Good Morning Everyone,
If you recall yesterday I sent out a very heartfelt and
prayerful devotion about people who rate Christians.
I received a letter chastising me for this, because they
felt that if someone came in to the church in dirty
clothes, they should be asked to leave until they have
nice clothes to wear to church.
I am reminded of how angry Jesus got with the
way people judge each other. I know that while He
walked the earth, he walked around with publicans,
sinners, prostitutes, he got around the demon
possessed. Jesus came to earth and died for
everyone's sins. He had a heart of compassion
He looked beyond people's flaws and outward
appearance, and looked on the heart.
Jesus said: Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means,
I desire mercy and not sacrifice, For I did not come to clal
the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.
Matthew 9:13-14
What a revolutionary message he
brought to a world so used to legality in their church
and not love.
He taught a new covenant. To love one another.
We know people will come to church, who will
not be where they should be spiritually. If we cast
them out.. who will tell them about Christ?
If you are legalistic, and chase people away from
God, by your very judgmental, religious snobbery
do not expect your church to grow. It will become
stagnant and die.
James said:
If there should come into your assembly a man with gold
rings and fine apparel, and there should also come in
a poor man in filthy clothes, and you pay attention to
the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him,
" You sit here in a good place." and say to the poor man
"You stand there" or "sit here at my footstool, have you
not shown partiality among yourselves and become
judges with evil thoughts?
Listen my brethren, Has God not chosen the poor of
this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom
which He promised to them who love Him?
But you have dishonored the poor man. Do not the rich
oppress you and drag you into the courts?
If you really fulfill the royal law according the scripture,
You shall love your neighbor as yourself, you do well.
But if you show PARTIALITY, you commit sin,
and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
James 2:1-9
The following story is a classic example I wrote
of a church going wrong.
Please take time to Read the Purple thing below.
I know you will enjoy it.
Copyright Millie Plastaras 3/7/2004
May not be electronically, nor physically reprinted
without authors permission.
The Purple Thing.
Once upon a time there was a village. In this small
village there were 2 churches. They were a bit
different in what they believed, and often had a problem
with each church thinking they were more important
and better informed than the other church.
One day there came to town a person, who felt
herself to be very religious. She had a particular
way of looking at things, of dressing, of doing her work,
and felt that everyone should pretty much feel the same.
This person's name was Dora. Dora had long held
the opinion that she had been raised the "right" way,
and no one else, quite had the edge on wisdom of
life that she did.
Dora visited both churches, and then chose the one
that fit better in with her line of thinking. She got very
involved right away, and joined every women's group,
and set about to "reform" anyone who was a bit
different from she.
Dora loved purple. She thought it was a "divine" color.
It was included in every dress she owned. Her dresses
were long sleeved, high collared, and were always
strewn with bits of purple coloring.
As Dora was sitting at the ladies missionary meeting
one day, she met a young girl, whom she wanted
to take under her wing and mentor. She told Wendy,
that there was just certain right and proper ways to do
things. Dora casually mentioned, I notice you do not
wear any purple clothing. I am utterly shocked. This is
a righteous' color. Even Jesus wore this color. Don't you
want to please Him? Wendy, being young, naive and
impressionable, felt Dora was a wise woman and
must know what she was talking about. After all wasn't
Dora self assured? Didn't Dora attend church everytime
the doors opened? Didn't Dora witness to others, and fix
meals for others? Dora was very religious. So Wendy
decided to start wearing purple.
Soon, Wendy's friends at that little church notice what
was happening and asked Wendy why she always
had purple in her clothing. Wendy, who had suddenly
become "the" informed one, said, why anyone knows
you can only be righteous when you wear purple clothes.
Soon everyone that went to that church, felt the pressure,
and if they didn't wear purple in their clothing.. other people
just "knew" they weren't righteous. So the "Purple Thing"
took over this little village, where before people had
pretty much been friendly with each other.
Suddenly, there was a new standard. If you weren't
purple, you weren't anything. You just didn't fit in,
and you were looked down upon.
Then came a stranger to town one day, and He sat in
this church a few weeks, and noticed the "purple trend,"
and overheard the discussions about the reasoning
behind it. He watched the demeanor of those with
the "purple" righteousness. How they were so
haughty with anyone that didn't wear the purple.
And how the whole church had changed because
of one woman's misinformed, misguided belief
that she knew better than anyone else.
This man was soon to be the new preacher voted in
by the district board. And He had come to town,
just to check things out. He went home and prayed
fervently about the scenes he had witnessed at this
small church. And it became a great burden to His heart.
Because He, and only He, recognized that people had
forgotten what they were going to church for - Jesus.
To worship Jesus, and to love one another.
You see, this man knew that it wasn't about being purple,
or pink or blue or white, it was about God's great love
for one another, and how the more we love God,
the more that Great Love should dwell within us.
We become a product of our input.
Whatever we sow in our spirit, is what we speak to
those around us.
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag,
and it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and does
not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs
that have been done. Love is not happy with evil, but is
happy with truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It
always trusts, always hopes, and always remains strong.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Jesus answered and said to Him, if anyone loves Me,
He will keep my word, and My Father (God) will love him,
and We will come to him and make Our home with him.
He who does not love Me does not keep My words, and
the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father's (God)
who sent Me.
This is my commandment that you love one another
as I have loved you. Greater love has no man that this,
than to lay down one's life for His friends.
John 14:23-24, John 15:12-13
Only one life,
will soon be past
Only what is done
For Christ will last
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Rating Christians
copyright Millie Plastaras
For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every
evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is
first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of
mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without
hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown
in peace by those who make peace.
James 3:16-18
There is a phenomenon in our churches and in our
circles of families, and friends..that is a growing trend.
It is practiced by most, in one form or another, and really
is something we should be terribly aware of, and pray about
daily. Tonight we are going to discuss this phenomenon
and the aspects of it, how it affects our spiritual life.
Let us picture several scenes. It is Sunday Morning,
and we are in the church service, dressed in our best
for the Lord, with our Bible in our lap, and listening
to a beautiful choir sing.
