Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Today you were given a fresh chance.
A clean slate yet to be written upon.
Yesterday is history, today is your gift.
What then shall you do with this gift?
What can you invest it in, that will make it count?
Find something useful today to do for someone.
Clean some part of your home that needs it.
Call a friend who is ill. Prepare a meal for a shut in.
Take someone out to lunch you know is going through
problems. Make a list of those in need, and pray for them.
You have a powerful new day within your hands.
No matter what your problems are, you can rise above them,
give them to the Lord Jesus, and go out free from those burdens
and focus on the greater causes in your life, and make
a difference in this world that is so desperately seeking
those who walk the walk and talk the talk.
Let them see the love of Christ in you, and let it dwell richly
in you, that you may be a overcomer, a conqueror,
and a loving advocate for your Father God.
love always
Father God, we come to you today, seeking your guidance.
Make our path clear, and give us a task you would have us
to do today. Show us the needs of those around us
Help us to quit focusing on our own selves, and our problems,
and on the tasks that are so needful.
Father give us strength for our day, light for the way,
hope for the journey and restoration as we sleep.
Make us a instrument of your peace, a light for those
around us, and help us daily to grow in your strength,
knowledge and wisdom.
Thank you for the many blessings you give us each day,
some we don't even take time to notice, but most of all I thank
you that you are ever abiding, and I never have to face
anything alone. You are ALL I will ever need.
Help us to dwell in your presence, focus on our blessings,
lay aside our sorrows, and make our life count.
Make me a blessing to those in my life, and give
me the strength and abilities for all the tasks you have for
me to do in your name, and for your glory.
In Jesus Precious Name. Amen
Author: Unknown
A-lthough things are not perfect
B-ecause of trial or pain
C-ontinue in thanksgiving
D-o not begin to blame
E-ven when the times are hard
F-ierce winds are bound to blow
G-od is forever able
H-old on to what you know
I-magine life without His love
J-oy would cease to be
K-eep thanking Him for all the things
L-ove imparts to thee
M-ove out of "Camp Complaining"
N-o weapon that is known
O-n earth can yield the power
P-raise can do alone
Q-uit looking at the future
R-edeem the time at hand
S-tart every day with worship
T-o "thank" is a command
U-ntil we see Him coming
V-ictorious in the sky
W-e'll run the race with gratitude
X-alting God most high
Y-es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Z -ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
"This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;" - Hebrews 10:16
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Am I My Brother's Keeper?
copyright Millie Plastaras 7/10/2005
And the Lord said to Cain, Where is Abel your brother? He
said "I do not know, am I my brother's keeper?
Genesis 4:9
From the very beginning of time the word of God
stressed the theme of brotherhood, and on the high
priority of how they should treat each other. It often
brings into question, exactly who is my brother,
and how I am responsible to them, or accountable.
If at all?
The word that Cain used for keeper was the
Hebrew word Shamar which means to guard,
protect, to regard.
When God asked Cain if he knew where his brother
was, Cain had the audacity to lie to God, posing
the question, am I to keep track of my brother?
God who sees all things, said What have you done?
The voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the
Genesis 4:10
Cain, was very mistaken. He had forgotten there is nothing
hidden to God. God could even see his brother buried
in the ground. He knew Cain's thoughts before he uttered
words. He knew the sin and desperation in his heart.
God in this verse was letting Cain know.. yes, you are
responsible for your brother, and accountable for what
you say or do to him.
This theme is found throughout scripture. The royal
command is to love one another as God has loved us.
The word says, by this will all men know you are my
disciples if you have love to one another.
So what does this mean to us?
It means I am your sister. It means even if we disagree,
you are to love me with the love of God, which is unconditional.
How easy is this? It isn't. That's the point. WE alone,
cannot attain this level of love. This requires a servant's heart,
stripped of pride and self-will and full of the anointing
of the Holy Spirit, wise beyond our years, full of the wisdom
of God, and his Word.
This requires time spent before the throne of God in
prayer, meditation, worship and reading His Word.
