Good Morning Everyone,
I guess most of us feel like complaining about our
problems from time to time. We tell anyone who will
listen, and then we expect sympathy.
Something I have noticed in the last few years, is
such a dramatic change in the way people react
to each other's problems. To be honest, most
people have their plate so full, and feel so overwhelmed,
they have little sympathy left for others, that last more
than the few minutes to say "oh I am sorry to hear that".
They might give a polite response, oh I will be praying
for you.. and then walk away and say whew.. glad
that is over.. and then go back into their own
mentality of how in the world am I going to deal
with my own situation.
It is important to remember, we are a body of
Christ, we are to strengthen one another, pray for
one another. And if we are "really" lifting our
needs to God in prayer, and "really" trusting him
our minds and hearts should be burden free, as
we leave it in our hands and go about our business,
being a witness and testimony for Him.
How do I know? I had to learn to do this.. I still
do daily. Just Let Go, and trust God. You are either
taking Him at his word.. or you are allowing doubt
and fear to rule your spirit!
Wow... novel thinking huh?
Why have churches and people changed so very much?
Because they are weary, divided, lonely, overwhelmed
and too busy.
The strongest people I know are ones who not only
have gone through some terrible times, they have
learned from them, become wiser, more prayerful,
more resiliant, stronger~ Those are people we should
be around, so we learn from them.. so we may
be stronger people.
Problems shouldn't defeat us.. they should make us
Let us see what the Psalms say about it.
Instructions for the day:
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel
of the ungodly ( don't take advice from ungodly advisors)
Nor stands in the path of sinners
(corrupt company corrupts)
But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his
Law (word) he meditates day and night
(the word imparts strength, hope and wisdom to our spirit)
He shall be like a tree (strong, resiliant)
planted by the rivers of water
(soaking up the healthy living water)
that brings forth its fruit in season
(wisdom and strength from the trials of life
which produce in us fruits of the spirit, love,
kindness, compassion)
Whose leaf shall not wither
(he shall not become weak and weary)
And whatever He does will prosper
(because his heart is turned toward God
and God's strength, releasing burdens to Him)
Psalm 1:1-3
My friends, this is the meat.. the things we must
know. STay in the word, meditate upon it.. let its
strength infuse your spirit. For the word of God is alive,
powerful, it goes down to the bones and marrow
(the deepest part of our spirit) strengthening boldly
that which is tired and drained. God is on the throne,
he is not weak, his gifts not ceased, his power not
drained, his hope and mercies new each morning.
If you are not dwelling in His provision, changes
are ... you have become weak and weary.
God says, come home my child.. I have all
you need. I am the great I Am. I Am all you will ever
need if you "truly" rely on me, "truly" trust in Me,
"truly" cling to Me. Believe me, and don't let go of it.
I am God, and no man can come against me. I shall
prevail, my word shall not come back void, it shall
go forth and accomplish my will and nothing or no man
can stop it.
Hallelujah.. receive that.
Not only can you release those burdens, and be free,
you can find joy in sorrow, strength in pain,
and wisdom in trials. It is called growing in Christ
and in the wisdom of life. It should be making you stronger
my friends. Strong like a pine tree in a storm.
My son in law Emmett has a mom who is in a wheel
chair from Polio. She is a very strong, wise woman
who has courage for the life she has had to face.
Even at 75 she is still working, and strong in her spirit,
even though her body is getting weaker. A testimony
to the resiliance of the human spirit of someone
who does not give up, but faces life with courage.
When Emmett was smaller and she needed help
getting out of her chair.. she would have him stand
by the chair, and hold his arm out so she could lean
on it.. and she would say Emmett, be a tree.
I never forgot that.. and as life goes on.. now I see
even more clearly.. why we should be strong.. every
minute, in the power of God's might. Rely on Him utterly.
Just be a Tree
"The Pine"
The pine is nearly always placed in disordered and desolate places and it brings all possible elements of order and precision. Lowland trees may lean to this side and that with only a meadow breeze to bend them or a bank of cowslips to make their trunks lean sideways. But let storm and avalanche do their worst, and let the pine find only a ledge of vertical precipice to cling to, the tree will nevertheless grow straight. Thrust a rod from its last shoot down the stem, it shall point to the center of the earth as long as the tree lives.
The most upright Christians are usually reared amid the sternest trials. The divine life within them so triumphs over every difficulty as to render the men, above all others, true and exact. What a noble spectacle is a man whom nothing can warp, a firm decided servant of God, defying hurricanes of temptation!
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
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