The church has stained glass windows,
padded pews, and a great sound system. The choir
is dressed in beautiful robes, and well rehearsed,
the setting serene and religious.
In the door comes a woman, with tattered clothes,
unkempt hair and she looks like she hasn't bathed
in a while. You notice people visibly move away from
her. And she sits down in the last pew..longing for some
words that will encourage her heart.. for you see.. she has
a heart and needs too. Her life has been filled
with disappointment and hurt, and she came in the
church, longing for healing and fellowship.
Will she find it? Who will recognize the
heart needs of this woman and minister to her?
Let us suppose another scene: We have a Christian friend,
whom we have known for years. But we have some
differences in our beliefs, and when we are away from
each other, we find ourselves thinking how thankful
we are that we have more truth within us.
Like a Pharisee suddenly we imagine ourselves
as more important and perfect before God,
forgetting, that God said, there is none righteous,
no not one, there is none that does good and sins not.
Romans 3:10
We see someone from a different church than us,
and instantly our mind forms an opinion. WE, in our
own minds, have become the only bearer of truth.
WE think somehow our thinking and our way of living
is better than everyone else.
But you see.. God made us all individuals. He made
the differences! Sometimes people help them along with
their little quirks, or idiosyncrasies, and their own issues and
internal pain, but we all have these.
Being different from someone else, doesn't ever make
you better. Going to church every Sunday doesn't make
you better than the person who doesn't. Wearing better
clothes than someone doesn't make you a better person.
Being able to pray longer, or louder, or read your Bible
more, doesn't make you better than the person next to
you who is struggling as a new Christian.
The truth is.. we are all on equal footing. WE are all
sinners, in need of saving by the grace of Christ
Some of us have
found that great salvation.. and some are still in need of it.
But we are all loved by God, created by Him for worship
and praise, and service.. and we all will account to Him.
I am surprised that Christians think it is OK to rate other
Christians. Oh well, they go to church every Sunday,
so they get 3 points for that. And I heard they pray every
day.. so they get 3 points for that. And she always dresses
in her finest for the Lord.. so let us give her 2 points for that.
How about the parents who have raised their children in
church, and the children grew up and strayed from God.
How many times have you seen churches look down
on families, whose children went astray? AS if
the parents were totally to blame for a child's rebellion
and poor choices. What ever happened to supporting
each other in prayer... no matter what?
Are those parents less important or beautiful in God's sight
than the parents in church, whose kids still come?
How about single moms and dads who come to church?
Why do we avoid them? Does everyone who comes to
church have to be married with kids to be socially acceptable?
We should not be rating each other!
Pride is in that .. and it is not of God.
WE are called to minister to each other, to love
each other, unconditionally (no prejudice), and
to bear one another's burdens.
God loves the bum on the street as much as He loves you.
God loves the prostitute, even though her life is not what
he desires. When Jesus was here on earth, He did not
discriminate, He ministered to everyone he met.
For all need salvation, all need love and all are created
by God. God .. is a God of mercy and Grace,
we should show those traits, in proportion to how much
of Him, we are filled with, and submitted to.
Don't look down on anyone. Don't think you are better.
Love them, pray for them, especially if you disagree.
Don't let pride rule your spirit. Love them as Jesus would.
It is not about who is best, or who has the most, or
who is most religious. It is about loving each other
Don't speak evil against each other, my dear brothers and
sisters. If you criticize each other and condemn each other,
then you are criticizing and condemning God's law. But
you are not a judge who can decide whether the law is
right or wrong! Your job is to obey it! God alone, who made
the law can rightly judge among us. He alone has the
power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to
condemn your neighbor?
James 4:11-12
Oh Father God, help us to have a servants heart.
To be loving rather than judgmental.
To be forgiving rather than opinionated.
Help us to love all around us, whether we agree with
them or not. Help us to pray for those who persecute
or talk about us, or hurt us. Help us to stop being
offended, and start being a witness. Help us to
remember we are your messengers here on earth,
your witnesses. And by our words we will bless
or condemn, by our actions, our spiritual life is shown.
We cannot hide the truth from you oh Lord, nor those
around us. You bring out all.. and we must obey,
for we will account for every idle word. For every
missed chance to witness, and for everytime we put
our testimony on the line by wrong behavior.
Forgive us, heal us, renew us, and teach us how to
walk wisely, and obediently, obeying your rules,
your concepts, and being a witness by our words and
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last
For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every
evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is
first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of
mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without
hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown
in peace by those who make peace.
James 3:16-18
There is a phenomenon in our churches and in our
circles of families, and friends..that is a growing trend.
It is practiced by most, in one form or another, and really
is something we should be terribly aware of, and pray about
daily. Tonight we are going to discuss this phenomenon
and the aspects of it, how it affects our spiritual life.
Let us picture several scenes. It is Sunday Morning,
and we are in the church service, dressed in our best
for the Lord, with our Bible in our lap, and listening
to a beautiful choir sing.
The church has stained glass windows,
padded pews, and a great sound system. The choir
is dressed in beautiful robes, and well rehearsed,
the setting serene and religious.
In the door comes a woman, with tattered clothes,
unkempt hair and she looks like she hasn't bathed
in a while. You notice people visibly move away from
her. And she sits down in the last pew..longing for some
words that will encourage her heart.. for you see.. she has
a heart and needs too. Her life has been filled
with disappointment and hurt, and she came in the
church, longing for healing and fellowship.
Will she find it? Who will recognize the
heart needs of this woman and minister to her?
Let us suppose another scene: We have a Christian friend,
whom we have known for years. But we have some
differences in our beliefs, and when we are away from
each other, we find ourselves thinking how thankful
we are that we have more truth within us.
Like a Pharisee suddenly we imagine ourselves
as more important and perfect before God,
forgetting, that God said, there is none righteous,
no not one, there is none that does good and sins not.
Romans 3:10
We see someone from a different church than us,
and instantly our mind forms an opinion. WE, in our
own minds, have become the only bearer of truth.
WE think somehow our thinking and our way of living
is better than everyone else.