So what if we leave out some of these steps? Our ability
to love others is radically affected.
One of the biggest problems I see in churches and
among Christians now, is a lack of true love. No one knows
how to get along, much less forgive each other.
Everyone carries little grudges they never let go of.
Oh, they say they do, but in their heart is the vestiges of
those little lies about forgiving others, they have not
really forgiven.
People have forgotten how to humble themselves
and love one another even, or in spite of their differences.
People often spend time demonizing people they disagree
with in a effort to make themselves look better, or more
right, or more spiritual. This is not of God my friend.
Pray for them, don't say unkind, thoughtless or hasty words
about them.
One of the keys to a thoughtful mind turned towards loving
others can be found, and directly related to one's
submission to Christ.
What is in our heart the most, comes out through our mouth?
There is no hiding the depths of our heart. Sooner or later
it comes out.
What it should be is:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Against such there is no law.
And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with
it's passions and desires. If we live in the spirit we must
walk in the spirit.
Galatians 5:22-25
You see, if we find we cannot forgive someone,
If we find we cannot love someone,
If we find we are constantly angry with the same person,
Unwilling to back down from our need to be right,
then we need to go back to that cross of Christ
and crucify those things which separate us from
loving God, and loving Others.
You see, we can claim to be Christians, but unless
we are growing, and loving, and learning, and dedicating
ourselves to Christian pursuits, and Christian thinking
and staying in the word, and being powerful in it,
and loving and forgiving, we are not walking with Christ.
We are pursuing our own mindset.
In this the children of God and the children of the devil are
manifested. Whoever does not practice righteousness
is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.
For this is the message that you heard from the beginning,
that we should love one another.
Not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered
his brother. And why did he murder him?
Because his works were evil and his brother's righteous.
1 John 3:10-12
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue,
but in deed and in truth, and by this we know that
we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.
My friend, if you are unable to love someone, pray till you can.
It doesn't mean they have to be your best buddy, or that
you have to talk to them everyday. But it does mean you
have to forgive them unconditionally and love them
with the love that Christ longs to plant in your heart.
To do this, you have to free yourself from the past hurts,
the past unforgiveness, the past angers. Let it Go.
Just give it away, piece by piece, and let God cleanse
your heart and renew your mind, and fill you with His love.
Nothing ... nothing you can do, will make your Christian
life more evident to those around you, than loving God,
and loving others.
Only one life, will soon be past
Only what is done, for Christ will last
Friday, August 22, 2008
Learning To Be Content and Excel
Good Morning Dear Friends,
If I was to take a poll among those of you reading
this email this morning, I wonder how the
results would turn out? How many of you have
perfect, trouble free lives? Waiting...
What? None of you? I am shocked.
Reality check: NO one is perfect, no one will
have trouble free lives, and no one has all they need.
The richest people in the world do not have all they need,
that is why they keep seeking new acquisitions. Money
does not buy happiness, but it can make life easier.
A good attitude is far greater to be desired.
Paul wrote something that we all need to be reminded of
Not that I am referring to being in need; for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. In any case, it was kind of you to share my distress.
Philippians 4:4-13
How many of you today can say I am content with where I am at?
If not, what good does it do not to be content? Does it make
you depressed, unhappy, feeling at loose ends, and not sure
of yourself or your future? To me, not being content is a lack
of faith. It means we are trusting in our circumstances,
and our possessions and not in God.
Life is not about what we accumulate, or own, it is about
how we invest it.
Whatever you are dealing with today, and each of us
probably have a full plate of things to deal with, we must
deal with it in faith. When someone listens to you,
what comes out of your mouth? Poor me? Life is hard?
Isn't this a battle? It is for me. I really struggle with
it because of health. But then I think... you know what,
this is the way it is.. what can I do to make it shine?
What can I do that is worthy today and will make a difference?
I am looking beyond my situation into possibilities of
making it better, of reaching out, of seeking God's word
to inspire my heart with faith, and comfort, and hope
and strength.
I am not going to lay down and die, and give up and
be defeated. I am going to let the words that come
out of my mouth speak faith in God's abilities
and not fear about my situation.
