What to do when people hurt you.
By Millie Plastaras 5/17/2005
copywritten, all rights reserved.
We have all been wounded in life.
Sometimes it is people saying unkind, thoughtless remarks.
Sometimes it is neglect.
Sometimes it is rejection.
Sometimes it is loss, or grief.
Sometimes it is when people walk out of our lives.
Sometimes it is abuse of one form or another.
All of these things accumulate in our spirit and become pain
in our hearts and thinking. They alter the relationships we
have and they make us forever change the way we view
other people.
A natural reaction is to set up a wall around us, keeping
people out and trying to make ourselves safe. We think
by doing this, we won't be hurt anymore.
In fact, this keeps us from truly ever enjoying a relationship
in it's fullest ever again. And the very encouragement
and love we need, the wall prohibits from entering
into our heart.
Sometimes people take everything to heart so deeply,
they become so wounded, they become bitter, and it
grows like a cancer within their hearts. It forever changes
who they are, and it blocks the power of God from their
lives because they have allowed bitterness to become
unforgiveness. Bitterness takes root, and fills the spirit
with many roots, that come out in every word we say,
every deed we do, every relationship we have.
All these hard times, all these losses, all these rejections,
all these times of pain, are life's lessons. They either
make us grow bitter or better. It is simply a choice we
make at the time.
We will all have a time of grieving, of hurting, of tears,
but there has to come a point where we move on.
We all have a need for a time to work through things,
for a time perhaps even be angry or hurt, but there
must also be a time of healing.
If we never reach that point ... we are forever tied to that
person with an umbilical cord of pain, unforgiveness
and sometimes bitterness. We are never free of the past
it has weighed us down, and kept us a slave to the pain.
We are in spiritual bondage. We have no freedom at all
in our spirit. We are weighed down.
One must come to the point where they realize they are
wasting their life on pain, and not living in the present.
My child, have you been hurt? Are you lonely?
Is your heart heavy? Do you feel no one truly understands
you or cares? Do you feel the world is passing you by?
There are a few steps we can take to change this situation
and mindset in our spirit. We have to stand on the promises,
premises and concepts of God.
For God said:
Cast all your care upon me, for I care for you.
1 Peter 5:7
We must go before His presence and bow down,
and say God, I forgive this person who hurt me.
I ask forgiveness for not forgiving them sooner.
I ask for healing from the hurt, the rejection, and the past.
I ask you to cleanse me from all unrighteousness,
all unforgiveness and help me STAND in your
strength, in your hope. Help me stay in your presence
till I feel a release from the past. Till I have peeled my fingers
off of it and let go. Till I have reached the gates of heaven
in my spirit and soared with the wings of eagles, into
the arms of God. Free of the past, free of sin, free of pain,
free of hurt.
Now .. free and fit for your work.
Free to live in today.
Free to savor life.
Free to love everyone.
Free of the pain, the relentless depth of pain that weighed us
down, and destroyed and stole our joy.
I hereby make a contract with you Lord that when
people hurt me again, I will give them to you, and let go
of it immediately, and declare myself free from all bondages
of unforgiveness, anger, resentment and the need to respond
or get even. I declare myself a child of the King of Kings
and I wish to live worthy of that calling, by being all you
have called me to be.
Free in you - at last.
Nothing is worth holding onto.. that keeps me from your
presence oh Lord.
For the time being, no discipline brings joy, but seems
grievous and painful, but afterwards it yields peaceable
fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
A harvest of fruit which consists in righteousness, that is
conformity to God's will in purpose, thought and action,
resulting in right living and right standing with God.
SET RIGHT your slackened and weakened and drooping
hands, and strengthen your feeble and palsied and tottering
And CUT THROUGH and make firm and plain and smooth,
straight paths for your feet. Yes, Make them! Safe and
upright and happy paths that go in the right direction
so that the lame and halting limbs may not be put out
of joint but rather be cured.
Strive to live in peace with everybody, and pursue that
consecration and holiness without which no one will
ever see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:11:13
Amplified Bible
When you have done all you can do... STAND.
Be firm, strong, secure in Gods love for you.
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done for Christ will last