But you see.. God made us all individuals. He made
the differences! Sometimes people help them along with
their little quirks, or idiosyncrasies, and their own issues and
internal pain, but we all have these.
Being different from someone else, doesn't ever make
you better. Going to church every Sunday doesn't make
you better than the person who doesn't. Wearing better
clothes than someone doesn't make you a better person.
Being able to pray longer, or louder, or read your Bible
more, doesn't make you better than the person next to
you who is struggling as a new Christian.
The truth is.. we are all on equal footing. WE are all
sinners, in need of saving by the grace of Christ
Some of us have
found that great salvation.. and some are still in need of it.
But we are all loved by God, created by Him for worship
and praise, and service.. and we all will account to Him.
I am surprised that Christians think it is OK to rate other
Christians. Oh well, they go to church every Sunday,
so they get 3 points for that. And I heard they pray every
day.. so they get 3 points for that. And she always dresses
in her finest for the Lord.. so let us give her 2 points for that.
How about the parents who have raised their children in
church, and the children grew up and strayed from God.
How many times have you seen churches look down
on families, whose children went astray? AS if
the parents were totally to blame for a child's rebellion
and poor choices. What ever happened to supporting
each other in prayer... no matter what?
Are those parents less important or beautiful in God's sight
than the parents in church, whose kids still come?
How about single moms and dads who come to church?
Why do we avoid them? Does everyone who comes to
church have to be married with kids to be socially acceptable?
We should not be rating each other!
Pride is in that .. and it is not of God.
WE are called to minister to each other, to love
each other, unconditionally (no prejudice), and
to bear one another's burdens.
God loves the bum on the street as much as He loves you.
God loves the prostitute, even though her life is not what
he desires. When Jesus was here on earth, He did not
discriminate, He ministered to everyone he met.
For all need salvation, all need love and all are created
by God. God .. is a God of mercy and Grace,
we should show those traits, in proportion to how much
of Him, we are filled with, and submitted to.
Don't look down on anyone. Don't think you are better.
Love them, pray for them, especially if you disagree.
Don't let pride rule your spirit. Love them as Jesus would.
It is not about who is best, or who has the most, or
who is most religious. It is about loving each other
Don't speak evil against each other, my dear brothers and
sisters. If you criticize each other and condemn each other,
then you are criticizing and condemning God's law. But
you are not a judge who can decide whether the law is
right or wrong! Your job is to obey it! God alone, who made
the law can rightly judge among us. He alone has the
power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to
condemn your neighbor?
James 4:11-12
Oh Father God, help us to have a servants heart.
To be loving rather than judgmental.
To be forgiving rather than opinionated.
Help us to love all around us, whether we agree with
them or not. Help us to pray for those who persecute
or talk about us, or hurt us. Help us to stop being
offended, and start being a witness. Help us to
remember we are your messengers here on earth,
your witnesses. And by our words we will bless
or condemn, by our actions, our spiritual life is shown.
We cannot hide the truth from you oh Lord, nor those
around us. You bring out all.. and we must obey,
for we will account for every idle word. For every
missed chance to witness, and for everytime we put
our testimony on the line by wrong behavior.
Forgive us, heal us, renew us, and teach us how to
walk wisely, and obediently, obeying your rules,
your concepts, and being a witness by our words and
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last
Signs for the Journey of Life
Signs for the Journey of Life
copyright Millie Plastaras 6/13/2003
And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not;
I will lead them in paths that they have not known; I will make
darkness light before them, and crooked ways straight.
These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.
Isaiah 42:16
In the United States we are fortunate to have an organized
road and freeway system. There are signs that are
clear that point us to different cities, or freeways,
and roads that lead to every corner of the country.
Many, many countries are not blessed with such
organization or beautifully paved roads, and it is
so much more hazardous and easy to get lost.
We are blessed!
Each road has signs that help us watch out for hazards
or know when to stop, and are vital for a safe journey.
And so it is with our spiritual life. God has a roadmap for
our life, made just for us. A specific plan and journey.
Planned before we were born. Even as we were being
formed inside our Mother, He knew our name, and
drew up plans for us. But we need to watch for signs
along the way, and follow the guidebook which
is vital for a safe journey. We don't want to get lost
along the way!
Traffic lights are a wonderful convenience, although
I am sure some folks find them frustrating, and time
delaying, yet if we didn't have them, the traffic problems
would be horrendous, and the bullies would win.
This brings order out of chaos. We know when to stop,
and when to go, and when to be cautious.
We need to watch for the traffic lights in our daily life.
We need to know when to go, when to stop and when
to just pray and be cautious. This comes from a vital
prayer life. It opens us up to the presence and guidance
of the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. When
we are obedient to his "signs" we find it a safer
and more exciting journey. Not only are we guided,
we are taught, and protected. It gives us an edge
on daily living, we can be sure of the journey ahead.
Sometimes we run into a sign that shows dangerous
when wet. Or watch for the curves. This shows us there
could be dangers ahead. We know what specific things
to watch for. And so does the word of God teach us.
It teaches us the hazards, hidden sins, and tricks of
the powers of darkness and satan the loser to cause
problems and heartaches along the way.
It brings things to mind, that would not occur to us on
a natural basis, and makes us so much wiser, and more
aware. It gives us years of wisdom, by reading and applying it.
There are signs that tell us of heights, or of valleys. We know
we will be going up or down. And it will be scenic along
the way, but perhaps hazardous upon occasion, maybe
even patches of fog, or storms that may lie hidden ahead.
The Bible tells us to look unto the Hills from whence comes
our help. Our help comes from the Lord who made
heaven and earth. We know our source, we know He
has the journey planned, and no matter the terrain,
we know He is driving us through it. The master of our
transportation. What comfort this brings to our spirit.
There are sometimes stop signs. It is a warning to look
around us, to be aware of our environment, and for
opposing traffic. It has saved many lives to those
who are obedient. Sometimes we need to recognize
stop signs in our spiritual life, when God is cautioning
us that we must stop what we are doing. We are going
the wrong direction. Stop the behavior, stop the
negative thinking, stop disobeying me. God wants
you to be a careful listener. It can spare you great trouble
along the way, when you listen for that still small voice
cautioning you to stop, and listen for new ways to go.