Are we speaking from a viewpoint of a victor or victim?
What can we personally do to change it.
Give it to the Lord Jesus, leave it at his feet, and go
out and make your day the best you can. Invest it
in loving others, loving yourself, filling up with God's word
to fuel your spirit for the day.
Just do it in faith, and be content.
Your life is what it is, make it the best you can and
don't complain. Only you can make it better, no one
else is going to rescue you and do it for you. You have
to make it shine, and be a olympic gold medalist in
your attitude. Never quit, never give up, never
lose your faith or hope. Pick yourself up and start
over again and fight the good fight of faith.
God is watching over you, and will NOT leave you
to face this alone. He will be a constant source
of strength and inspiration. Receive that. Live it.
Walk it. Talk it. Speak it. Just do it.
Let your light so shine before men that they may see
your good works and glorify your Father whom is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Be a light.. to yourself..and others. Climb out of
the valley of discontent, and change your attitude
and change your life. It is the only one you have.
Love always
Thursday, August 14, 2008
We Are Never Alone, Life Is Never Hopeless
I was thinking this week about the agony of unbelief.
We who claim to love God, and call upon his name, often
find ourselves overwhelmed by circumstances.
It is at that very moment we have a choice.
To take God at his Word, and believe every word He ever
said.. or to doubt and dwell in fear and a feeling of hopelessness.
Which sounds more inviting?
Is the world not troubled enough without people of faith
giving up on the God of the Universe?
Yet daily, we see people do this. The circumstances of life
wear on them, people hurt them, they deal with illness, loss
of jobs.. and many other trying and very difficult circumstances.
And yet, instead of going to the source of their Strength,
the God who stretched his hands out and created the universe
out of nothing. The God who made light and darkness,
who created the mountains, the rivers, the stars, the moon and sun,
we doubt? Why would we do this?
Do we think we control things? Can man control his circumstances?
Those that have control issues know they cannot, so they live in fear.
The Lord is my Light and My Salvation -- whom shall I fear or
dread? The Lord is my Refuge and the Stronghold of my life, of whom
shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
But He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord,
He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in HIM will I trust.
Psalm 91:1-2
The fear of man brings a snare,
but because I LEAN on, trust in, and put my confidence
in the Lord, I am safe and set on high.
Proverbs 29:25
God will cover me with his wings; I will be safe in His care;
his faithfulness will protect and defend me. I need not fear
any dangers at night or sudden attacks during the day.
Psalm 91:4-5
My precious friends, we either take Him at His word, and live
like we believe Him and walk in faith, or we walk in fear.
Which do you choose? And how is that working for you?
But as for me?
I dwell in His presence
His Hope
His Sufficiency
His Unlimited Power
His Great Strength
His precious and ever abiding Love
and I will trust no matter what circumstances I face.
Because... With God, Nothing is impossible.
Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, Even the
most High, your dwelling place, NO Evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
For HE has given His angels charge over you, to keep you
in All your ways.
Psalm 91:9-10
What time I am afraid, I shall trust in, rely on, cling to,
hope in, and find sanctuary in, renewal, hope and strength
in your abiding arms. Jesus, who never leaves me or forsakes me.
Love always
Our Father knows what's best for us,
So why should we complain?
We always want the sunshine,
But He knows there must be rain.
We love the sound of laughter
And the merriment of cheer,
But our hearts would lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.
Our Father tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow.
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us with tomorrow.
For growing trees are strengthened
When they withstand the storm,
And the sharp cut of a chisel
Gives the marble grace and form.
God never hurts us needlessly,
And He never wastes our pain,
For every loss He sends to us
Is followed by rich gain.
And when we count the blessings
That God has so freely sent,
We will find no cause for murmuring
And no time to lament,
For our Father loves His children,
And to Him all things are plain,
So He never sends us pleasure
When the soul's deep need is pain.
So whenever we are troubled
And when everything goes wrong,
It is just God working in us
To make our spirits strong.
Helen Steiner Rice