Signs for the Journey of Life
copyright Millie Plastaras 6/13/2003
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not;
I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make
darkness light before them, and crooked ways straight.
These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.
Isaiah 42:16
In the United States we are fortunate to have an organized
road and freeway system. There are signs that are
clear that point us to different cities, or freeways,
and roads that lead to every corner of the country.
Many, many countries are not blessed with such
organization or beautifully paved roads, and it is
so much more hazardous and easy to get lost.
We are blessed!
Each road has signs that help us watch out for hazards
or know when to stop, and are vital for a safe journey.
And so it is with our spiritual life. God has a roadmap for
our life, made just for us. A specific plan and journey.
Planned before we were born. Even as we were being
formed inside our Mother, He knew our name, and
drew up plans for us. But we need to watch for signs
along the way, and follow the guidebook which
is vital for a safe journey. We don't want to get lost
along the way!
Traffic lights are a wonderful convenience, although
I am sure some folks find them frustrating, and time
delaying, yet if we didn't have them, the traffic problems
would be horrendous, and the bullies would win.
This brings order out of chaos. We know when to stop,
and when to go, and when to be cautious.
We need to watch for the traffic lights in our daily life.
We need to know when to go, when to stop and when
to just pray and be cautious. This comes from a vital
prayer life. It opens us up to the presence and guidance
of the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. When
we are obedient to his "signs" we find it a safer
and more exciting journey. Not only are we guided,
we are taught, and protected. It gives us an edge
on daily living, we can be sure of the journey ahead.
Sometimes we run into a sign that shows dangerous
when wet. Or watch for the curves. This shows us there
could be dangers ahead. We know what specific things
to watch for. And so does the word of God teach us.
It teaches us the hazards, hidden sins, and tricks of
the powers of darkness and satan the loser to cause
problems and heartaches along the way.
It brings things to mind, that would not occur to us on
a natural basis, and makes us so much wiser, and more
aware. It gives us years of wisdom, by reading and applying it.
There are signs that tell us of heights, or of valleys. We know
we will be going up or down. And it will be scenic along
the way, but perhaps hazardous upon occasion, maybe
even patches of fog, or storms that may lie hidden ahead.
The Bible tells us to look unto the Hills from whence comes
our help. Our help comes from the Lord who made
heaven and earth. We know our source, we know He
has the journey planned, and no matter the terrain,
we know He is driving us through it. The master of our
transportation. What comfort this brings to our spirit.
There are sometimes stop signs. It is a warning to look
around us, to be aware of our environment, and for
opposing traffic. It has saved many lives to those
who are obedient. Sometimes we need to recognize
stop signs in our spiritual life, when God is cautioning
us that we must stop what we are doing. We are going
the wrong direction. Stop the behavior, stop the
negative thinking, stop disobeying me. God wants
you to be a careful listener. It can spare you great trouble
along the way, when you listen for that still small voice
cautioning you to stop, and listen for new ways to go.
No matter what the road ahead, we know that the
creator of the Universe knows the journey, the hazards,
and the powers that lie ahead. He has the provisions,
the powers, the strength, the wisdom, and the answers.
Nothing is too difficult for Him. Even if we break down
He has all the tools and provisions for whatever we need.
It all hinges on our obedience.
We can obey, or face unknown dangers and hard times......trying to control things ourselves. When we finally get tired of trying to control things.. God.. who has been patiently waiting says, I could have saved you hundreds of miles and lots of repairs and hard times. Why did you wait so long to listen to my voice, and to obey my will?
Like the children of Israel, who could have covered
those miles in a short time, yet because of their
disobedience, complaining and stubbornness it
took them 40 years! Some never made it to the
promised land because of that disobedience.
Many lives are wasted, and accomplish so little, because
they were directed by the wrong things, the wrong people,
and sadly, without long term goals. Without God!
When we come to the
end of the journey.. we will find the ultimate truth.
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, For Christ will last.
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