No matter what the road ahead, we know that the
creator of the Universe knows the journey, the hazards,
and the powers that lie ahead. He has the provisions,
the powers, the strength, the wisdom, and the answers.
Nothing is too difficult for Him. Even if we break down
He has all the tools and provisions for whatever we need.
It all hinges on our obedience.
We can obey, or face unknown dangers and hard times......trying to control things ourselves. When we finally get tired of trying to control things.. God.. who has been patiently waiting says, I could have saved you hundreds of miles and lots of repairs and hard times. Why did you wait so long to listen to my voice, and to obey my will?
Like the children of Israel, who could have covered
those miles in a short time, yet because of their
disobedience, complaining and stubbornness it
took them 40 years! Some never made it to the
promised land because of that disobedience.
Many lives are wasted, and accomplish so little, because
they were directed by the wrong things, the wrong people,
and sadly, without long term goals. Without God!
When we come to the
end of the journey.. we will find the ultimate truth.
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, For Christ will last.
A Work In Progress
A Work In Progress
copyrighted by Millie Plastaras 8/6/2006
Have you ever been around a group of people,
and emotions got so out of control, that it was almost
unbearable to stay there and try to deal with it?
What about in your family situations? We are all so
vulnerable to our families.. they know us so well... they know
our past, and they know the right buttons to push, either
to encourage or to discourage. They know how to uplift
or make us feel like nothing.
Those are not easy things to cope with. I was recently
in a situation with some people.. twice actually,
where things I said were taken another way, and it
seemed there was no way to fix it. Not only did they
not hear what I was saying, they didn't seem to want to.
I think they really wanted to find fault with me, for
whatever reason. Perhaps some unexpressed displeasure
at something I have said or done in the past.
The need to be right and find fault superceded the need
to forgive and love anyway.
Something we all battle with.
Sometimes in family settings, I tend to feel guilty for
things of the past I should have done and did not do,
or did do, and wish I had not.
How do we deal with all these things? How do
we learn coping skills for what life throws at us,
whether emotions, hard circumstances, death,
loss, illness, failure, or even rejection. There are many
things in life we must "go through".
Therein lies the key.
We do not stay in the situation,
we work through it, and eventually come out
on the other side.
Some people do not... they want to stay there
in that hurtful place, and rehearse the remarks
that were said to them, and the rejection they
felt and play it over and over in their mind,
never forgiving, never moving on, and never
feeling good about themselves. They would
rather live a life of defeat and dwell in the past
than set goals for the future and remake their
life. Sometimes they do not realize this is
what they are doing, basically, torturing themselves.
We all have new chances everyday. But you,
my dear friends, must make those choices all by yourself.
The good news is, once you decide to change your life,
set new goals, forgive old hurts, you find your path
is so much more free, less encumbered, and certainly
not full of thoughts that constantly bombard our
emotions like they do when we obsess over our
situations and past.
All these things are for a moment, but these too shall pass.
Life moves on, and we must live it while we have it.
Who within the sound of my voice has not made mistakes
and wish they could go back? We cannot, but we can
learn and move on. Forgive yourself my friend, you are
human, confess your faults and failings to the Lord,
allow him to remold you and make you into a new creature
in Him. He loves you dearly, and sees in you, what you CAN
be, not what you Have been.
Behold if anyone is IN Christ, he is a new
creation, old things have passed away, behold
all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17
We may not feel like a new creation, but we are
a creation in progress, we are still under construction,
love your life, live it well, live it for the king of kings
and allow him to steer you through the freeways
of life with their treachery, danger, loss, and frustrations.
He sees the road ahead, and has the perfect solution,
for all of us flawed, short-sighted people out here
who need someone's guidance every hour.
I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies
of God that you present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your
reasonable service!
And do not be conformed to this world (cause you
are a new creation) but be transformed (renewed daily)
by the renewing of your mind, that you may
prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect
will of God.
Romans 12:1,2
Remembering, in closing, that old poem,
if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Or, if you fall, pick yourself up, dust yourself
off and start all over again.
You can do all things through Christ who
strengthens you. Even change yourself!
Never give up, never feel hopeless, never feel
like you are a loser or a failure... yesterday is
history, leave it there.
Forgetting those things which are behind and
reaching forward to those things which are ahead.
I press towards the mark (goal) for the prize of
the high calling of God (on my life and yours)
in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:13b-14
Who loved you, and gave himself for you,
even while you were a sinner, he loved you with
a full, abiding, merciful forgiving Love.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Sheep Of His Pasture
Good Morning Everyone,
Each day as I am on the internet, meeting people,
chatting with them, one thing is so crystal clear,
so resounding within my spirit.
Many talk about God, many fight about Him,
many deny Him, but those who know the Shepherd
speak in a different voice.
It is one that is humble, compassionate, not
self centered, one who is longsuffering, kind, forgiving,
one who lifts the name of Jesus, and not anything else
above it.
For those who have developed a servants heart
there is a crystal clear viewpoint.
He must increase, but I must decrease.
Let us be mindful each day... we are the sheep of His pasture,
He is in charge. We are on a journey He bestowed upon
us, make your light so shine before men, that they
see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.
We only have one life,
and this one life is our chance to serve or reject Him.
Being a sheep is glorious.. we have a shepherd who
watches over us constantly, and cares about all our
Speak so that others see Jesus in you and long
for the shepherd of your soul.. to be their shepherd also.
Endless recitations and mumblings of vain repetitions
of doctrinal divides do not bring the Lamb of God
to people.. only talking about the gospel of Christ
will draw people to God. The rest of it.. is vanity.
Let God be God.. we.. are the sheep of His pasture.
Following, submitting, seeking His pleasure and guidance.
If our gospel be hid, it is hid to those who are lost, and
then, we have not done our job for our Shepherd, and
some soul may remain lost.. because we did not listen
to the call upon our life.
There was once a Shakespearean actor who was known everywhere for his one- man shows of readings and recitations from the classics. He would always end his performance with a dramatic reading of Psalm 23.
