentary affliction
(this slight distress of the passing hour)
is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing
and achieving for us a Everlasting weight of glory -- beyond
all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all
calculations, a vast and transcendant glory and blessedness
never to cease!
Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen
(our circumstances) but to the things that are unseen (God,
faith in God, hope) for the things that are visible are temporary
(brief and fleeting) but the things that are invisible are
deathless and everlasting!
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord
our circumstances are not, they are only for a moment
His presence is forever
His word will outlast a thousand generations,
nothing will prevail but His will, His Word and His great hope and love for us!
Praise God
The Weight of Glory
by Max Lucado
“Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Corinthians 4:17 NKJV)
The words “weight of glory” conjure up images of the ancient pan scale. Remember the blindfolded lady of justice? She holds a pan scale- two pans, one on either side of the needle. The weight of a purchase would be determined by placing weights on one side and the purchase on the other.
God does the same with your struggles. On one side he stacks all your burdens. Famines. Firings. Parents who forgot you. Bosses who ignored you. Bad breaks, bad health, bad days. Stack them up, and watch one side of the pan scale plummet.
esponse. Does he remove them? Eliminate the burdens? No, rather than take them, he offsets them. He places an eternal weight of glory on the other side. Endless joy. Measureless peace. An eternity of him. Watch what happens as he sets eternity on your scale.
Everything changes! The burdens lift. The heavy becomes light when weighed against eternity. If life is “just a moment,” can’t we endure any challenge for a moment?
We can be sick for just a moment.
We can be lonely for just a moment.
We can be persecuted for just a moment.
We can struggle for just a moment.
Can’t we?
Can’t we wait for our peace? It’s not about us anyway. And it’s certainly now about now.
From It’s Not About Me
Copyright 2004, Max Lucado
If you want to share my inspirations, please copy and
paste them to a new email in their entirety. Let them
go forth as part of my ministry, so if anyone wants
to contact me to join, or for prayer, they will have the links
left in the email and be able to reach us. Please do not
leave anything out, or claim it as your own.
Please tell your friends about us!
Thank you :)
(Please remember I never give out your email address to anyone,
if you get mail from someone saying I asked you to join their
list or soliciting your mail, it is never through me)
I have often felt that many things that bring us to our knees,
teach us while we are down there to learn to pray.
These possibilities are open to everyone.
Don't tell God you are not good enough, do what He asks.
Don't tell God to send someone else, He asked you.
Don't tell God you don't have time to pray, He said seek me first.
Don't neglect the things of God. He said we are to
pick up His cross daily and follow Him.
Don't tell God anything is bigger than His ability.
God is the Great I Am, I am whatever you need.
There is no pit so deep, God's love is not deeper still.
Not my will but thine oh Lord.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
The Weight of Glory
by Max Lucado
“Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Corinthians 4:17 NKJV)
The words “weight of glory” conjure up images of the ancient pan scale. Remember the blindfolded lady of justice? She holds a pan scale- two pans, one on either side of the needle. The weight of a purchase would be determined by placing weights on one side and the purchase on the other.
God does the same with your struggles. On one side he stacks all your burdens. Famines. Firings. Parents who forgot you. Bosses who ignored you. Bad breaks, bad health, bad days. Stack them up, and watch one side of the pan scale plummet.
esponse. Does he remove them? Eliminate the burdens? No, rather than take them, he offsets them. He places an eternal weight of glory on the other side. Endless joy. Measureless peace. An eternity of him. Watch what happens as he sets eternity on your scale.
Everything changes! The burdens lift. The heavy becomes light when weighed against eternity. If life is “just a moment,” can’t we endure any challenge for a moment?
We can be sick for just a moment.
We can be lonely for just a moment.
We can be persecuted for just a moment.
We can struggle for just a moment.
Can’t we?
Can’t we wait for our peace? It’s not about us anyway. And it’s certainly now about now.
From It’s Not About Me
Copyright 2004, Max Lucado
If you want to share my inspirations, please copy and
paste them to a new email in their entirety. Let them
go forth as part of my ministry, so if anyone wants
to contact me to join, or for prayer, they will have the links
left in the email and be able to reach us. Please do not
leave anything out, or claim it as your own.
Please tell your friends about us!
Thank you :)
(Please remember I never give out your email address to anyone,
if you get mail from someone saying I asked you to join their
list or soliciting your mail, it is never through me)
I have often felt that many things that bring us to our knees,
teach us while we are down there to learn to pray.
These possibilities are open to everyone.
Don't tell God you are not good enough, do what He asks.
Don't tell God to send someone else, He asked you.
Don't tell God you don't have time to pray, He said seek me first.
Don't neglect the things of God. He said we are to
pick up His cross daily and follow Him.
Don't tell God anything is bigger than His ability.
God is the Great I Am, I am whatever you need.
There is no pit so deep, God's love is not deeper still.
Not my will but thine oh Lord.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
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