Each night, without exception, as the actor began his recitation - "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want"…the crowd would listen attentively. And then, at the conclusion of the Psalm, they would rise in thunderous applause in appreciation of the actor's incredible ability to bring the verse to life.
But one night, just before the actor was to offer his customary recital of Psalm 23, a young man from the audience spoke up. "Sir, do you mind if tonight I recite Psalm 23?" The actor was quite taken back by this unusual request, but he allowed the young man to come forward and stand front and center on the stage to recite the Psalm, knowing that the ability of this unskilled youth would be no match for his own talent.
With a soft voice, the young man began to recite the words of the Psalm. When he was finished, there was no applause. There was no standing ovation as on other nights. All that could be heard was the sound of weeping. The audience had been so moved by the young man's recitation that every eye was full of tears. Amazed by what he had heard, the actor said to the youth, "I don't understand. I have been performing Psalm 23 for years. I have a lifetime of experience and training - but I have never been able to move an audience as you have tonight. Tell me, what is your secret?"
The young man quietly replied, "Well sir, you know the Psalm...I know the Shepherd."
Author Unknown
If you want to share my inspirations, please copy and
paste them to a new email in their entirety. Let them
go forth as part of my ministry, so if anyone wants
to contact me to join, or for prayer, they will have the links
left in the email and be able to reach us. Please do not
leave anything out, or claim it as your own.
Please tell your friends about us!
Thank you :)
(Please remember I never give out your email address to anyone,
if you get mail from someone saying I asked you to join their
list or soliciting your mail, it is never through me)
I have often felt that many things that bring us to our knees,
teach us while we are down there to learn to pray.
These possibilities are open to everyone.
Don't tell God you are not good enough, do what He asks.
Don't tell God to send someone else, He asked you.
Don't tell God you don't have time to pray, He said seek me first.
Don't neglect the things of God. He said we are to
pick up His cross daily and follow Him.
Don't tell God anything is bigger than His ability.
God is the Great I Am, I am whatever you need.
There is no pit so deep, God's love is not deeper still.
Not my will but thine oh Lord.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
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Each day as I am on the internet, meeting people,
chatting with them, one thing is so crystal clear,
so resounding within my spirit.
Many talk about God, many fight about Him,
many deny Him, but those who know the Shepherd
speak in a different voice.
It is one that is humble, compassionate, not
self centered, one who is longsuffering, kind, forgiving,
one who lifts the name of Jesus, and not anything else
above it.
For those who have developed a servants heart
there is a crystal clear viewpoint.
He must increase, but I must decrease.
Let us be mindful each day... we are the sheep of His pasture,
He is in charge. We are on a journey He bestowed upon
us, make your light so shine before men, that they
see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.
We only have one life,
and this one life is our chance to serve or reject Him.
Being a sheep is glorious.. we have a shepherd who
watches over us constantly, and cares about all our
Speak so that others see Jesus in you and long
for the shepherd of your soul.. to be their shepherd also.
Endless recitations and mumblings of vain repetitions
of doctrinal divides do not bring the Lamb of God
to people.. only talking about the gospel of Christ
will draw people to God. The rest of it.. is vanity.
Let God be God.. we.. are the sheep of His pasture.
Following, submitting, seeking His pleasure and guidance.
If our gospel be hid, it is hid to those who are lost, and
then, we have not done our job for our Shepherd, and
some soul may remain lost.. because we did not listen
to the call upon our life.
There was once a Shakespearean actor who was known everywhere for his one- man shows of readings and recitations from the classics. He would always end his performance with a dramatic reading of Psalm 23.
Each night, without exception, as the actor began his recitation - "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want"…the crowd would listen attentively. And then, at the conclusion of the Psalm, they would rise in thunderous applause in appreciation of the actor's incredible ability to bring the verse to life.
But one night, just before the actor was to offer his customary recital of Psalm 23, a young man from the audience spoke up. "Sir, do you mind if tonight I recite Psalm 23?" The actor was quite taken back by this unusual request, but he allowed the young man to come forward and stand front and center on the stage to recite the Psalm, knowing that the ability of this unskilled youth would be no match for his own talent.
With a soft voice, the young man began to recite the words of the Psalm. When he was finished, there was no applause. There was no standing ovation as on other nights. All that could be heard was the sound of weeping. The audience had been so moved by the young man's recitation that every eye was full of tears. Amazed by what he had heard, the actor said to the youth, "I don't understand. I have been performing Psalm 23 for years. I have a lifetime of experience and training - but I have never been able to move an audience as you have tonight. Tell me, what is your secret?"
The young man quietly replied, "Well sir, you know the Psalm...I know the Shepherd."
Author Unknown
If you want to share my inspirations, please copy and
paste them to a new email in their entirety. Let them
go forth as part of my ministry, so if anyone wants
to contact me to join, or for prayer, they will have the links
left in the email and be able to reach us. Please do not
leave anything out, or claim it as your own.
Please tell your friends about us!
Thank you :)
(Please remember I never give out your email address to anyone,
if you get mail from someone saying I asked you to join their
list or soliciting your mail, it is never through me)
I have often felt that many things that bring us to our knees,
teach us while we are down there to learn to pray.
These possibilities are open to everyone.
Don't tell God you are not good enough, do what He asks.
Don't tell God to send someone else, He asked you.
Don't tell God you don't have time to pray, He said seek me first.
Don't neglect the things of God. He said we are to
pick up His cross daily and follow Him.
Don't tell God anything is bigger than His ability.
God is the Great I Am, I am whatever you need.
There is no pit so deep, God's love is not deeper still.
Not my will but thine oh Lord.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
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Cherish Hope
Good Morning Everyone,
Last night as I was pondering over what to write today,
it came to me how weary most people are in their
spirit right now. They are worn down from life,
they are fearful about what will happen next,
and they feel lonely, and sometimes helpless.
Lately my life has been a big battle physically.
I am unable to sleep much due to asthma, and I am
in pretty severe pain most of the time from degenerative
disc disease. Its pretty challenging to keep a good attitude,
I am tired, worn out and sometimes I think God, I don't want
to go through all this. I know many of you are going
through the same thing, in one form or another.
Then... I meet someone who needs a word of encouragement,
and they tell me what is going on in their life, and because
of what I have gone through, my empathy is greater,
my ability to understand their position stronger,
and my desire to pray for them deeper.
Hard times produce patience in us, they produce
a resiliance in our spirit we would not have otherwise.
These things strengthen us, teach us courage,
and wisdom.
How very selfish and self focused we would be if
everything went smoothly all the time. We would never
have a reason to change, or learn or grow, because
everything was perfect.
I am not sure why people have to suffer so much. Its
no fun not being well, or being able to get out and do
things your heart longs to do.
But this I know. Each morning, I can crawl into
God's arms, and feel them surround me as I draw
close to Him in prayer. I can feel his utter, unconditional,
sustaining, precious love that loves me as is, because
I am his child. I feel that comfort, that everything is
going to be ok. And that He will be with me through it all.
Sometimes our struggles are lessons.
Sometimes our lessons are struggles.
But through all of this, if we learn, and allow God to
permeate our lives, our spirit, our being, we can
be a light to all who meet us. Hey, look at all they
are going through, and still they have a spirit of joy
and compassion.
And if we are (his) children, then we are His heirs also;
heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ -- sharing His
inheritance with Him, only we must share his sufferings
if we are to share His glory.
For I ocnsider that the sufferings of this present time
(this present life) are not worth being compared with
the glory that is about to be revealed to us and for us
and conferred on us.
Romans 8:18-19
For whatever was written in former days was written
for our instruction, that by our steadfast and patient
endurance and the encouragement drawn from
the scriptures we might hold fast and cherish hope!
Romans 15:4
Hope.. is eternal in God. Don't let go of it.. cling to Him,
and find useful things to do, no matter what is going on
in your life today.. someone needs you, and God needs
you to be faithful, resiliant, wise and remember you
are not going through anything alone. Many besides
you are suffering, yet God loves us all and will be with
us to the end.. Cling to your Abba Father.
Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and
of good courage, and let your heart be stout and enduring.
Yes, wait and hope for and expect the Lord.
Psalms 27:14
I will never leave you or forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5
Love always
Proverbs 3:5-6
by Max Lucado
What about your struggles? Is there any chance, any possibility,
that you have been selected to struggle for God's glory? Have you
"been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also
to suffer for Him, but also to suffer for His sake" (Philippians 1:29)?
Here is a clue. Do your prayers seem to be unanswered? What you
request and what you receive aren't matching up? Don't think God is
not listening. Indeed he is. He may have higher plans.
Here is another. Are people strengthened by your struggles? A
friend of mine can answer yes. His cancer was consuming more than
his body; it was eating away at his faith. Unanswered petitions
perplexed him. Well-meaning Christians confused him. "If you have
faith," they said, "you will be healed."
No healing came. Just more chemo, nausea, and questions. He assumed
the fault was a small faith. I suggested another answer. "It's not
about you," I told him. "Your hospital room is a showcase for your
Maker. Your faith in the face of suffering cranks up the volume of
God's song."
Oh, that you could have seen the relief on his face. To know that he
hadn't failed God and God hadn't failed him-this made all the
difference. Seeing his sickness in the scope of God's sovereign plan
gave his condition a sense of dignity. He accepted his cancer as an
assignment from heaven: a missionary to the cancer ward.
A week later I saw him again. "I reflected God," he said, smiling
through a thin face, "to the nurse, the doctors, my friends. Who
knows who needed to see God, but I did my best to make him seen."
Bingo. His cancer paraded the power of Jesus down the Main Street of
his world.
God will use whatever he wants to display his glory. Heavens and
stars. History and nations. People and problems.
Rather than begrudge your problem, explore it. Ponder it. And most
of all, use it. Use it to the glory of God.
Through your problems and mine, may God be seen.
From It's Not About Me
Copyright 2004, Max Lucado
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Just Be A Tree
Good Morning Everyone,
I guess most of us feel like complaining about our
problems from time to time. We tell anyone who will
listen, and then we expect sympathy.
Something I have noticed in the last few years, is
such a dramatic change in the way people react
to each other's problems. To be honest, most
people have their plate so full, and feel so overwhelmed,
they have little sympathy left for others, that last more
than the few minutes to say "oh I am sorry to hear that".
They might give a polite response, oh I will be praying
for you.. and then walk away and say whew.. glad
that is over.. and then go back into their own
mentality of how in the world am I going to deal
with my own situation.
It is important to remember, we are a body of
Christ, we are to strengthen one another, pray for
one another. And if we are "really" lifting our
needs to God in prayer, and "really" trusting him
our minds and hearts should be burden free, as
we leave it in our hands and go about our business,
being a witness and testimony for Him.
How do I know? I had to learn to do this.. I still
do daily. Just Let Go, and trust God. You are either
taking Him at his word.. or you are allowing doubt
and fear to rule your spirit!
Wow... novel thinking huh?
Why have churches and people changed so very much?
Because they are weary, divided, lonely, overwhelmed
and too busy.
The strongest people I know are ones who not only
have gone through some terrible times, they have
learned from them, become wiser, more prayerful,
more resiliant, stronger~ Those are people we should
be around, so we learn from them.. so we may
be stronger people.
Problems shouldn't defeat us.. they should make us
Let us see what the Psalms say about it.
Instructions for the day:
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel
of the ungodly ( don't take advice from ungodly advisors)
Nor stands in the path of sinners
(corrupt company corrupts)
But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his
Law (word) he meditates day and night
(the word imparts strength, hope and wisdom to our spirit)
He shall be like a tree (strong, resiliant)
planted by the rivers of water
(soaking up the healthy living water)
that brings forth its fruit in season
(wisdom and strength from the trials of life
which produce in us fruits of the spirit, love,
kindness, compassion)
Whose leaf shall not wither
(he shall not become weak and weary)
And whatever He does will prosper
(because his heart is turned toward God
and God's strength, releasing burdens to Him)
Psalm 1:1-3
My friends, this is the meat.. the things we must
know. STay in the word, meditate upon it.. let its
strength infuse your spirit. For the word of God is alive,
powerful, it goes down to the bones and marrow
(the deepest part of our spirit) strengthening boldly
that which is tired and drained. God is on the throne,
he is not weak, his gifts not ceased, his power not
drained, his hope and mercies new each morning.
If you are not dwelling in His provision, changes
are ... you have become weak and weary.
God says, come home my child.. I have all
you need. I am the great I Am. I Am all you will ever
need if you "truly" rely on me, "truly" trust in Me,
"truly" cling to Me. Believe me, and don't let go of it.
I am God, and no man can come against me. I shall
prevail, my word shall not come back void, it shall
go forth and accomplish my will and nothing or no man
can stop it.
Hallelujah.. receive that.
Not only can you release those burdens, and be free,
you can find joy in sorrow, strength in pain,
and wisdom in trials. It is called growing in Christ
and in the wisdom of life. It should be making you stronger
my friends. Strong like a pine tree in a storm.
My son in law Emmett has a mom who is in a wheel
chair from Polio. She is a very strong, wise woman
who has courage for the life she has had to face.
Even at 75 she is still working, and strong in her spirit,
even though her body is getting weaker. A testimony
to the resiliance of the human spirit of someone
who does not give up, but faces life with courage.
When Emmett was smaller and she needed help
getting out of her chair.. she would have him stand
by the chair, and hold his arm out so she could lean
on it.. and she would say Emmett, be a tree.
I never forgot that.. and as life goes on.. now I see
even more clearly.. why we should be strong.. every
minute, in the power of God's might. Rely on Him utterly.
Just be a Tree
"The Pine"
The pine is nearly always placed in disordered and desolate places and it brings all possible elements of order and precision. Lowland trees may lean to this side and that with only a meadow breeze to bend them or a bank of cowslips to make their trunks lean sideways. But let storm and avalanche do their worst, and let the pine find only a ledge of vertical precipice to cling to, the tree will nevertheless grow straight. Thrust a rod from its last shoot down the stem, it shall point to the center of the earth as long as the tree lives.
The most upright Christians are usually reared amid the sternest trials. The divine life within them so triumphs over every difficulty as to render the men, above all others, true and exact. What a noble spectacle is a man whom nothing can warp, a firm decided servant of God, defying hurricanes of temptation!
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Friday, August 11, 2006
Waiting For Peace?
Waiting for Peace.
Good Morning Everyone,
Have you been waiting for peace to happen?
It isn't something you can buy at the store.
There is no prescription that can restore peace to your heart.
There is no one person that can bring peace to your heart
on this earth. People may bring comforting words to us,
but peace seems to be a fleeting thing, just as happiness is.
It is here for a moment.. and then ... where did it go?
Peace is a state of mind. Peace does not depend on
our circumstances, it depends on how we handle our
Circumstances should never control a Christians mind
or heart. We are supposed to be walking by faith!!!
If someone gave you a verbal test today, would they rate
your mindset as peaceful?
If not... why not? I think most people believe the world
has changed dramatically in the last decade. It has!
Terrorism is a new worry for everyone, and those breeding
the terrorism, enjoy seeing your discomfort and fear.
It is what they want, they want you to be afraid, they
want your country to be divided politically and fight,
they want to break the back of our economy.
You must remember your God is greater~
So what do we do? When the going gets tough,
the tough get going!
We make peace our mindset.
We make prayer our daily ritual and cause.
We learn to trust God in the storm.
We recognizes circumstances change
His promises are many, and if you want to know
how to find peace, it starts at his feet everyday.
Casting (throwing, giving away, not receiving back)
your burdens upon Him. Then you go out and make
the day useful rather than frittering it away on fear,
despair or hopelessness.
Truth is, as Christians we have work to do. People
around us look to us to see if our faith is really valid,
or if we just say we believe. We should be encouraging
to those around us. We should show courage, we
should show strength, we should impart hope,
because of our trust in Christ and his presence in our lives.
If you are not doing this, it is because you are neglecting
his word, which encourages your heart and gives you
strength. If you are not feeling faith, it is because you
are looking at your circumstances, and not spending
enough time in prayer.
It is that simple my friend. It really is. I have been alive
long enough now, to go through some wretchedly hard
circumstances, and yet through each of them, God was here,
cheering me on, bringing me hope, comforting my heart
and reassuring me this too shall pass, and my child... I love
you dearly, trust in me. Don't get your eyes on the world
or your circumstances, walk in faith and trust in my abilities.
Cling to God. That is the way it is meant to be.
So when the world gets tough, when bad things
happen, when life brings you trials, you are strong,
resiliant and you say, greater is He that is in me, than
he that is in the world.
And you go out with a brave face, and show the world
that Jesus has shown you a better way, and you can
be strong and full of faith, in the face of dire times.
God loves you my friend. Get real in your relationship with
Him, start each day in the word of God, it is alive and will
impart strength, comfort and hope in your spirit that will
last you all day. And in the moments you feel worry or
fear, run to him, and release it and let him be your
Abba Father, Your Daddy, and let Him be in charge.
I love you so much, please take this message to heart.
God wanted you to know.
For our light, momentary affliction
(this slight distress of the passing hour)
is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing
and achieving for us a Everlasting weight of glory -- beyond
all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all
calculations, a vast and transcendant glory and blessedness
never to cease!
Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen
(our circumstances) but to the things that are unseen (God,
faith in God, hope) for the things that are visible are temporary
(brief and fleeting) but the things that are invisible are
deathless and everlasting!
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord
our circumstances are not, they are only for a moment
His presence is forever
His word will outlast a thousand generations,
nothing will prevail but His will, His Word and His great hope and love for us!
Praise God
the tough get going!
We make peace our mindset.
We make prayer our daily ritual and cause.
We learn to trust God in the storm.
We recognizes circumstances change
His promises are many, and if you want to know
how to find peace, it starts at his feet everyday.
Casting (throwing, giving away, not receiving back)
your burdens upon Him. Then you go out and make
the day useful rather than frittering it away on fear,
despair or hopelessness.
Truth is, as Christians we have work to do. People
around us look to us to see if our faith is really valid,
or if we just say we believe. We should be encouraging
to those around us. We should show courage, we
should show strength, we should impart hope,
because of our trust in Christ and his presence in our lives.
If you are not doing this, it is because you are neglecting
his word, which encourages your heart and gives you
strength. If you are not feeling faith, it is because you
are looking at your circumstances, and not spending
enough time in prayer.
It is that simple my friend. It really is. I have been alive
long enough now, to go through some wretchedly hard
circumstances, and yet through each of them, God was here,
cheering me on, bringing me hope, comforting my heart
and reassuring me this too shall pass, and my child... I love
you dearly, trust in me. Don't get your eyes on the world
or your circumstances, walk in faith and trust in my abilities.
Cling to God. That is the way it is meant to be.
So when the world gets tough, when bad things
happen, when life brings you trials, you are strong,
resiliant and you say, greater is He that is in me, than
he that is in the world.
And you go out with a brave face, and show the world
that Jesus has shown you a better way, and you can
be strong and full of faith, in the face of dire times.
God loves you my friend. Get real in your relationship with
Him, start each day in the word of God, it is alive and will
impart strength, comfort and hope in your spirit that will
last you all day. And in the moments you feel worry or
fear, run to him, and release it and let him be your
Abba Father, Your Daddy, and let Him be in charge.
I love you so much, please take this message to heart.
God wanted you to know.
For our light, momentary affliction
(this slight distress of the passing hour)
is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing
and achieving for us a Everlasting weight of glory -- beyond
all measure, excessively surpassing all comparisons and all
calculations, a vast and transcendant glory and blessedness
never to cease!
Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen
(our circumstances) but to the things that are unseen (God,
faith in God, hope) for the things that are visible are temporary
(brief and fleeting) but the things that are invisible are
deathless and everlasting!
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
Hallelujah, Jesus is Lord
our circumstances are not, they are only for a moment
His presence is forever
His word will outlast a thousand generations,
nothing will prevail but His will, His Word and His great hope and love for us!
Praise God
The Weight of Glory
by Max Lucado
“Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Corinthians 4:17 NKJV)
The words “weight of glory” conjure up images of the ancient pan scale. Remember the blindfolded lady of justice? She holds a pan scale- two pans, one on either side of the needle. The weight of a purchase would be determined by placing weights on one side and the purchase on the other.
God does the same with your struggles. On one side he stacks all your burdens. Famines. Firings. Parents who forgot you. Bosses who ignored you. Bad breaks, bad health, bad days. Stack them up, and watch one side of the pan scale plummet.
esponse. Does he remove them? Eliminate the burdens? No, rather than take them, he offsets them. He places an eternal weight of glory on the other side. Endless joy. Measureless peace. An eternity of him. Watch what happens as he sets eternity on your scale.
Everything changes! The burdens lift. The heavy becomes light when weighed against eternity. If life is “just a moment,” can’t we endure any challenge for a moment?
We can be sick for just a moment.
We can be lonely for just a moment.
We can be persecuted for just a moment.
We can struggle for just a moment.
Can’t we?
Can’t we wait for our peace? It’s not about us anyway. And it’s certainly now about now.
From It’s Not About Me
Copyright 2004, Max Lucado
If you want to share my inspirations, please copy and
paste them to a new email in their entirety. Let them
go forth as part of my ministry, so if anyone wants
to contact me to join, or for prayer, they will have the links
left in the email and be able to reach us. Please do not
leave anything out, or claim it as your own.
Please tell your friends about us!
Thank you :)
(Please remember I never give out your email address to anyone,
if you get mail from someone saying I asked you to join their
list or soliciting your mail, it is never through me)
I have often felt that many things that bring us to our knees,
teach us while we are down there to learn to pray.
These possibilities are open to everyone.
Don't tell God you are not good enough, do what He asks.
Don't tell God to send someone else, He asked you.
Don't tell God you don't have time to pray, He said seek me first.
Don't neglect the things of God. He said we are to
pick up His cross daily and follow Him.
Don't tell God anything is bigger than His ability.
God is the Great I Am, I am whatever you need.
There is no pit so deep, God's love is not deeper still.
Not my will but thine oh Lord.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
The Weight of Glory
by Max Lucado
“Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” (2 Corinthians 4:17 NKJV)
The words “weight of glory” conjure up images of the ancient pan scale. Remember the blindfolded lady of justice? She holds a pan scale- two pans, one on either side of the needle. The weight of a purchase would be determined by placing weights on one side and the purchase on the other.
God does the same with your struggles. On one side he stacks all your burdens. Famines. Firings. Parents who forgot you. Bosses who ignored you. Bad breaks, bad health, bad days. Stack them up, and watch one side of the pan scale plummet.
esponse. Does he remove them? Eliminate the burdens? No, rather than take them, he offsets them. He places an eternal weight of glory on the other side. Endless joy. Measureless peace. An eternity of him. Watch what happens as he sets eternity on your scale.
Everything changes! The burdens lift. The heavy becomes light when weighed against eternity. If life is “just a moment,” can’t we endure any challenge for a moment?
We can be sick for just a moment.
We can be lonely for just a moment.
We can be persecuted for just a moment.
We can struggle for just a moment.
Can’t we?
Can’t we wait for our peace? It’s not about us anyway. And it’s certainly now about now.
From It’s Not About Me
Copyright 2004, Max Lucado
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I have often felt that many things that bring us to our knees,
teach us while we are down there to learn to pray.
These possibilities are open to everyone.
Don't tell God you are not good enough, do what He asks.
Don't tell God to send someone else, He asked you.
Don't tell God you don't have time to pray, He said seek me first.
Don't neglect the things of God. He said we are to
pick up His cross daily and follow Him.
Don't tell God anything is bigger than His ability.
God is the Great I Am, I am whatever you need.
There is no pit so deep, God's love is not deeper still.
Not my will but thine oh Lord.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God
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